Rev. F. C. Piepenbrok, pastor of St. Paul's Evangelical church and w“ witnessed by about thirty guests in- cluding mostly relatives. The bride was lovely in a gown of white satin and carried a shower bouquet of white roses and babys breath. Ann: A very pretty wedding of last week was that of Miss Eleanor Helen Ott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Ott of Oak avenue and Mr. Arthur Johnson of Central avenue, which tcok place at the home of the bride's parents on Saturday. August 9 at 5 o’clock. The service. was read by the The W. H. Neville family were among the large number of families at the Effingham county reunion held in Lions Park, Des Pltaines on Sun. day. The affair was given for all former residents of Effingham now residing in either Lake or Cook coun- ties. An entertaining program was provided throughout the day and thoroughly enjoyed by all who at- tended. The Cruieshtut.tam'dy have moved from Mrs. Minnie Willnun's home on Grand avenue to the house on Di- vision street, recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lawn-nu. who have moved to Libertyville. V enue Miss Martha Barman was a guest of Mrs. J. Jr. on Friday. Miss Gladys Reid, who has been visiting her sister Mrs. George Eng- strom and mother, Mrs. Mary Reid departed Sunday for Globe, Arizona where she is assistant superintend- ml. of, schools. En route she will visit in Dallas, Texas. Mrs. Harry Muhlke number of friends at Central avenue Friday Dan Hunt and family have moved into their new home on Faimaks av- Thursday, August 14, 1930 Paul Johnson, sun of Rev. and Mrs. . P.. Johnson spent the past two colts at the home of his grand- ther, Rev, I H. Johnson at Ash. Send contributions to local correspondent before Tues- day noon. Help her to make this Iection interesting. MRS. LORETTA WILLMAN, Local Editor Lincoln Ave., Deerfield, Ill. Tel. Deerfield 153-3 DEERFIELD NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS Deerfield Locals DEERFIELD N EWS-FLASHES entertained a her home an afternoon. of Chieattn A. Reichelt Mr. and Mrs, William Muller and family of Arlington Heights were guests at the Fred Meyer home on Snturdny. Tuesday afternoon, the Woman's Mirusionar.v society of the Bethlehem Evangelical church dispensed with their plans for a pienie nt Sunset park. However, they enjoyed a pic- nie lunrh in the dining room of the church. At that time reports of the Illinois Brarwh W. M. S. Convention were given by delegates Mrs. E. Gin and Mrs. J. L. Vetter. General dis. cussion followed by others, who " tended the convention. Mrs. J. E. Woodman of Paul Hur- bor, Fla., en route to her summer home in northern Wisconsin. spent Monday with Miss Sndie Galloway. White Fish Mr. and Mrs. Minni Lakes, Wisconsin. after which they will make their home in Deer. field on Fairoaks avenue. Rev. and Mrs. A. P. Johnson are entertaining Rev. and Mia. R. H. Aurand of Le Mars. Iowa, at their summer cottage at Burlington this week. Rev. Aurand delivered the sermon at the evening service on Sunday at the Bethlehem Evangelical church and together with Rev. E. Sivhuvtl‘er of Merian,-rllinoiss, ren- dered u delightful musical program. Mrs. Arthur Maw and three daughv tors are spending the week with Mrs. Maw’s parents at Hammond, Ind. Rev. and Mrs. Sum of Kansas City, Mo., are visiting at the home of Mrs. Sam’s brother John L. Vetter rsf Wauke'zun road. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Haohlen of Dy- ,ur't, Iowa, are visting Mrs. Ilaeh- len's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stryker of Iloerf1vld avenue. Mr .and Mrs. Oliver Endpr null Ott, sister of the bride was maid of satin and the Mwers she carried Were yellow rum-5. Edward Johnson served his brother as best man. The color scheme of yellow and white was effectively carried out in the LUUSL' (lacerations. Following the Wedding dinner. the young couple de.. parted [or a honey' mag}; Mr. and Mrs, Louis Saefker and Its. Minnh, Willman spent J'hurs ay at the Ethan Willman home. Lawrpnro Dondanvillo returned to is, home in Moline, Illinois on Sun- ny accnmnunied by Mrs. Catherine nder, Arthur and Clara rjnder. On account of the rain on last uesday afternoon, the Woman's V W lursday after spending