COAL and §0LVAY COKE TH A' CH l M NE YS nuumm DINZIL. Pro-Mon! 1806 Mold Road at Bldg.“ 1 Building Material A Wedding Gift of an Antique or Etching will not be duplicated Highland Park Fuel Company doesn't melt-all the year 'rout-ur-with electric refrigeration (tyllt England} ANTIQUES PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 07 NORTHERN ILLINOIS 51 South St. Johns Avenue Tel. Winnetka 3470 Tm. mo 301d that THE PRESS RAVINIA SEAT SALE l STARTS ON JUNE " ting forth the information that is in demand. The box-office, Mr. Eckstein explains, will be open every day dur- ing the season from 9."30 o’clock in nu mnrning until 10 o’clock at night. Residents of the north shore towns may secure telephone connection with tho Ravinia b0x.oftke by calling High- land Park 2727. This is a double line, thereby preventing congestion " much as possible. Seats reserved by telephone' must be taken up by ll o'clock the follow. vrvations are made by telephone on the day of the performance, tickets must be paid for at the box-office be- fore 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Money can be telegraphed by Western Union, addressed to The Ravinia company, Highland Park, ~lllinuis. _ Tickets ('unrm. otherwise be held except unOr the following conditions: A m-rviu- charge system, has been inaugurated whereby patrons desir- land Park 2727. This is a double line, thereby preventing congestion as much as possible. Seats reserved by telephone'must be taken up by ll o'clock the follow- ine morning. or check sent, payable tn The Ravinia company, Highland Park, Illinois, by mairor otherwise, so us to reach the box-office at that limo. and tickets will be mailed or held as may be requested. It reg. orvntion the day must. be fore " o' (Continued from page 5) ing to reserve tickets in advance and to have them held until called for, may be granted this accommodation un the payment of a fee of $20 per unnum. There can be no cancella- tinns or exchanges, nor may patrons enjoyinst this privilege transfer their rights under this system for the use of others. Violation of these condi- tion" or failure to pay for seats thus ordered: will be regarded as a notice to (liswntinue the service and the service charge will be forfeited. It should be understood,that this is a charge, made fur' the service ren- tlvrodeurul the $20 is not returnable. This service fee may be paid at the Ravinia box-office on or after Satur- Ravinia box-office on or after Satur- gay, June M, or before that date dtlrossed to The Ravinia company, :16 S. State street, Chicago. Cheeks sNuld be made payable to The Ra. viniu vumpahy. T Queutinn of Prices Then vumes the questiun of prices. The general admissiop'at the gate i< Rl.25, but coupon books are laid at $22 for twenty admissions. The reserved Heat prices for the opening night awarding to location, will be $1.30 and $3.30. I‘ur all other opera nights uxc-ept clusine "nisrht, the prices will be $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.51). For the regular comma on Sixndity afternoon and fur the chilr dren's turtteettq on Thursday after. nmn. there is no ,charge for seats, the general admission of $1.25 at the gate, covering everything. Children 12 years of age and under are admit- tcd free to the children’s concerts on Thursday afternoon. In addition to the splendid tram- portatiun facilities it, enjoys, Ravinia has always been a paradise for mo- wrists, the roads from every diree- tion stretching thruugh some of the must beautiful portions of the north is $1.2." at $22 rem-we night 1 $4.50 a lion stretching thruugh some of the must beautiful portions of the north shore. As a convenience to the thi,usands who arrive by motor car, two extensive parking spaces are nmintine0, one at the Sheridan told cntrarwe, and the’ other at the Green Bay onn-unce to the grounds. These will accommodate l,000 cars. The Highland Park Community Gartlen class will meet Juno-14 to visit. the Lake Forest gardens. There will be u brief business meeting It the home " Mrs. Henry H. McKay. no "St,uth Linden avenue, at one- thirty o'clock, lwfnre starting, Community Garden Class Meets June 14 A BARGAIN ro 5 Judmm Ave., Ravinia Ot ms. attrwhvd gamma For partivulars call . lliuhland Plrk 1931 Chicago. State 519] Thursday, June 12, 1930