girl Kine-id Mr: Mrs. and Mrs. Munriee Mayer, who we trken the O. R. Keller home on inc-id nvenuc for th-ttmer, had I their wrwk.end guests Mr. and is. M. Sachs of Chicago. Amontt the trirls Who returned uml- Sunday frrsm Hiekory "in ml smut camp. Wis., are Mary Lou "thorn, l'nrolnu and Suzanne ('nnle. lrlrn Juan and Rerniee'Atrererom- r Marylu Sunburn and Dnnnn Jean Local and Personal Unlimited amount available for loans up to 15 years in Deerfield, Highland Park or Highwood Highland Park For the NEW MAJESTIC RADIO Hi North Sheridan Rd.. Highland Park Endowment Real Estate and Building Loans Fur Style Show MOLDAN ER and HUMER 503 South St. Johns Avenue Highland Park E. R. COLE TODAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY AUG. 14th, 15th and 16th STYLES IN THE NEW ATTRACTIVE SILHOUETTE Write or Call Furriers INVITE YOU TO THEIR STEFFEN AUTO SUPPLY Highland Park‘s Exclusive Dealer YrtB Pill! The Misses Dorothy Splnk, Betty Breitenstein 1nd Helen Mencham have lensed one of the Udell npnrt- menu and will take possession about September 16. Miss Spink Ind Mine Breitenstein are on the touching stat? of the Oak Terrace school ind Miss Meacham is a nurse for one of the local physicians. . -firfia Mrs. Georize Daily are te-l ceiving congratulations on the-birth of a son, born saturAay2iyrlyst 9. , Mrs. J. P. O’Connell of iiiiiiiviodl, drive, entertained n party. of friends‘ n luncheon and bridge yesterday u Rolling Green Ccunuy club. I Mr. Ind Mrs. Harold Witt of Rav- mew/00d weer the week-end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Witt of Glencoe avenue. Professor Clifford Puild of Bloom. ingtnn. Ill., is spending this week with his daughter, Mrs. E. R. Baum of Ridgewond drive. Mrs. Samuel Benton and two chil- dren from Texas arrived here Sat- urday evening to make an extended visit with Mrs. Denton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Griesmeyer of N, Green Bay road. Mr. and. Mrs. Charles L. Berry and daughter Maxine of Homewood ave- nue left on Saturday for a ten dnys’ motor trip to Niagara Falls. ___ Mr. ani, Mrs. Him; Heft and their nephew Ted Cubonnrgi are spend- ine ten days at Fox Lake, v, Mr. and Mrs. Gervase L, Brown of m, Johns avenue left on Monday for a two weeks' vacation in Davenport, Iowa. _ Mrs, C. A. Sanborn is hostess to. day to her luncheon club at her home on Ridzewod drive. Phone Highland Park 54 Phone Highland Park 350 Jerry Baum, of Ridgewood drive, returned home this week from a month's stay with his grandfather, Professor Clifford Puild " Bloom. ington, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Bailey of Burton avenue had as their week-end guests Miss Emm.a Benson, a sister of Mrs. Bailey and Mr. J. Werway of Appleton, Wis. CHARLES FIORE and assure successful growth next spring! Lan dscap_e_ Gardening FALL in the ideal time to plant nearly all varieties of trees and shrubs. Then plants are dormant, the Boil workable and the ample fall rains pack the earth firmly about the roots so they are ready to respond to the first growing urge of spring. To delay planting until next spring Inly mean the loan of B full nettrsott--Irlant this (all! We will be glad to help you select exactly the rt ht vari- etlea to e,'t the 'llf'le', you desire. all, phone or wr" our advice is fun. " PFairie Avenue Telephone ‘Highwood 523 Thursday, August 14, 1930 " - 'GiaTCko"m Specialists in