This afternoon at 2:30 the Menum. mev vil'am- loft on their overnight hike. They planned to no out Whip- 10 r-w'rll trail into the virgin timber near the old lumber camp. Jack Jeppesen, hikomnster and Dick Wich- man, amenmpanied the Menominecs. All the scouts of Chippewa village who did not help in cleaning up the camp, sirtthbod the finors of the tents camp. .uerttbbod the fioors of the tents this morning. Chippewa campers are building a new counril rim: around their ttae Mr. Harvey A. Gordon, natinnn ramp engineer for the Boy Scouts tp, pole C.VMI' ENGINEER VISI'IS MAKAJAWAN Mr. McManus was heard singing "Happy Days are Here Again,†this afternoon, What would you do if camper to the dock fur menu and ho went to tht pital for itt . T Dick Wiehman, mess hall loud. speaker, is losing his finger nails. We extend our sympathy. Mr. Wilkins loft camp this morn. ing. The campers who have been on guard duty garc- him a splendid send off. His last words w.ere "l regret that I have but one toothbrush to give to Makajawan." Birch Trails' Birthday greetings were extended to Mr. Morris and Mal-lion Sharp at noon moss yesterday, by the singing st:ff members. This afternmm at 2:30 the Menom. mev vil'aze left on their overnight hike. They planned to go out Whip- 10 r-will trail into the virgin timber near the old lumber camp. Jack feed, when overynno had a clean face. the ontire ramp was photographed. Sumo idea, oh, wet? The harbor said that he had dim, vulties cutting hair, because sume of the campers were growing potato cloph's behind their ears. Norton Potter had the pleasant task of parading up in front of the camp at evening mess yesterday tn receive his sizzling hot trunks that he left for someone to turn in to the 1 st and found department. Believe it ur.not, hut Mr. Betak's watch drown-d in the lake at the waterfront, (vas brought to the sur- fure today and it was still running. THE INSPIRED REPORTER As Mr. Green: was dreaming, there (ante a noise most unseeming, for the hour of one o'clock when ship't, bells strike twice at the dock. "What, wy it." said Mr. Greene, as he scrat- rhed his wise bean, "could this be a mother and dad, seeking their grow- ing lad in the wilds of the north at Mnkajawun just when the sandman's work is done? V I'll go across and help them out.' Laying his course he rharted his route to the western (luck m the morning at 1 o'clock. As he approached the western shore, the noise increased more and more. "One if bylland and two if by sea. and lio: on the western dock will be," hummed Mr. Greene in the head. light',' gleam. for there on the west- ern duck, who should appear but our medical Doc. Immediately after the watermelor feed, when overynno had a clean Nee, the (attire ramp was photographed. Sumo idea, oh, wet? Dick Wi speaker, is We extend Mr. Wilk ine. The c; Thursday, August 14, 1930 WILMETTE BRAESIDE KENILWOWH ' QAVINIA INDIAN HILL HIt3HLANDtW2lk VVINNETKA HIGHWOOD HUBi9kt2D)M2ODS EVERETT GLE NCOE LAKE FOREST if you sent I or somo Kern- the camp hos- Bovtiahia" NEWS SHAWNEES DEMONSTRATE HOW TO PASS BUCKET After the retreat ceremony this eve- nine, Mr. Harms of Trocp 61, North- hruuk had a group of the scouts of Shawnee villuze demonstrate I me- thud of forming lines for passing water which was apparently very ef- fitOnt. The scouts were arrtuttted at intervals apposite each other so NORTH SHORE . Yesterday several cumnors of the Menominee village went on their 14- milu hike because they will have been out on their overnight hike the night before the rvgulnr time planned for attempting In pass the l4-mile hik- 'ne test. They left camp It 9:00 in the mnrning and the majority of them were back by 4:00 in the aft. urmum. They went by huddiistart.. init out about five minutes apart. Freh 4f them were supplied with mrws' kits filled with macaroni and wink-rs. Finch pIir had a kin-puck. They hiked around the lake and down' tho road which lends from camp to "auto "A". followed route "A" to In o'd lumber camp. where they lunched. and' returned.-Fted Kriebel. Troop 15. Winnetka. nut hiking and found I good sin-d soft maple which they considered suitable for their use. They chopped some of the branches on. Today they export My. Karl D. King, former president f the North Shore Area council. was 2 visitor in camp mdly accompanied by Mrs. King. Mr. Robert King. I veniur oMeer on the camp suit, is their son. Other visitors in camp to. 