Plane Seized May Be Booze Runner; Often Seen Over LalarCo. Discovery of a plane, believed to; have been regularly engaged in smug-" irling liqitor from Canada to Chicago in terminal hangar at the Chicago municipal airport by customs and prohibition agents is believed to be the tirst step by the government to. ward ferreting out the identity of pil- ots of these planes which pass over Luke county nightlyln their trips, Thusamls of,rcisidents of Wauke- gun and North Chicago and other nurth shore towns have been awak- ened during the night by the roar ot airplane motors. They usually pass over the north shore between the hours of l and 3 o'clock in the early nun-hing. They follow the shore of the lake more closely than do the Inn-mm; the lulu mail pla ti The plune found by the customs and ptohibititrn agents contained a M'l'lvt nmpurtmont capable of hold- ing more than 20 cases of liquor. While it is vunsidered doubtful that >uch a large amount was hauled in my me trip due lo Weight. it is be- liewd that the plane served to bring in from l,5 to 20 cases of whiskey qn last't Thursday, June 19, 1930 , In {tn-lure from 1 vch trip, liquur tiun P pilots lap, “ls tpt' priv has In months Clint“: _anes. {aged in from the a land in ) generally understood hat these plunés are _ in the transpurtation the border to Chicago. Hut of the way air- anding tields, it is Several attorneys espouing the c.1ndiducy of Attorney Ralph J. Dady for circuit judge, last week were in Rockiurd. where the lions share of the Vote of Winnebago county is lo- cated, in the interest of the local candidate. Among tlr so: visited there was Cir. wit Judge Arthur E. Fisher who Wu given unanimous support of the Lake county delegates when he w“ named nu Those in the field as I successor to Attorney Claire C. Edwards are At. torney George W. Field, of Wanke- gan. and City deze Theodore R. Fun-h); of Zion. Attorney Okel Fu- qu'a, furmer assistant unturney gen- eral. has been mentioned as a dork horse in the event that Field and Duly deadlock. The Antioch-Lake Villa Poultry Ind (‘uuntry Pair association will receive the state aid, generally given the Lake County Fair arusocitttiun, for in seventh annual fair to be held in October by the action of the board The (lute of the caucus is indefin. ite but the election will be held in Nu'einbor at the general election, “mu-ding to' information reaching Luv from Gov. Louis L. Emmerson.) Jawyers at Rockford to Boost Candidacy of Dady for Judge " 'supcrvisurs last week itcuft ju_dge three years ago after he death of the late Earl D. Rey- THE PRESS Patronize the Press Advertisers 733 G Telephone Highland Park . D. MURPHY Eula-au- T New “d Wm Wort - - Wool 2LENCOE AVENUE 89 ('LIFT CONSERVATIVE MARGIN ACCOUNTS SOLICITED COOPER, DYSART & KUH MURPHY a SCHWALL HEATING commAcrons Hot Water, Vapor, High or Low P, CHN' CHIC CHIC 455011411 MIMI NEW YORK (URI! L loud cl had. Bldg. AGO Complete brokerage and mountain facilities in the ' AGO Noam SHORE Horn CHICAGO MI MN.“ STOCK EXCHANGE BOARO OF TRADE CURB ILXCM ANUI: " ANUE "on. Duh I!" 89 CLIFTON AVEN ur (yuan/er": room A ciarmau, [nun/Jed for A. SFKWAIJ appointed Stu . “Kid" women . Dd! been