Thursday. June It), 1930 PRODUCE BUSINESS _ we IN CHICAGO The eonsumptiim' and distribution of poultry, eggs. fruit, vegetables and other produce in Chicago creates a business that annually involves mil- At Least 400 Firms Interested and Millions of Dollars Invested Therein lions of dollars and tie work of pro- ducers in a dozen or more states throughout the nation: At least 400 firms are in the pro- duce business in Chicago, exclusive of the retailers. Annual shipments of produce to these firms Would flll a train 200 miles long. Chicago is the groove-st fruit dis- tributine center in the United States, according to figures compiled by the Chicago Association of Commerce. The city drttws its supplies from far and yratVAtriets and Miehiean-and at all seasons. Aristocratic Califor- nia oranges travel across the conti- nent in special trains of "refrigerator pvllmans." 80.3150, do fruits from the South. The bulk of the peach supply comes from Michigan, Arkansas, Col- orado, California, Georgia and Texas. About 90 per cent of the local supply of cantalrvupes originates in Arizona, Arkansas. California. Michigan, In. diana and Colorado. Chicago draws Many States Contribute its supplies of strawberries from', Michigan, Tennessee. Louisiana and Illinois. The early and tteeond early tomatoes come from California, Flor- idn, Wvstsirsippi, Tennessee and Texas, while the late tomatoes are supplied. by Illinois and Missouri and the home mowers. . I In Chicago more apples are sold in a year than Adam could bite into if he averaged one I day since his nihhle into the first apple. Every part of the United States nnd even Central and South America and far " Africa raid their orchards to tempt the taste of ("Maximum If your up- prtite is jaded you might tempt it with a or a jack-fruit. both products pf Africa. A sawmills or an avacndo pear from South Am'er. an avacndo pear from South ion. or a taste of the papayl (‘ontral America. may appeal more than hot housw grape: England and Belgium. Unisiann. M with a few C the Carolinas Chicago's Wisconsin produces about one-third A.' Chieaen's annual receipts of cab- -azc. Practically all the Bermuda mions on the Chicago market come 'mm Texas, while late onions come heavy contributors. mum potatoes come from Florida. ma. Mississippi and Texas, few cars from Alabama and 33 ilt South Ambr- papaya, from appeal to you grapes from tdt THE PRESS 'ilt In, 'ilett tron Illinois, California. Indian- and Washington. Poultry, butter and eggs for the Chicago market Bre MIP- plied heavily by Wisconsin Ind Illi- tlow. 53:3 Unemployment Figures in County Near 2,000; 163 in Highland Park not' Dr. anivn my: that business needs {no three Ws-mind,, money and muscle. And when the mind and muselo are brought into phy - xtvthor. getting the money nan-Hy (a mee figures on the unemployment‘ ituation in Highllnd Park were re- Based by census headnuiirterr: in Ev-l mston. Tho eounty is now.l.963. The Highland Park itgureer show cir' persons rut of work. It was ' inted nut that ndditidns and cor- mtirns to the total census - lat aiv expeetoii by the census bur. nu may raise the total future for un- mtployment over the 2.000 mnrk. The monks! put of the unemploy- m nt is found in Waukenn and the mrth shore distridn. In the outlying 'ities of the county. unemployment :m ms to he felt in I much lesser de. The unemployment Mure in the nty approached the it TI ti ii Hi ti 2.000 mark LAKE COUNTY STAYS WITHIN ITS BUDGET Report to County Board Slum Expenditures for Year Under Estimate ' lupen'mnnl when covering the nine to June I disclm As the and nppmprlntlon ll “0|.- (tot) the quarterly - of expendi- tures would run close to $125,000. The winter months, with mounting poor- bills And costs of starting the pour children to school. are alway- far heavier in expense: than my other quarter. June. July and Au- gust are inexpensive months as the mnr hills dron to I low level And far heavier in at other quarter. " gust are inexpenni poor bills drop to courts are inmtive overdr in Jury v tire fees. and birth ll Thi 11th of Ther Lttt WARDROBE HAT BOXES $10.00 up J0thili RAVINIA OPERA and CONCERTS county gain will keep within us] appropriation. it wu- I!- last Week before the board of lian when the balance sheet . the nine month: period up P I dimmed expenditure: of Hospital "It“. Md T? have been but nix department an: to date. These have been v warrant», blind pension, jun- es. oonatuhle fees, poor chins rth and death eerti6e.te.. VACATION LUGGAGE .-gtrt= II to I'm-GI l- PHONE-HIGHLAND PARK "" h WOMEN'S CASES $5.00 to $80.00 Ives 'gistRe-ottrs “inf-nu Pork. pointed n of $90,187.38 for the June, July and August. Supervisor Arthur! , am I :M In In“! (hay and “his, van n- nrd of r sheet iod up 8601