EIGHTH DIST. Igi1llON MMM, CONVENTION Held at Veterans' Hospital. North Chicago. Aug. 3; mundane: and Interest Notable H - 'tit-sri-r-ff,,', e Ccr----'-r-=5'-zePU.eP-"i2e"i.EE-r-rrs-r-:t'-ri [ sALEJï¬le 536 Central Avenue 25% to 331/3% Reductions 368 Cent ral Ave. "airs ot m held at eitthth diam: HIGHLAND PARK PHARMACY VICTOR BROTHERS COMPANY A mum Ind the Maxine“ program wound in ot the convention. Md at U. S. Veterans 105, with Dr. Henry Fl. the median! direetor, as w viuitirnt “I throng: Dan Hunt the "xrrsir abandon" on all merchandise ordered during this sale of the h nnnu the various mun. Many d rrgnrding the Be Sure and Treat the Family to a Brick Take It Home Now the in wal con America: heal. the KP,“ hurt an ti and bore evidence of'the good work the doctor and his stat? are doing the disabled erserviee men there. Plum Golf Cum Among other things a nine-hole golf course is under constructibn and the prumisu of a "Torn Thumb" or miniature course to beHaid out in the near future. A large, well equipped picnic ground is near the course. Athletic events are well taken cure of by the expertly laid out nthletic field and recreation- house. Construc- tinn of many other buildings of vari. ous uses ix now under way that will make the Sorth Chicago institution one of the tinc,U of its kind unywhere. A visit by post delegates to this hose pilul will encourage them to enlarge :wlivities for its betterment. Pit-ceiling the convention proper a lunrneun wan served by Dr. Henry E. tit. Antoine to district and state of- lieu-m of both the American Legion and Auxiliary taking part in the pro- gram. Between luncheon and conven- tion the Port Sheridun Army Band entertained the gathering with selee, tions an the lawn before the recrea- tion building. V. T. McMAHON. R, Ph, G. Manufacturing Furriers THE. PRESS Yes, a fresh peach Ice Cream is the Phone Highland Park 2404 A PEACH! Phone Highland Park Mt The first speaker introduced by County Commander Charles C. Kap- schull was Mrs. George M. Kellogg, Mate president of the Auxiliary. Mrs. Kellogg urged Legionnairea and mem- bers of the Auxiliary to visit more fre- quently and encourage the men there, letting them know that their former buddies had not forgotten them even tho' the war wan eleven years past. She announced that the auxiliary was ever ready to co-operate in aiding the needy ex-service men and aid posts in their efforts for community im. provements. V Preparedness and l’atrlotixm Mrs. A. B. Middleton, Mate vice- president of the Auxiliary, then spoke enthusiastically on the subject of pre- paredness. Calling attention to the tact that the Reds or Communists were poisonink the minds of children, she urged the formation of active chapters of Sons of the Legion and Junior Units of the Auxiliary to inculcate patriotism in the minds of the coming generation. Mrs. Grace Tibbnls, rehabilitation dMeer, then give a brief resume of activities in her department; follow. LUICK Special Today ed by a similar report from Mrs. Harry M. Brown of Lake Forest, the eighth district committeewoman. Mrs. Brown extolled the spirit of co-opern- tion between the posts and their aux- iliary units in the district and urged the "baehelor" posts to organize their eligible women members into active units to aid the Legion in its great work. _ _ Other Speakers Among the other speakers ot note were Jack Poorman, viee-eotttmandvr of Illinois; William C. Mundt, state adjutant, who gave glowing accounts of the coming convention and the state fair; Commanders of District» Schlott, lat: Schlupp. 5th; Paxton, 9th; Benson, llth; Runnels, 12th; and Nelson, 13th. Mr. Paxton spoke at length on the case of a great many ex-service men needing hospitaliza- tion and entitled to it, but refusing to so because no provision had been made for his family while there. He stated that this provision was in the bill President Hoover vetoed, but ex- pressed the hope that this necessary measure would be taken care of in another bill soon to be presented. Reports of committees were given by Mancel Taleott on graves registra- tion, finance by Leonard Hook, mem- bership by Bruno L. Henderson, child welfare by Monty Rasmussen, public relations by Frank Elwell, athletics by Archie Maplethorpe, followed by a report from County Commander Kapschull, who commented on the progress of the district and spirit of cooperation existing in the county. Three silver cups .were awarded as follows: For the post doing the most constructive Legion work dur- ing the your. Homer Dahringer post of Waukegan, Bruno L Henderson, commander; to Harry M. Brown of G. A, McKinlock Jr. Post, Lake For- est. as most valuable adjutant in the district; and to 'Stupey-Smith post, Highwood. Eggert Carlson, command- er, for getting a one hundred per cent increase in membership. Led by the Hospital Drum ye. Bu, ttle Corps the large gathering alked to the uthletiq field to watch the pa- tients take part in the field meet. The evening closed with a pienie dinner on the grnunds north of the hospital. 20% DISCOUNT ON BROUGHT AND CALLED FOR. DRY CLEANING and LAUNDRY RELIABLE LAUNDRY I DRY CLEANING COMPANY 618 N. Green Bay Rd., Highland Pk. DOLLAR DAY August 13th RAVINIA OPERA and CONCERTS -JUNE " to SEPTEMBER '- PHONE HIGHLAND PARK 1121 Thursday, August 7, 1980 Box one: nun 9 AO um until to pm duly 3nd Sunday Big Values Nineteenth Scum: