_":'iif!j) Thursday, August T, 1930 Chas. Selig is taking his annual three months vacation from C. M. St. Paul & Pacific R.R. station where he is agent. J. P. Condon of Elk Point, S. D. is in Mr. Selig’s place for the second time. Mr. Condon brought his family with him. Francis and Robert Salman of (‘rtss Plains, Wis., are staying at the home of their grandfather, George Kan-h, of Deerfield avenue, while their mother, Mrs Frank Salman with her two sisters Jane and Martha Karch are on a two weeks tour of Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Biederstadt and daughters Frances and Mrs. Mildred Gibbs visited the latter's son Jack at the Chicago Junior camp located at Elgin, Ill., on Sunday. Mrs, Harry E. Wing and daughter Shirley departed on Saturday to spend three weeks at Lake Delavan, Wisconsin. ' "NlVlsvdiiver Ender of Chicago is spending the week with Mrs. E, En. der. - Mrs. B. H. Kren spent several days last week with her sister Mrs. P. Monahan in Minneapolis, Minn. Her niece, Miss Efile McKelar of Fargo, N. D., returned with her and will spend a fortnight in Deerfield. Mrs. Eugene Ender had as her supper guests on Sunday, Mrs. Wil- liam Bingham and son William Jr. of Oswego, N, Y., Mr/and Mrs. E. J. Bingham and daughter Sally and Mrs. Ameriln Pyle of Irving park. Mrs. Trier of Osterman avenue wi'.l entertain her bridge club on next Monday afternoon. Mrs. Harry Norton of Harvey, Ill,, is spending the week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Meyer of Waukegan road. Mr. and Mrs. J. T, Beckman and four children John, Kathryn, Clats oncc and lone of Central avenue. spent last week at Valparaiso, ind., with relatives. Kathryn remained as a guest of her aunt. Mrs. Fred Gentz. Luvern Gent: returned with her aunt Mrs. Beckman and will visit in Deer. field for a few weeks. Mrs, D. W. Meyer on Friday was hastens to seven guests at a lunch- con at Miss Sadie Galloways Tea Room followed by bridge at her hume on Deerfield avenue. v Mrs. E. P. Osterman was ill at her home on Osgerman avenue last week. N Mrs. Elizibeth Baertschy has been ill at her home on Westgate' rod for the past wesk._, _ .. . ... Joseph and Mark Andrews are planning to. leaVe Friday for Camp Mtskru'tswtttt. 7 Mrs. E. K. Williams of Nashville, Ind., is visiting her daughter, Mrs; Frank Russo of Second street, Send contribution: to load correspondent before To... duy noon. Help her to nuke thin notion interesting, MRS. LORETTA WILLMAN, Local Editor Lincoln Ave., DeerfieldHll, Tel. Deerfield 153-R DEERFIELD NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS Deerfield Locals DEERFIELD NEWS-FLASHES C. W. planning the week will visit C. W. Getty and son James are planning to leave the latter part of the week fur Phadelphia,nvhere they will visit relatives for a week. Miss Frances Biederssttuit will leave Friday for Valley Ranch. Santa Fe. New Mexico, where she will spent a month. On last Tuesday, July 29, Miss Iliederstadt held her final practice and criticism class of the season at the Presbyterian church. She will re- hume her classes in music the first week in September. Rev. and Mrs. F. G. Hiepenbrok and family are planning to leave the early part of next week for a vaca- tion at Lake Tomahawk, Wis. They will return about September 4. Mrs, George D. Richardé of Fair- ouks avenue, underwent an operation at St. Mary's hospital, Rochester, Minn., July 26. Dr. Walters with Dr. William J. Mayo assisting performed; the operation removing the gall blad. der. Mr. Richards returned last Thursday reporting a rapid recovery for Mrs. Richards, who will. remain in Rochester three more weeks. Mr, and Mrs. E. Gilmore and daugh- ter Gloria of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schmidt of sprinirfield avenue on Monday. Included among a group from Deerfield who attended the Mission ‘lnstitute at the Evangelical church M Arlington lleights,on Tuesday, Auzuwt 5, conducted by the Arlington Heights Federation of Evangelical Women were Rev. and Mrs. F. G. Piwenbrok, Mr. and Mrs. r. J. Lab. arm, Mmes. Louise Hueh1 Minnie Willman, Frank Jacobs, Jr., Louis Soefker, Fred Ilorenherger, Louis 0b- eiaueh. Julius Johnson and Elmer Sr'hmidt. Mr. and Mrs. Thomxu Slum and son visited Mr. Sloot’s brother in Chi- rago on Sunday . Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Stunner and two sons are on a two weeks motor trip through Iowa. e Bobby Schmidt is spending the week at the home of his aunt, Mrs. George Sampson of Chit-ugh. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Haut and son Mer are visiting relatives in Sulli. Son, Illinois. C. A. swim is spending several weeks with hit family at White Lake, Miehitram, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Scully, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Page and family spent the week-end at Lake wind.. “ego. Saturday, August 9, is the dnte of the wedding of Miss Eleanor Ott. