Deerpath theatre, Lake Forest, is offering another exceptionally fine se- ries of talking pictures during the coming week, including Fannie Brice in "Be Yourself"; "Paramount on Parade" with a galaxy of famous stars; Lillian Gish in her first talkie "One Romantic Night," and Marion Deerpath Theatre ls Offering Fine Series of Talkies Next Week Davies in program: Friday, Aug. Ilr-ust showing of Al Jolson in "Mammy." Saturday, Aug. t6-Fannie Brice in "Be Yourself," with Robert Arm- strong and Harry Green, noted com- edians, in a comedy knockout, said to be the leash hit of the year. Sunday, Aug. If (continuous 2 to li)-c."Paramuunt on Parade" with Buddy Rogers, Clive Brooks, Ruth Chatttrton, Gary Cooper, Nancy Car. roll, Maurice Chevalier, Richard Ar. len and many others in the cast and squads of sweetles, dancers, and com- Thursday, Attetut, 14, 1930 All Day SUNDAY Aug. 24 COME EARLY! Pong and saddle to he given away. Many other attractive prizes Public Service Company Model Farm "The Florodora Girl," The Lester T. Tiffany - Picnic -t-t" Ball Games Refreshments Free to Everyone A Big Party for Everyone! mes - Races - Dancing Ponies for the Kiddies to Ride Band Concert - "Orchestra Free edians - I ttreat Ipectnculnr talk- ing picture. - _ A -- A Mondly and Tuesday, Aug. lir.itr- Lillian Gish in her tlrit talking pro- duction “One Romantic Night," with Conrad Nagel, Rod LIRocque, Marie Drenler and O. P. Reggie, exhibit. ing the Artistry of a great cut It its best. Wednesday and Thursday, Aug. 20 ttttd 2t--Marion Davin in I new of the “gay nineties," "The Floridan Girl" tt most unusual musical ro- mince. On Wednesday evening also is the first elimination content in which , Chevrolet Apart roadster is the grind prize to be awarded " the close of the final contest. In order to quality it is necessary for coupon holdem to be prelent. Highwood Team Wins, from St. Anthony’s in Game Last Sunday The Highwood baseball tum de- feated the St. Anthony nine ot Wau- Mundelein, Illinois - PRIZES " at BRING YOUR FRIENDS! THE Free Both teams madn fourteen hits, but while the Saint: were plum; erratic" ball the combine wu ranking mm errors. The St. Anthony hurlen did well, while the Highwood pitcher wu handing out eight wnlks, and um. despite I" this, the Slim: lost. kenn hot Sunday " Trl-rods-il-', PRESS Vellliun tuned an the mound for the Mints, end wen knocked out of the box in the third inning when the "ttwood. nine Inked a seven-run rally, Nnvlckul succeeded him, and pitched extremely well, walking only one, end fanning ten. Rund pitched tor the winners, nnd»wnlked eight, fanning eight. It wet that one inn- ing whieh spelled dluter for the St. Anthony team. V Dicklhot let the Slintl in batting with four hita in five times It but; one being a double. Rona got four hits in flee trips to the plate for the winners to lend them with the stick. By losing this, numb the Mints drop to mend pluce in the Trl-Coun- ty Inm- WILLITS COLUMN THE CHINESE SYSTEM ISN'T SO BAD! Mont of us have md about the Chinese who my their doctor to keep them well, and atop â€an; him when they become ill. in method mture.|y keep- the doctor interested In his patients to the ex- tent of seeing that they ere kept well, end in the Wont that they are stricken with “Inc-e. he an. turnlly tries to nuke them well again on mm In {mantle so that a: :ulin‘h privlegod to collect a ee. Our preventive norvice Iota somewhlt in the some way. be. enuu- if your car is brought to u- nguT-riy for impaction and nd. justmvut. you Bro chnrcin; .. with the duties of the Chine-e dcetor to tho extent of keeping your car on the road in good con. dition, which will prevent G: from laying up your lummo ik for a long period of time. Another thing about the Chin. en people in t It they use some five thou-and hieroglyphic: in their writing and not many chin. ene ra", know the maniac of all t one eUmeters, no that they find it necessary to In to nome- one fumilinr with the alphabet to write and interpret their letters tor them. Have y:u ever stopped to think of the thouundn of parts thut In: neeounry in the nuke-up of your automobile that you no not fumiiilr with? Not being in the - Maine". notunlly, you Ire not acquainted with the molt of these port- or their im. L',',?,,'.'": to one another which up: your ur in [and running order. Moving made nutomohilee our business. we have made a study of all then.- parts, Ind there. fore Ire in a position to otter {on this preventive service. end ike the Chinese dcetor, will nuke it a point to keep your car in fttntt clus condition it given the appur- tunity to do no - or If it is in need of "conditioning, let us do this ‘work for ynu, end then keep it in good order. WILLITS HUSDON-ESBEX Sela-aim Lion! and Second Phom 303 W the event that they with “he“. he u- to nuke them well n u Ponible BO that prlvlexed to collect 'de Ade