Sealed manual: will be received by the Beard ot Directors of Dbtrlct Nu. MN, [Alto County, lllinula. for the Inbor sud muerinl required (or the redeeoratimt ut mserhel4 Gummur Sehoul. lac-ted in Deerfield, lake County, lllinois. All bids must be “camp-n- iod by a eerti6ed check tor One Hunted Dol- Ilrs 18100.00v pay-hie w the Clerk of the Board of Directors ut District Nu, 109. Like County, Illinub, and in the event tint the :ucueulul bidder falls to enter into I written cuntruct submitted-by the Board " mustar- Mid check will be forfeitvd to Mid Boar ot lllreclurs ut School District Nu. 109. Lake County. Illinois. Bids Inuit be in the hund- of the Clerk on ur before 5:30 p. m. Duyllnht Savinu Time. June It, 1980. Blah to be open. ed in the "the ot the Board ot Dirt-Mon in Deert1el0 Grammar School. DeerfUhi, llllnuiu. The Emmi reserve! the riuht to reject Iny or ull bids and to an!“ any bid. speeitiimtiorm may be obtained from the Principal. C. E. Hates. Deerfield, llllnuia. or from J, E. Smith, Clerk, Tel. H. P. “in. ll 3. St. Juhnn are†Highllnd Park. Illinois. By order of the Bumrd of Directors ut School Ttititriet Nu. 109, Luke County, Illinois. C. W. BOYLE. Premident â€-15 J, E. SMITH. Clerk Thursday, June 5, 1980 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING SUCH SUM OR NUMS OF MONEY As MAY BE NECESAHY TO DEHMY THE NECESSARY AND CURRENT EXPENSES UP THE VILLAGE OF DEERHELD. LAKE COUNTY. ILLI- NOIS. FOR THE FISCAL YEAR Br.. GINNING THE FIRST DAY or' MAY, AD. 1930. AND ENDING ON THE 'lily/f'""" DAY OF APRIL, AD. 19.14 I": IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND new! fAt' It‘ll-STEES .9t,' WW}; ILLINOIS: SEC'I'ION I, That the fulluwInx mmu. or so much thereof In may be luthnrizml by law, In- and the num- If? hereby tunrrovriated for the obéeeta tend purpauao herein nprIIsd to drfray the "mommy and furrcnl t'kPetttH'F "t the VIIIqu- ut Drum-Id. Luke Coanty. Illinois. fur the mum! yen- yesriry.1imr tht, m ftv/f. Muy, All. 1930. ttttd ending on the M April, Am. 1931. FOR SALARIES ur' OFFICERS 1 FOR MAINTENANCE Alir? EEPAIR UP STREETS AND ALLEYS FUR STREET LIGHTING EXPENSE _ I FUR EXPENSE OF POLICE DEPARTMENT FUR CLEANING STREETS AND FOR WATER SUPPLY EXPENSE 1 FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT TEXJEENSE AND FIRE PROTrWc FOR PRINTING. ELECTION. AND NOTICE To INTERIOR DECORATOII costhcyort, . -uipiég" iiitiJir,rigr: FUR LEGAL EXPENSE FOR PAYMENT OF PUBLIC IIENEHTS FOR COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL ur' GARBAGE .. FOR EXPENSE OF' BAND FOR MUSICAL PURPOSES FOR PAYMENTIOF BONDED IN- DEHTEDNESS AND GENERAL IN. TEREST THERHON FOR CONTINGENT. MISCELLAN- EOUS EXPENSES. AND GENER- AL EXPENSES. NOT INCLUDED IN ABOVE _ tho "pprupritttlon" fur In April fit). WHO. are hereby primal tor the name In which they wvru uriuinnll ‘SECTION Hi. Thu or full force And 1rtteet from sum, apprnvul Inn! due pul by 'luv} Aunt Apyruwd AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION or A TWO PER -CENT. INSURANCE TAX FROM FIRE INSIYRANCE COMPANIES DOING BUSINESS IN THE VILLAGE ur' IIEEHI‘IELD. LAKE COUNTY. ILLI- NOM, lil PROVIDED BY STATUTE, AND P OVIDING FOR THE HEN. T DERING or' ACCOUNTS BY AGENTS. THE PAYMENT OF SUCH TAX. THE PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO MAKE REPORT BY SUCH COMPANIEC AND AGENTS. AND THE PAYMENT or SAID MONEY TO THE TREASURER OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. IN THF: VILLAGE OF DEEHI‘IEI.D.. LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. BF. IT ORDAINED RY THF. PRESIDEI AND BOARD, Itt'_19yfr?h' pf THEY“ 'iriii'r:"'iipTbi:eimiirita' ILLINOIS: sac‘rxon I. That all SEC‘I‘ION i. That all eurvorrstiunm com- mini»: and numwiuiionu mn incurpornmi under the laws “I thb sum nmi which Ire etuttssred in the Village of mum-m. lake County, Illi- nail. in electing or soliciting tire innurunce aha“ my to Village Treuurer of the Vil- laue of Dee Id upon the 1m any ot July of each and cry year a sum euual to two 12"†per at of the nroun mripu of pre- TOTAL SECTION H. Al) 1'iie"iiiiaiirirjirGis'i: L‘OUN'I‘V June ll H. All unexpended lllllncmt of Irinllunn fur the fi,uml your ending WHO. are hereby "reeitusuly rappro- I the mum- Kem'rul Dunn-sum for I wvru minim-Hy mole. N Ill. Thu ordlnulm- Mutll be In And 1rtteet trom and In.