It every citizens does what he can, there will be no question but what our school system will continue to grow as it has in the past. The list of contributors to the fund to date will be found elsewhere in this paper. ff you did not get. in in time for this issue, get in touch with some member of the committee in time for next week's honor roll. _ Tho citizens' committoo on grade schnrtt"rdueation in Him place and Green Bay road schools has the full. est tmnfidonee in tho willingness of the citizens and taxpayers to meet future requirements as they have those up to the present. It is most gratifying to find such tnneihle evidence of appreeiatinn for tho progressive policies and methods of education for which our schools are already noted, 'Finest of Advertisements livery resident of Highland Park may well be proud of the way in which the community responds when the request is made. Our schools are the finest of advertisements for our enmmunity as a place' in which in live. Under the new plan, they will become the most distinguished nf our public institutions. 0m- uf the mast ttffeetive ways of porpottiatirur tho memory of our com- munity is through the fitting of our r+ildren In takv a loading: part in lifo, Tho lifo which our children will fnco will hr, morn intonso and compot- itive than any of us has had to face. As living conditions are constantly living stepped up, so must the equip- nu-nt with which we train our young in moot thrso mnditinns be constant- ly improved. wts' committee, all feel that the school fund campaign is prom‘ossi .srttistaetrrril.v. The spood with ',iiii'il' the halfway mark has been reac ad is attrihuted to the remarkable gener- nsity of a number of our good citi- zens. It is apparent that many feel this to he n great opportunity to dem. nnstratr- their civic interest as well their intrest in the other follow, and his vhildron who may mt he so for. Inmate. Civie Interest Quickens R, P. Sherer, chairman of the expo- utivo committee. and Sonar Bullard and Mrs. Marc A. Law, chairman and m~chnirmun nf the citizens' and par- it looks as thnuzh Elm Place and Green Hay road schools are won on their way to become the finest equip- ped schools in the country. if not in the world. The Citizens' Committee on grade school education reports that subscriptions have passed the Halfway mark toward the $15,000 a year goal that has been nstublished for the next three years, until the time of the next quadrennial assess- mom. MANY CONTRIBUTORS T0 ELM PLACE FUND Half-Way Mark Passed in Sub. scriptions: Honor Roll Con. tinues to Grow VOLUME XIX T be Highlanh Park Press I9trerf1old-shields high itchoal com- ,tncemont at. it!!! tonight promises in attract a huge audience to the high school auditorium to see the class of [930 receive their diplomas. Dr. Tho Ravinia Garden club will meet at 9:110 Friday. Juno 13, at the Vil- lage house. After a short business meeting they will Mike a trip to the Waukowan Rats, where they will study wild flnwor._ under the leadership of Mrs. Dnrnthe ‘Klaber. Qaturdav Is Flat! Dav: Is Annually Observed Saturday is National Flag Day. and it will he suitably observed by the Elks lodges throughout the country. according to the annual custnm of the order. The American Lerion and Auxiliary also observe the day usual. lv with fitting ceremonies. June " it the anniversarv. The pledge to thrs tue is as follows: "t pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it lands. Mm nation indiviMh1e, with liberty and justice for all." The weakly luncheon and business ntttrttirttt of the Highland Park Lions r-luh is held at noon today. It the Gram Tea Pot. The Lions are ftnd- imr weekly ttet-to-ttether luncheon: of zrvat value in many ways)an the members npnrocintn the nppnrtuni- tits thus afforded for social inter. course and business consultation. Ravinia Garden Club Visit Waukegan Flats There will be two student speakers. Wilda Miessner, the student highest in scholarship in the class, will speak on "The Bard of Mantua," and Wil- liam Ellis, second in scholarship in the class. will have. as his subject "The Program of Peace." The high school orchestra. under the dircction of Mrs. Manning, will furnish music, and the