Thursday, June 5, ttgg) REDUCTION in RATE For RESIDENTIAL ELECTRIC SERVICE, net per kilowatt-hour & for electricity used in any month equivalent to or less than the first 4 kilo. watt-hours per room', m: portion of the G. will be tc mu in Arlinqtm hu, tUnilwueth, uu Bin! and Mglrou Puk. Jun w ordigtute. nevi-ion] On August Ist, 1930, net per kilowatt-hour 7C for additional electric. ity used in the month equivalent to or less than the next 4 kilowattohours per room; 7c PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 'i-iii OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS - Announces its ninth This, the ninth reduction in electric rates linoe the Cam. pinr's organization in 1911, is made pauible through the increased usage of electricity by out reddential and com- mercial customen, and through the increased efficiency of Central Station operation. Thie new reduced me tdforde you the convenience and luxury of additional electricity lot your home tor the came monev the Following Reduced Rate will be in effect for Residential Customers: THE PRESS 5 C net per kilowatt-hour for additional electric» ity used in the month equivalent to or less than the next 4 kilowatt-hours per room', 3 C net per kilowatt-hour for all electricity med In the month in ex- cess of the equivalent of the first 12 kilowatt-hours per room.