†its man- vul and due publiauuun. a: prmided Jum HUHN VILLAGE OF DEERFIEIJ). LAKE COUNTY. ILLINOIS. By JAMES J. HOOD. Its President Wilda-Mk 2. mo. 1980, AXE the 30th? day PRESIDENT F' THE VIL. r. COUNTY, l.000.00 900.00 1100.00 1100.00 500. 00 Irtt0.00 $00.00 300.00 $00.00 500.00 MW. 00 M30 .00 £00.00 J00.0il 500.00 miuma received by such corner-lion. company or “noel-Non or. their many or new: tor Murine-m Muted or trar-ted for In Insur- ance with the ma Ville of Deerfield. for the year ending July "t preeedimr uh! dates. The mm above turned an"). I a: or “can G.' GEEK-II Inch emporium“. comp-lulu or nuwcllliunl tum-cunt Inch Inn-hm- within the aid v1ltrtf. of Deane“. _ . A SECTION II. Every per-on “any " aunt or ulhurwhu- for or upon behalf of Inch cor. purmiun. cumuny or amt-Hon. mm on or belon- the mm " of Jutr of each Ind every yvur render to the Vin-m- Clark of the nah! Villuue " mama 3 full. my. and just account. verified by an". ot III th. pre- miums which durlmr the year ending on the Isl. day of July of etch and every "" shall have been "when; pay! or gny other JP? 3.7.? ru"r"Su;J“I}."Li;1i";i aiiruaoatun, camp-"y ur unochtion. and uh." fully and speei6e.lly set any. In! aid repay. the Pee!!! abou- mentioned report. my to the Vin“: Trenuurer two per cent. (2'41! upyn the "on rem-inn at odd tartan-Hon, company or Ino- ciutiun obuUned " premium: for “Icahn tire insurance in the ma Villtute of tht.rtbeld, an tvpeeitivd alurulid. SECTION IV. " puck netyunt. be. ret PY?; "gun“... .n ..... ... -...- .,,_.. -_r- WWW, ur umuumu received " uranium for In lmurlnce. W H _ ".iiifiidN Ill. The Ink! - or Irma mun HIM: " the time of the may" 3...}? Sl-ZCTION IV. " much account be not ren- Ilt-red on ur before the day "rwin kiln-tad for that yurpuuw. ur it the above mentioned rulm for the “id tax or Hume he null remain unpaid utter tut day h Ihlll be un- lawful fur any Inch rumor-don map-n1 or tuusueitaiot to nun-Id. any when of ttre inhuman-t- m the null! Vin-u. of D..rl1eid until the rmluiremenu herrot have been (all! cumpliul with; neverthelou. thu provider: Ihull in no why are" Ute vulidlty of III, risk that mny be taken in vlulatlau thereof bo- lwwn such rorporutlon. company or much- tion and the 92mm no insured. SECTION V. " any eeh. tyrgrurtttiyry NT- puny or nunoclutlun uh-ll fail 'io render the uccuunl ur report herein datum-led by the thy runuired by urdlnnnee. or If ihe above mentioned run: an a tax or lice-nu tee Ihlll rtrrufr? unpaid If!" the day Mixnuud, ttam witOuly th. every much corporation. com. pany ur mmluion mull forte“. Ind any to the mid Village " Deerfield the num ut Two Hundred Dulllra 84200.00) upon conviction tor path and Mary "tten-; Ind. in uddltion to much urn-ally. the all! W0tute ot Deede skull ttehtNer m All “than in its nume, tur in mm atrtsimst inch cornurntluu. coma-n1 or n- uociuiun nu fulllnu to make such mum ur to my Mich “venue fee ur tax. the lull "new“ or the unid "eeruse ttor y"' {Mull would tuseintiuu to my M of the ' Ire due u puid uwr by the Tmuurer of “I: nerwtield to the (mun-r ot " Tmrirttertt " "id villmre u! be uhnll be kept by the Inur n I (u and upurx trum other funds In and uh.