Amounts to Be Paid Others and Certain Employes During Fiscal Year The annual salary ordinance for city otficens and certain city employes, missed at the last meeting of the city euuneil, is published in full in another column of this paper. The salaries, as given. are for the city's tiseal year, beginning May l, 1930, and ending April no, 19.'ll, and according t i the terms of the urdinnnce no city Mlitrer or emplayt- mentioned in the weinanee is to receive any further rrrmpensatitm from the city during the term specified, Accurdirut tn the terms of this or- dinance the salaries of city officers und empl yes affected by its provi- ri [is are as follows: ' City Hall Oincials The wiry of the mayor is fixed at $60!) for the year and that of each Thursday, June 5, FIX SALARIES OF CITY OFFICIAIS of (-x'u ball. The u sharp The Meierhoft Hardware Co. has leased tho store room cast oCtheir pit-sent location on Central avenue, fhrrtwvly. oceupierl by the Sanitary barber shop. and will enlarge the floor upm-o " their start- and remodel and equip the new annex, including this putting through the partition wall of a {Mind opening. This will give them a fine enmmrulious store with plenty "d room to adequately dis. play their large stock. Hus h yum, beginning M ending April no, p, t I the terms of the nah-er or umpl:,y1- Rum! it Meierhoff Hardware Extending Store Space tstu-triver' in! the Emmi: run“: I no? $2.! Deerfield to Battle fl wed chief In St. James rlc'foatt-d Niles Center 'ru', Sunday at the Highwmd field, a? who St Ono of tht Ww T ,etst and puhlie improvements is 'tl at $1.500 for the your. The 21’ tire marshal Kets$'l,300; the t anssistant ftt'e marshal in charge the five station during the day (Continued on page 42) tl vrwfic4d is tied fur lirst place and Jamvs Cr sou ml. St. James " tn trade places with Deerfield. 'lsall games may ecutte and no, hI-n St. James mot-ts Decrfmld â€mt-what wore than just base. A record erowd is expected. mm- will be called at 3 o'clock m “IMP! " in u- Hunk-r. a farmer r will do the twisting while St- James will St. James Sunday year, I, 2 a NUS. Id NU. . of ‘ f the mayor is fixed at year and that of each at 8400. The salary of is $6,000. The compen- 1-“x'puratinn counsel is must interesting gunner-t mnty league will be y when "ecufield bay , at Highwond f,ivlrl. m q u i 'red 1930 counsc of the and go, 'lll use pitcher police, $3,300 e set- {2.220; and llec. St th.- situayon. by exams usual is crm1plrted th hm! clamor] M This will tu'm Take Second Place in Golf Tournament Edith Mrs. (' I'm-k, l sreir.iirv ', in a ", o0sre. In stud scholusl Mun h (Mk-go crllvi,re thu ch I i; tion Excess Water Usage Cause Muddy Condition th The following notice ghuuld explain thu siluaLitm. Muddy water is caused by exams usage. As soon as the plant is ctm1plrted the mains will be washed hml cleared from the mud and sand. This will tuke ubnut two or three werks. The trouble comes from the mains and not from the filtration plrmt. A team consisting of Art Olson, rom. Kelly. Hariy Moroney and Lloyd [ went. to Wheaton yesterday v, compote for a silver cup in the Eika Diutriet tournament held " the Atlas club. The team came in sec- md. loving by twenty points. The Elgin team came in first. Some ,imr next week the winners Ind the oral team play at the Bob-O-Link Miss Edith Vail Fldith Vail, daughter of Mr. and rs. Carleton M. Vail of Highland ark, has, completed her junior and -ninr yours in the: study of English i a "spvvial honors" unit at Smith illegal This is a type of study open I students of reeoenised ability and 'holastic standing. She intends to ntinue the study of music which has 1']! her chit-f interest outside of the Mom- curriculum after she leaves :lll'L’l'. She has been a member of w chapel choir, the Dramatic asso- .tiun and also hockey teams. Nunu-rous calls have come into the y hall the past week and have kept lt city officials busy telling the pub- _ why the water is not clelr. "he Elzin team came in first. Some m next week the winners and the al team play at the Bob-O-Link h here. About twelve members ompanied .the team to Wheaton. Smith Graduate THE , WOMEN VOTERS HERE FAVOR JURY SERVICE Members of League Quoted in Support of Bill to Give Them This Right Sunti Brothers Mnrket won two more games this week defeating the Hiehwood Luther“ church 15-0 Ind the Bungalow church 5-2. These two victories brine the winning and: to 10 consecutive wins. Baruhi, Finn and Capltlni all played fine ball for the Vinita“. Highland Park Santi Bros., would like to book twilight gums. Plane cull H. P. 117. sos Elm Plate Phone H. P. 2830 Santi Bros. Market ' Win Two More Games m tr, Opens New Service Station at Half Day ink, of Nova Sam'- design as tpeat for motorists going and ing tn lake regions. It is locum-d on one of Luke ty'n historical center: and in p days this site was the first ti post in this county. The ml th" village uriximtcd from I Indian, Chief HIIdy. The tlrx Mice Wtts culled Haldy. Other iiw claim this to be the half . horse Du y much Serving on a Jury aim: oxlwricnn- " (Continued will 'tihT r n tte when l numbe whland ters wh, Mr M rs. Jay M r M r Ht vrk. and for the put 17 yours hu vn secretary of local union No. 461 'rpenters and Joiners of Americl. His many friends here wish lain; M rs toll ciliu jury :11 privilege l there "rvity to tw. lluwvll Murray m by citizenship; t mic-n If Lou! thr has built success in his new mum John T. Erickson ha: Half Day mrvice stltl t the corner of Dinmon and Milwaukee avenue w he “it seintt otthip ti, share in ‘mmonde ay', ride :. hence the If on jur 1min were as!“ Mem ber. wen] women right." Glidden mmon on of voting would aim referenduin if a the twenty MIN WI Tttte the lamina tration continua dent an serve on srd member: .cnzm its Ikr helping on Jul . The first post ldy. Other stor- the hilt way or to Chicago on , nlme Halt Day. born in Highland election have lr»“ln II have the work ha judge: ll Flvor " they re station and Diamond Lake modern build I am grendy juries. With which women the 'e wish hini venture. Iy name nibilitiea. l liberal. men. and W Ill W pione tradi pr W " opened pin ll )me rnde noil II and the the this 1m m m ne If Pol-{.mLAMovW. In“ Iâ€... an â€was. AWAWmAUIWEM Auburn --cCord Sales - Service