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John on and Arthur Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Johnson of West Central avenue. Among the prenuptial " fairs given for Miss Ott was a miscel- laneous shower on Friday evening At the home of Mrs. Frank Juobl Jr. THE PRESS 'iepenbrok leave the gr a van- Vis. They St. Paul’s Picnic Splendid Success. Committee Reports Rev, F. G. Plepenbrok, George C. Meyer, John deeke. Louis 5mm. Psul kempher, and Csrl Knit“. who comprised the committee " charge of the manual St. Psul's pienie held st Sunset Park, Highlsnd Park, last Sunday, Ire very happy to report its splendid success. The heat of the day wu mn tor. gotten benenth the many beautiful shade trees Ind I" who attended en- tered into the Ipirit of the "" and had I good time. Divine worship sermon at It mm. opened the prognm of the dny and was followed by pienie dinner, games, contests, etc. General good fellowship prevailed throughout the dny. The tUh pond afforded a great deal of pleasure to the children, while the hull nine be. tween single and man-led men from which married men emerged victor- ious by I score of 6 to 6, Wu the outatandintr future for "uita. Rev. Plepenbrok and committee or: cruteful to the Highland Park pork commissioner: for granting them the privileges of the lovely park, the to members of the church who cooper- ated with them in ranking the event one to be long remembered. ' Reunion A reunion tor people in Lake and Cook counties who formerly lived In Effirttrhtun county will be held on Sunday, August to, It the Liane Club Grove on River road, Dee Pleinen. An further information they be ob- tained from Mrs. Neville of Grad avenue, Deerfield. Bakery Sula The Lullu' Aid of the Once M, E. church will hold a bnkery ule It Laegeler's Phnrmncy, on Sunday. August 9th. Miss Alice Jones of Chicano is visit. ing her cousins Gertrude Ind Violet Johnson of Ostermnn menus. _ Mrs, A, g, Johnson and In. Floyd Gunckel were union: the coma-unto nwuded prizes in the Wnukmn News . Sun tsubscription comma which terminated Thursday, July 31, conducted since June 1, Mrs, Johnna won a cosh prim of 8200 and In. Gunckel .100. John A. Hoffman hats rented the earner More on WIukegln and Deer. field rand: to Mr. Scurue of Chlcu'o whu will open I uluurunt them the middle of August. He bu nllo renud the small More in the Zeke Mod: to John Stoeek who will open I “xi-ab station there. T M ins Janet visiting with Hoffman. Theodore Knuk hu recently pur- chased the Dunner house in Briar. wood aubdlviaion. Miss Mary Bradley of Libertyville visited with her sister Elm Hotttttan of Central "emu levers] day: Int week. . Sweeney of Peoril is her Aunt, Mrs. J. A. Legion Auxiliary of 8th District Meets in Deerfield Aug. 13 The eighth district American u. {ion Anlllhry will hold m fourth quarterly meeting on Wodnudny, Autrurt 18, It the laconic Temple in DeerMId. " I pan. _ Election of one": And other im. portant busineu will be trunk-cud. but" Ben-ton. American Legion service "beer for the Department ot "link. will Mann the meeting on f'How the Servlce omee Functions." Mrs. Gnu I. Kellm, junior de- partment president, and In. A. B. Kiddleton, department flrtst vice-prol- ident, Mrs, C. H. Battling. depart- ment second vice-prodding In. Gnu B. Titruls, will be honor-I7 “an. _ A social hour with refreshment: will follow the bin-inu- union. Preceding the meeting the Darn.“ unit will be new.“ at dinner At the Darn.“ Anna. m room to the Illte and district once". who are plannin' to attend the meeting. The DeeHuld unit, American u- lion Auxilhry. will meet n the home of In. Hurry In: on Burns“ Ive- nue. Honda mum... Alum " at eight o’clock. Rev, Taylor of Highland Park will be in chum of the union- o- In- day, Aug; " " St. Paul's church sud min on August 81 It the pm.. hyurhn chuck. '10-- Kathryn u... will be an In: how. Thin will be the mum and election of one.†for in. yen will take pkce. Deerfield Auxiliary of Legion to Meet There wilt ll†be a allow“- tor the real-nation booth, which the ttttit will have in chair: for the coming Laden Day carnival achedulad tor August 22-88. August 2248. In. Lucy Brown. cum district dimetor, and In. Grace “black. the tttate rehabilitation chairman. an Mt. pected to “had. This promos to he the oncoming Mu of the you and all wombat are caudally urged to attend. Deerfield Ministers Starting on Vacation Rev. . J. Andrews, - of the Pmbyurhn church. will have tor I nation this week, while Ree. F. J. Plepenbrok. who: of St. Paul'- Evunliul church will In.“ hi. v.- cnuon the only part of non Ink. During their aha-nee the two church- es will unit. in the wonhlp unite.- Mania; Sunday. August 10, at St. Paul's, when Rev. Home-huh will be in charge. Sunday. August W, Mr, New A. Nu!" of the Gum Ritual lud- tuu will deliver the um It the Presbyterian church. the Annual meeting the can