I I. I "ittilEiEitl'-, re,, ' :- "'y':)pa.y, /V,,':'il'itrrt.ri,"; I F ' , T aFaa_t5t-.t -?,' " ' 0‘9, 't,'"'rr"i':1ri'i(.:rr,rx, ' f l F stt,Jyil c8Ettt.i?a r',"." fw- V " sr/tsv' fir/iris. 'ia, , v, 4,/,/z, ":7" .J‘ s', .' . y' l - Ip/ef, III _ L "' T I' " ':,rjri't,Cy'3t1 In] w, . . " l It .1}; (lift?,:!"', , whirl Cout" Wauk: th has illl tm m twrrrty-tive years. Mr. Fit-Id M's active practice before cumi fore reaching here, Mr. Fit-Id h r11)! two yvars. in and within tht tet.nth Judicial District of Illinois, " This Advertisement is Being Paid for by Attorney Jack Bairstow, Attorney John Noll and Attorney J. K. Orvis of Ctrmpatty 'h time the t was hi prv.9 alum-I I" tlw lllim ," 3rd I. 3 gent Jud r. Fivltl had I '0 coming to Fit-Id had [in thin the bunk Illinois. whirl candidate for the MIR-o r-d for the oms'uleration m to lu, hold, probably, ich he rvsi maimed th: [907, whi-n at ion for f to Lake lived all prtlvrs of al 1 our i (hum! ur yum of our appointed After two 'd, he re- ulmut om- , has since THE PRESS w Cap- during (‘ircuit _; FIELD In his practice he has uniformly defended the rights' of the people, having appeurvd in " great many import- ant cases in our locnl courts and in Chicago, and is now and has been attorney for the taxpayers of Waukegan. He has never sought political notivo and has never held any office anywhere sin-c 1905. In his campaign for 112i is receiving the active sup tions. The nomination will Central Committee, It counties in this Judicial County nomination. Mr. Field is pvculiavly tilh-d for this office because of the varied character of his practice. He has a pro- found knowledge of criminal puwodurv, is recognized as an authority on Chancery matters and his reputation as- a trial lawyer is widely known. and is second to few. Those who desire a fair and fvarlvss man uponthe bench where their most important interests may be the subject of judicial considvrution at almost any time, will mnlm rn mistake in giving In Mr. Field their hearty Those who desire a fair an bench where their most import subject of judicial eonsidvpati will make 110 mistake in giving support. He has alway Circuit Judge of the 17th Judicial ' District Attorney candidate for aign for this most important oMee, he 2 active support of the labor organiza- h' been a Pwpulrlican in Politics. w made by the Lake County ti untlvrstoml that the other district will accept the Lake