Boys Glee club, under tho direction of Mr. Dink. eloo. will sing. Miss Virginia En- gels will play a piano solo. The in. vocation and benediction will be of, fered by the Rev. Allan Billman of tho Lake Forest M. E, church. Prhncipal R. L. Sandwick will pre- sont the hnnnrs to the winners', and diplomas will he distributed by Pres- idunt George MeBride of the board of education. Regular Meeting Today of Highland Pirk Lions Louis L. Mann, Ph.0., of the Chicago Sinai eottitrettation and a member ot the faculty of Chicago university, will deliver the commencement Id- dress on “Education and Life." fr. S. Commencement Tonight; Dr. Louis L. Mann To Be Speaker HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS, vansmv, Jun: 12, 1930 A curd party will be held “Im- day evening, June " in Mnsonlc hull, under the auspices of the Mystic Workers. The p'roceeds of this party no for the Jtivenile's convention to be held in Fulton, Ill., in July. Re- freshments will be served. Tr swimming suit Ind . towel. Th. suit must be" used only " the pool. On Tuesday and Thursday etch per- sun urine the pool will he charged I small fee. There will be no churn: on the other days. The annual closing exercises of the Eighth grade of the Elm Place school will be held Friday evening, Ju 3, in the school auditorium. Typic- tures of the graduating cl- ' thu largest in the history of the whoa]. and lists of the graduates appear on the cover page of this neWIplper. The program for Friday evening is Swimming Pool to Open Next Monday ttst roritt, Fiiehth Card Party June 19 in Musonic Temple as fullov "trundle Th Arise Elm Place Exercises Jridug Evening; Class Largest; The ngmm mu. te Stellar Rohert c, It uh "hw- 0W." til. Rome smith, Lilllui Ruhr Tillman. Durlln Funk. June Huklnn, Allrn (Continued on pure 46) mum u m IL Ray Harm-y hrlnumh Oe Herttie ' oseph Than: nll, Rm th K urh Talia] [Mk ‘ller rid Herbert Giulh 'httik otrettk Clark (Dr. [mall's Leaves on California Trip vinin ere leaving June 16 on an ex- tended painting trip through the west. They plan to heed for the Black lliiln lint end then ioiter along. stopping wherever the lendecepe Ine- ieriei is to their liking. After e little stay in the Seattle-Mount Rainier din trict they will work their my eeuth along the cont. reechinc Southern Celifornie some time in the lete enm- mer. Next they to out to the been. and tndinn country of New Mexico end then home the middle ot Semen. her with e lot of inure-tin. materiel. While Tom mints In. Wilda pine to catch up on her needing end “up and do e few hours f Kramer HOV and then tor ehe in an... her violin. during the Ttr. Ind Mrs. F. M. “ll-“l are leaving next Sunday for Californi- where they will spend chm month. During their thence Dr. and In. H. C. Sun" at Wentern Springs will oc- cupy their Apartment in the Udell building Ind Dr. Saver will take over In. [mall's practice. omce "tMirtu Fourth, Northam, cen- sus nupervinnr for ihin district [Ive Highland Park I population of It,. MG, u “in of 5.138 over the 1980 M- Ural. This mull in given an " un- offieint onlimnte. with the information that corrected titrtares will be inuod from Wnthittetom' However, there an not oprcted to greatly altar the fitusl Wilder’s to Paint and Fiddle Through the West U " tl POPULATION OF h. P. NOW 11,305, REPORT Census Figures Show Gain of SJ†Since 1920; Lake . County, 108;!“ ur, w wklt Mr The ull 10 [guru ttq corrected titrtares will be laud Wnthittetom' However, there tot expected to greatly alter the t of the censu- here, The "20 " gave this city 6,t67 population. " Highland Pnrk “gum in, the in the county. the total populi- of Lake county in now tttmed " Per (an In: C (-ounty'n ~popul| 4.107. whirh shown aw Gr the count) ill lw xt tw " and Mr mi , int 10 30 Nimrod ,000 per-om. rest component In mwth Nu the nhen th 10 L0 county in new [that with little probability ol [imam hurt-sing thi, han LON. it was “and d by the the oifiee loved Tuesd he county In a whole year period. The cen- amnoumed that the fig. hung"! slightly within week: as coupon: from by the census tahem In oifiee. The “all tur- who declared. will not I 'ent Int-rune Tom Wilder population in on ma ay Nunm 40 from the name Luke Ra