H? '//iy.' COMMERCE CHAMBER ‘TIFFANY TALKS MI B SPONSORING ff ll. P. RUPARY SESSION Thursday, August 7, 1980 (Continued from page 3) there big Dollar Day bargains, the Highland Park Press is co-openting by the preparation of a big special Dollar Day Bulletin to be issued on Tuesday, Aug. 12, the day before the big event. In this bulletin merchants will be'able to acquaint their patrons and the public at large with the spe- cial values which they plan to offer the following day, and the Bulletin will be distributed in all homes in Highland Park, mwinia, Deerfield, and Highwood during that day. Second of Series This ir the second time that the business men, under the sponsorship of the chamber of commerce, have united in support of a sale of‘this character, and because of the present unanimity of eitort and interest on the part of the merchants, with most of them offering notable values for this mile, there is provided an ex- ceptional opportunity for the people of Highland Park, Ravinia, Deerfield, Highwood and nearby vicinities to avail themselves of the unequalled bargains in good merchandise to be offered on Dollar Day, Aug. 13. The remarkable.sueeeai' of the first Dollar Day sponsored by tho cham- ber of commerce with the backing of the 'merchants of the city on Feb, 10, 1930, was a notable demonstration of what Highland Park merchants are able and willing to do in a sale of this type, and the splendid results of that sale and the general success of the Dollar Day project on that oc- casion augurs well for the success of the coming. Dollar Day, Aug. 18. With this hearty eu-operation on the part of the merchants and the certain interest to be stimulated by the announcements of the fine values to be offered through the medium of the special Dollar Day Bulletin to be issued Tuesday, Aug. 12th, by the Highland Park Press, there is every reason to believe that Highland Park Dollar Day, on Wednesday, August 13, will be a great success and of widespread benefit to the community. (Continued from page 3) with the juniors on evenings or Sat.. urdays and Sundays. showing them some of the rudiments of the game and also teaching them how to hold and handle and stroke their racqueta properly. This courtesy will be extended not only to members, but to others who have boys or girls that should be playing tennis, because the Ravinil Tennis club is endeavoring to serve the community as well us its own personnel. _ Those enterting the tournnment will have the plenum of playing on the fastest and best kept courts on the north shore. Tennis Tournament At Ravinia Starts Aug. Ar,. Slow Motion Films, 28th. DOLLAR DAY Double the Value For Your Money August 13th (Continued from page b) sonnel. His talk was heard with deep interest Ind appreciation by the mem- bers present. Chief Tiftnny wu nominated u re- publican candidate for sheriff at the primary election lust April, receiving a llrge plurality despite the Get that w ho likes to write while vacationing! When you're on your vacation, every minute is precious. It seems an awful waste of time to write letters, but you can't worry the folks back home by not letting them hear from you. Why not snatch a few minutes from a busy vacation day and telephone them! Talking to them is much more satisfactory than writing letters and so much easier. You'll never miss the time it takes to make a Long Distance call. When you telephone back home. Mother knows by the sound of your voice that you’re well, Dad can tell from your laughter that you’re having a wonderful time ind you can answer little brother's question, "How's the mvimmin'?" When you go vacationing, it's a good thing to forget your re- sponsibilities--but keep the folks happy with an occasional telephone call. Long Distance is Quick, Clear, Inexpensive. THE PRESS ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BILL'svmuI OnePolicy . OMSyuem . Unioersalsemn'ee Bell Lines Reach Everywhere there were tour other candidates in the race. A: nomination on the u- publican ticket in Lake county in ma- ually tantamount to election. there is every proapect that Chief Tifuny will be the next sheriff of Lake county. Direetorrf Meeting President Nicholle of the Rotary club announced a meeting of the di. rector: of the club to be held Thurs. day noon at the Howard-Udell Cafe- teria. [Emu Prior, of Jacksonville. Fl... who in he" on I visit to MI all Mal. an. n couple of MCI. u only ia. man ulna than. astd the Inn u- ceivetlwith Marty manifestation d awn-echelon. William Doom VII prevailed upon to add to the 9mm by singing I m, which he did in " own inimitable way. and: to a. onloyment of lulu (ollov when. tttttere-or-stunt" author: WM it ie ruining it lulu bo the momma- when It in m. X49 "