r':[tr.'ii Thursday, August 7, 1980 H, F."3iermsen, pastor. The Woman's Missionary §oclety is having an all-day meeting at the summer home of Mrs. T. H. Decker at Long Lake today. Mio Ella Wess- ling is the hostess. A splendid pro- gram has been planned and a good time hanticipated by all. Dr. G. L. Schallgr of Harrisburg, Pa., one of the editors of our church school literature, will be with us on next Sunday morning at the Itt00 mm. worship service. He is a very interesting speaker and will have a Jorthwhile message. The pastor will speak at the 8 p.m. service. The quadrennial convention of the Evangelical church in religious edu. cation will be held at Naperville, ill., from August 12 to 17. A number of young people from Bethany church will go as delegates, others will so as visitors. Dr. Howard Tillman Kuist, a for- mer resident of this city,, who is an instructor in the Biblical Seminary uf New York, is just returning from a year's study m Europe. He ex- pects to spend a few days with rela- tives and triendrin the near future. He will occupy the Bethany pulpit on Sunday morning, August 17, while the pastor is on his vacation. Rev. J. H. Taylor will be the speaker on the evening of the some My. . be Redeemer Lutherln Church West Central avenue W. F, Suhr, pastor. On the coming Sunday the pulpit will be occupied by Mr. Theodore Schroeder. a theological student at St. Louis. As our guests on Sunday we shall Have an octet from St. Mark’s Luth. eran church of Chicngo. First Presbyterian church, Omnhu, _Nebraska, will punch. Mr. Maurice lvans, baritone, will be soloist and precentor. Presbyterian Church Sunday, August 10: 9:45 a.m., church school. 11:00 a.m., the Rev. Frank A. Hosmer, DI?" pgstor of the Bethany Evlngeliul Church Amang the Local Churches First United Evangelical Church Methodits Episcopal Church C. G. Unanzat, pastor. North ave. at Lauretta place. Yes, last Sunday was another hot Frank Davidson Hopkins, minister day! But it was a good day at the One might possibly think that a church. nevertheless. We had a Me series of discouraes $3tt the Parables time in the Bible school. The pastor of Jun. would become somewhat b h f f monotonous but such la far from the rouir t . tttetbtmre Q com art " truth. Each parable has its own dis- 10:45 tum. Ind it WI! very fitting Cinctive theme and is as difterent in view of the {act that two sudden from others as wouldbe two diluent deaths affecting our people, had Just 'tttdr,',',' trr, by Sd speaker. J2 T . esengso eausan aresosr- taken place. The Raedeke trio, ft fa ct tut they present the In" Chicago, sang at the evening servnce ingly .daptable to the life of today and the message on “Salvation by makes them doubly interesting. Next Grace." was well received. The clos- Sunday morning the pastor takes the ing hymn, "Glory to His Name," was parable which is ordinarily given the sung with a new appreciation and in. title of "The Rich Fool" and it will splration. ' develop a theme quite diiterertt from The pastor’s ‘sermon subjects tor any of the preceding ones. Do lame next Sunday are: 10:45 a.m.. "A pom-lion enlam or restrict one's light that shineth In a dark place"; freedom'. At what point may one 7:15 p.m., "Heaven: what is it like? begin to be "rieh"t How "I†an»! Who will be thereto be wealthy. and a splendid Christian? The Bible school meets at 9:30 a.m. Why in this labor-saving-maehlne-ace Lesson “New “Hannah. A Godly is there enereased fatigue and ex- Mother." I Sam.:9-18, 24-28. 2:19. haustion of life? Come and enjoy Let us have a large attendance. Via. theae Btudieq with u“ you wlll tind .. -eH ..,,_____ _._-.____4 them well worth while. The pastor’s ‘sermon “abject: for next Sunday are: 10:45 a.m., "A light that shineth In a dark pluce": 7:15 p.m., "Heaven: what is it like? Who will be there?" The Bible school meets at 9:30 mm. Lesson subject, "Hantuth, A Godly Mother." I Sam.:9-18, 24-28. 2:19. Let us have a large attemUnee, Via. itors are always welcomed. Robert Keeyn will lend the Chris. tian Endeavor meeting at 7:00 p.m. Topic, "How to become truly popu- lar." Phil. 4:6, IV, I Pet. 3:8-11. A union prayer meeting of the two classes will be held on Wednesday evening " eight o'clock. The prayer meetings have hid a fine interest lately. Come! The Sunday school board will meet at the close of the prayer meeting., The Mission Band will meet on Saturday afternoon at 2:30, at the church. The attendance at the meet- intrs of the band hll been very en- couraging. The lenders, Mrs. Fred Hennintt' and Miss Hedwig Gieser, are doing a Rood work with the boys and girls. Let every member be ipresent on Saturday afternoon. Bring other boys and girls. l, The ladies of the Woman's Home Ind Foreign Missionary society will hold their meeting for this month, on the lake front, on Thursday at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Charles Thomson will pre- sent the topic for the day. A picnic supper will be served. The families and friends of the members of the society are invited. “No.0ur Lord Jesus Christ Him. self, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, comfort your hurts. and establish you in every good ward Ind work." ll Then. 2:16-17. St. John'n Evangelical Church (Evangelical Synod of Americl) Homewood ttttd N. Greenbly road. F. W. Fischer, punter. "Man's heart will remain restless till it has found peace in the Lord Jesus:." The Sunday school and the church endeavor to help young and old in finding that priceless pence in life md death. Join the happy throng gains into the house of God. Sunday Achool It 9:30; divine ser- vices at 10:30. Come Ind meet I friendly congregation. TEE Pill! The Ladies Aid of the church will hold . bakery sale thin Saturday at Lamier'l drug store. on Waukecan avenue. There will be many kinds of delicioua products of home kitch- ens for aale at reasonable prim and those who find cooking these hot days top irkaome. will wieh to aecure acme of theae goodies. This, from the New HENS MOTOR SALES Here is the essence of fleet, economical transportation. a smart bantam car that will whisk you and another pm- enger to business, club, school or station in comfort at the amazingly low cost of 3/4 of a cent a mile for gas, oil and tires. IT'S HERE! York Sun. h.. HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS PM†“I New Austin Bantam Car A Car to Run Around In 21-“ North Sheridan Road I pithy point in It: “Mahatm- Ghan- di'. performan- lim Ill u a... How about having come otttataadirte Amrrienn "wet" - my Mr. M05 or Dr. Butler, - got into I nth!- gown, much to the Potomac river, Ind nuke dandelion wine?" The church nhool will be held " the ueuel time, 9:30 B.M. During tho remainder of the Sunny. in Att. gust the church will reunite with tit. Paul's Evangelical congregation. The service next Sunday will he held in the St. Pnul'e church. The - of ttus.ehureh preaching the eerlnon. Service: It 10:30 min. The mem- bets of this church ere naked to lup- port this Iervice to their ulna-t. August " the services will be held in the Presbyterian church. Rev, Nnghler of Evuneton punching the sermon. August M, the service. will be held at St. PeuI'e church, the Rev Joseph H, Taylor, preaching the eer- Inion. Am". ill. service. at Pres, lhyterlen church. in the Nulhlev sermon be held Joseph Holy Crou- Cathllc cum Wuhan Butt Wnulteun Rd., Deedeld, Illinoi- Rev. C. L, McDonouh, Nator Rev. C. L. Ichonmh, Pam Dntly ati-TM). Sundny ttt--4.80 . 8:00 w" 10:00 Centurion. Saturday evening - 80 to 9:00. . Rev, Mark J. Andrews, Puta- First PreAyteriot Chunk