Keepink dive between 40 and 60 yum of we has [mum rapidly more ditBeult for men, but only modnnuly no for women during recent vents. tweor KEEPING ALIVE IS INCREASING PROBLEM Especially for Men Between Ages of 40 And 60 Stalls- ties Indicate ttt 'dine to m nnnirsis of niortat. Here is a Frigidaire in I strikingly beast. tiful glacier-gray Porcelain-Ort-steel- durable and easy to clean. It has shelves that are elevated to a convenient height. It has rounded corners and roomy food storage space. Most important of all. the mechanical unit is completely a. closed-the design that has made Frigidaire famous for The new GO Frigidaire. Glider-guy Purcelain-un-sleel inside and out. 4 'd square feet food storage spice. Only $1 97.10 (cash price) l.o.b. Oman. "iciency, long life. and low operating cost. "Cold control," this Equipped with the lhwntuwn Dinplay Room m N. slim.“ Arr. STOV Randolph 4951 " IHIILAN l) PARK-c, i Central Ave. N URBAN) W000B-890 Linden Ave. "In Chicago the men between 40 and 60 contributed 26 per cent of alt mortqlity nmong males in 1921 and 32.5 per cent in 1928, a Jump of one- fourth in the percentage.†the health ck pertinent said. "For 1921 the wom- en between 40 and 60 contributed 22.1 per cent of the total female mortality ity statistics made public today by the" state health department. Fur. thermore, it in twice " diMeult for the big city man to arrive at TO u f6r his country cousin. if the death rate is any index of conditions. STOVER CO. Porcelain-on-sfeel inside and out in beautiful Glacier-Gray â€A outstanding performance and outstand- ing value throughout the world. Call " our display room and see a F demonstration. Also Frigidaire freezes ice and desserts with unusual speed. It is extra ppwerfu! yet remarkably quiet. In every way, it is I refrigerator worthy of the name it bears-a name that has come to mean _TI1is new rigidaire General oiriees t CO. 219-29 Ik North Water St. Whitehall 8161 EvANtWON--168t Shermlll Ave. LAKE FOREth'-m Market Square TEE PI!!! It-gg-gi. CASH 'lICE . F.CM) DAYTON Donut“: Record "Por down-state the ion of men between 40 and 60 constituted 18.6 per cent of the mole mortality in 1921 und 21.5 per cent in 1928. Wom- en of the some age group contributed 17.6 and 19.1 per cent of the total female mortality for the two yum, respectively. The percentage of in. crense among men was nearly twice that among women. . Ind only 23.7 per cent in 1928, a slight rise. ask about our special Payment plan which makes Frigidaire sur- prisingly easy to buy. Furthermore. in Chicago the men 0-“. To-Change Signal Light System in Libertyville The lllinuis Commerce Commission last week authorized the Chicago, Milwmkec. St. Paul and Ptteifie rail- road to change its crossing light. sys- tem in Libertyville to more complete equipment. The order permits the railway to remove its regular wig-wag system It the Milwaukee avenue crossing to flashlight signals with double two- way lamps ‘and rotating stop__dilcs. The village board approved the im- provement before it was carried-be- fore the commission. "Another factor is the new free. dom of women. A greater range of employment in the business world, wider participation in outdoor sports, political enfranehisement and change in mode of dress have resulted not only in pronounced sociologiéal changes in the status of women but have given to them a new outlook on life that is evidently stimulative end beneficial." 'i‘hese'will be uutoimtichlly con- trolled by the track circuit upon the approach or dtptTturt of lt'trairt.., “Besides displicing the wig-wag it will relieve a part time "ttmatt of duties. "The reasons tor these changes are not altogether eletrr.. Under modern conditions the struggle for existence among men past 40 has doubtless grown severe and that is‘nn import- ant factor. Men past middle life have not learned to safeguard their own health as well as they insist upon for their wives and children. The baby and the school child are frequently examined by physicians and the mothers get the benefit of listening to the advice and of apply- ine the measures prescribed for the youngsters. between M) and 60 contributed last year 17,1 per cent of the total male iniortality, the heaviest for any de- cade of life while for down-state the same age group contributed only 12.4_ per cent, the 70 and 80 age group losing most heavily with 19.8 per cent. For women, the 60 to 70 age group in Chicago was highest among females, contributing 16.6 per cent of the mortality against 21.9oer cent from the TO to 80 down-state group which stood high. Finding Life More Dliicult "Mtrnitestly the male is finding life much more diMeult after 40. Infants and young people up to 30 new con- tribute noticeably less to the total morality and the increase in the per- centage of deaths between 30 and 40 has been trivial. In both the 40 and 50 and the 50 to 60 age groups, espe- cially among the maies. the increase has been enormous in Chicago and marked down-state. Deerfield, Illinois A. H; MUHLKE Sold and' Repaired Thursday, August 14, 1930 Phone 363