'day were Mr, and Mrs. H. G. Briggs ml their two sons, William and Rich- ard, of Highland Park; Mr, and Mrs. H. J. Dernehl of Wilmette; Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mehrey of Winnetka; and Mr, and Mrs. A. Weisner and Ewe. Mary and Jack, their children f Winnetka. the branches on. Today they export to bring it in to camp. dig a hole, 1nd place it.--Charles Dunlap, Troop America, last week inspected Camp Makejawan accompanied by Mr. F. H. Longsdorf, scout executive of the Samoset Area council with headquar- ters at Wausau, Wisconsin. The scouters were accompanied by two scnuts of the Samoset Area council. Peter VanNestram and Robert Etteler, Mr. Lonusdorf visited camp some time ago when he was accompanied " Mr. J. F. Luther, commissioner fur the Andizo district of the council. Camp Makajawan is located within the limits of the Samoset arca coun- oil. \IENOMINEES ON ll-MILE HIKE New Flux Pole The fourth patrol of the Monom- inee village is going to fix a new fitttt nole for. the' iamp grounds. The old am will be removed as there will no hunger be any use for it. Yes. tm'duy attermrm the campers went KARL ll. KING VISITOR IN CAMP Winnetka BOY SCO COUHCII IIIAOQIJA" II ~oIIIIIln- I. WILD-Jill†.Vlll'OIO-C-N-qu THE PRESS ‘SEA saw-rs APPEAR IN NEW WHITE UNIFORMS Last night the non scouts of Camp Mnknjuwan nppcnred " retreat for the first time since the period started with every mm in the same kind of uniform. They were the.regulltlon summer white uniform prescribed fm et scout use. This Wu the last re- treat ceremony which Mr. Gnidzik was able to “tend. Ill he left for his home in Highlnnd Park Inter in the evening, and he was very pleased that he WI! able to.sco his ship completely uni- formed according to regulntionl be- fore he hnd to lave. The no: scouts h:d not been able_to secure uniforms at the camp store because therein!†nut enough demand to attack them "J: not Dean inlay) secure uniforms at the camp More because therein!†not enough demand to attack them and n Int-rill order had to he sent that a [nil could be handed down the cutter without the [on of . [rent amount of water. In the return line the scouts stood About 10 feet apart and tossed the pails.down the line, nrippiml the bottom and toning them m that the next man could cltch it and pass it on. (‘unp Link-jaw“ News At this season large contingent: of Boy SL-nuts fr 111 north shore communities ire " (‘amp Mala- jnwan. the mom summer amp in Wisconsin. Ilenee prime-Hy I“ of the new: contained in this page this week is in reference to camp .wtivities. and the various "vil. lages" named in the seven! items bvhiw rt-fer lo groups of smut: at tho ' AMERICA Otlhictb- N01“ Phones: H. Pk. 3290 . Emergency Service H. PK. 82H Quaker State-flavors Waxfree Motor Oils-Greases camp BRAUN BROS. OIL Co. A CORRECT GRADE FOR EVERY BURNER PERSONAL SERVICE FUEL OIL OF HIGHLAND PARK Vlbiulrlbulors of aENVIEW MUNOELEIN GOLF LIBERTYVILLE NOOJ'HBMOK DtttMONDLA" MONT-HELD HALF DAY DEERFIELD _ â€NWT BANNOCKBUDN httNHOE to Chicago for the clothing. Tttis order wu ttettt It the beginninc of the period and yesterday the new tttti. forms arrived and were inued. Ac- cording to spectator: the appearance of the retreat ceremony was greatly enhanced by the new uniform: of the Sea Scout; who have a con-pica“: place in the middle ot.. - farm. ett by the Boy Scout: of the camp at retreat. “I with that every Bor Smut in camp might have the priv- ilege of kin; I passenger on the Sea Scout's "that." said Mr. Gaidsik junt before having camp. At last nixht'e' camp the. each rump presented a etunt. Mr. Harm: presented an Hawaiian the Incanta- tion in" native costume. .He bowed to the earth and picked up lone dust. prayed that the mighty alla would send lire to make the duet burn. and whrn the dunt burst into lame, he bowed and lighted the tire with the burnintt earth. The Sea Smut: then [are a stunt which they called "An Astmnomer in IBM.†The story of the stunt wan concerned with an aa- tmnomer who thought he had dir. tovervd a mu. planet. He and his unaiutant. utter talking to each other ever a television lnatrument. decided to travel to the newly diseovered planet by a rocket plane. Their ad- venture: on the new plInet when they arrived there proved rather ytsrtfing to the audience. Victor Joyce "tttr and accompanied himnelf on his guitar. George Bern-h then (Continued on page 24) FIRE INFANTATION PRESENTS HAWAIIAN