“ be yuw.d ter. thtt mnlm sulcl nu rbI of eunMietitur nth-cl. All 1980, Atte Aw SPECIAL AIIIIIIINT NOTICE SPECIAL '"'"IM' NUIIEI C HIGHLAND PARK BAIT PARK DIITBICT PUBLIC NOTICE II hereby trtven that the County Court of Lake County. Illinois. lu- rendered judument tur . sped-l nun-men! upon property benetlted by the followinl Im- pruvament: For I Incul' lmpmvcmrnt eon-Minn of the amulrinu and impruvinw of certain prop- erty in "luck l, First Addition to IImIInIA Hiahl-ndl um! in Block I RIVIIIII kitth. lunds. located In Section- " Ind M, Township " North, Inn“ t8, [an M 1hr Third Prindml Meridian, In [Ah County, Illinois, tor Puk puma-cl (III I: I combined mtprovemettt) and loan“ In Hindu-ml Park Elli. Park mama. Lulu County. Illinois, u will more fully - from the "rtued may of the Judgment on " In my omâ€. That the warrant for eolleeuon at such nun-men! In in the hllldl of th. undemitrned. All param- ink-ruled In hereby ttatttled to all and pay the onuunt â€mud It. the Cullecun'n was. in th. Nirhlartd Pnrk In! l'urk DUtrlet oMre, City Hull. Hid-land Park, Illinolr Notice is lurther given that the uh! I...» mam in divided in ten (10) Inlhllmonu. That the amount ur the {Int inlullmvm h "l.- tnti,TT Ind that with " the mining [mull- menu In 120,600.00. Thu! all Ira-unmi- druw intern: " th. rate " I per cent W unnum trom Mn 50:. 1930. The Int {mull- ment [a now due Ind ply-him The second innullment u dur J-nury Ind. 1931 um] the mmlniluz in-ullmu an In and tmynble annually then-{m eumutlvoly. . now. M. MING. Collector for Highland Fifi but Put Ill-um Dated It HlIhhnd Park. llllnoll, this gftth day " I". 1980. u." shit’rluN "' u“... w.. -__..w_te_. SECTION VII. All other ordinancel or wt: of "minimum Jteretotore â€and Mn! oMietitur hurrwilh Bre hereby repealed. SECTION V)": Thi- onllnlncejnhlll “kl: wtUU l botwht Vithuee (“iii Ind an" “a um! and “unwed such “it! mule under w‘ by HUHN. Vin-m- Clerk, 'rr'u',',,"at7Ciura- iriisi' Kinda. be mad fur the mnlmen-nce. an of the Fire Department It! the Ji blkrrttrid, the nruviaium hersot. VI. Any Ind all sum: In re the pruvluium hen-o! Ihull be the Tmuurer of aid Villa!» ur the (mun-r ot the Fire Dr "id villmre ur Durham. Ind by tingling: '". I Pmh. "ttre,'? GiiiCe6tfN"ry, Br JAKE! g, mm: tCPEF.RA1.EH?; "ihiirhii"U%uir the herein datum-Jog byAthe i,Fiiiriifi,'isiie a 2nd day of {any 171135me HOOD. _ _ E'WC-idem TH! Pill! " 515 Davis Street Just One More Proof of the Unexcelled Service Given by Allow us at this time to thank you for and congratu. late you upon the excellent service rendered by you sad .The Citizens Insurance Company in adjusting the loan we suffered due to the fire in the Grithth Building on May 20, 1980. 388 Central Avenue Mr, W. W. Reichnrdt 388 Central Avenue Highland Park, Illinois. Dear Sir: The Adjuster we: on the scene of the tire within four hours from the time you were notihed. It then took us two days to prepare the inventory {and the complete adjustment was made Friday, May 23rd. Considering the complete mture of thin edjuot- ment we feel that we have received excellent nervice. Allow us to also compliment you upon your forenizht as an agent in selecting for us juut the right type of policy to fit our needs. This, I believe, was the greatest service of all, for, like most people, prior to the are we had not read our policy and it wee onlz After the lone had occurred that We reclined how muc the service of a good agent really means. The Winfield Shop Special Selling of All Spring Models " 20% to 60% reduction. W. W. REICHARDT GOING AWAY? Insurance Agency NORTH SHORE DEGORANRS SERVICE B. K. mum Very truly yours You'll have I much bet- ter time if you are con- ecibue of poem-ling new, smut cloth“. The Win. held Shop hen every- thing you need for only morning spine to Intent night drives, end all the occasions between. Phone Highland Park 444 tihauustot0linahs June 4, 1980