a Mrs. Ethnn Willman at Bay, Wisconsin. Oliver Ender and TH] Pill. rle de- Three which Deer- Mr. and Mrs. G. J. uuu of Cen. trnl avenue had as their - on Sunday, Mr. Gumme, Mr. and In. Gun: and three daughter- of Evans. ton. Members of the Ladies' Kid Iocie- ty and Sewing eirele of St. Paul'- Evangelical church are asked to bring a basket lunch Ind enjoy a picnic on the luwn of Mrs. Loui- 8oefUr on the County Line rand on Thursday, August " 'II,IO OFFICERS 0F i, DEERFMD AUXILIARY 'M'rs. Farrier Named President: List of Others Choaen; Delegates Selected At the annual meeting of the Deer- tleld unit of the American Legion Auxiliary, held Monday evening, the following once†were unanimouely elected for the emulng year: Pres. ident, Mrs. George Jacobs; 2nd vice- ‘president, Mrs. Ralph Peterson; Ber. (,i'i,ii'i',t"i'i.,i:/'i,'i, Kathrine Man; treas- urer. Mrs, Prank Jacobo, Stu; chap- lain. Miss Louise Huhn. The incoming president, Mrs. Par- ner and Mrs, George Jacobs will be delegates to the tenth anual depart- ment convention of the American u, gion Auxiliary to be held at Aurora on September 8 and 9. Mrs. Frank Jacobs Jr. was elected alternate for Mrs. Farmer and Mrs. Gordon Clause alternate for Mrs. G. Jacobs. fro Vial! Conn l The president announced that .Thursday, Augmt M, would be he- gion day " Fort Sheridan when spe- cial entertainment will be in order and lunged members to try and vialt the ;seene of artivities on that day. I Mrs. Grace Tibbala. department re- habilitation chairman, gave a detailed 1C',,'l1/rCl'd',', of how the executive board functionn as well as some of St. P Those desiring tramrportatitm In requested u? meet at the church It booth which promise: to standing feature 1t the I val srheduled for Fridny Gy, August 22 and 23. 12:30 u'clork penaes Reports Given Quarterly reports were given by rehabilitation. child welfare, and membership chairmen. Mu. Tamer- m".n in her child welfare report But. "d that dresl maverial purchued from prameds of recent curd parties had been forwarded to the three or- phans adopted by the unit. Many beautiful and useful â€tides wru- obtained for the regulation Man and Min iaiiilkaiiaT Installation of ottieets will I held until the October meeting, The unit also voted to send the past president, Mm. Harry Kan. tq the cunvvntion and pay all her ex- the problems they hopé G av; ii the coming convention. During the Paul’s Ladies' Aid to Have Picnic Aug. 21 11urt at the Legion can} 22 and 23.’ "1‘ social hour, refreshment: by, the hostel-cl. In Friday ind Sum be the out. not be Genev- won thug 1 Wuhan two, D-ite! Bnrringtmt one. Those failing to win I includod Damn Gum and Jul-tine. The DeerfUht Gun club in um tented by Walter and Ed Rudolph. C. T. Antler-on and Robert I. Mb. The Port River Gun club of Goa- ova, (IL, wan am pluc- ia the North- ern Illinois' Tm Shanta-f In." for the year by winning the tiatat tourttnment " Put-tine Band-y. Auc- ult 10. “in; winter pastime an invited to attend and take part in the evening'- nnd lea-owl pron-m. Mr. Phillip It. Scuily Jr., in mercury and lurch" information may be obtain-d than him by calling Doeriloid IN. ,,,,,._, - --. -v‘uuu', um“ "I. tor the purpose of electing Ollie-n. preparing the uhedule. and new" team: for the coming town. Bowl.“ nnd other: interested in thin inbor- A meeting of the Deerfield Bowling lulu: will be held In the ville utr, D-field, FIN-y etenirte, Aug-It 16. Deerfield Bowlers Meet; Chose Ollicen; Schedule Fox River Gun Club Wins in Final Mud: mu Rockenhuh graduated from Deertuhrahieta high Ichool and In June completed junipr year at the University of Illinois. She in I mem- her of Binn- Kappa. The [room in A (“dune of the University of thmln. The ceremony wan performed by the Rev. Merl: J. Andrews, pastor of the Deerfield Prenbyterion church. " the home of the bride's parent. It Lake Zurich It tive o'clock. The bride's gown was of powder blue ehifron Ind Ihe curried I bou. quet ot white role: and Inlay- ttmath. She wu attended My her sister. Kl- Allce Rockenhaeh, " maid ot honor who were I (own of ttoweeed ettit. ton and carried pink rose- wd plat lurk-purl. R, Mr. Kenneth Holme- of Club... u-rved u best man. Following the Mummy the bridal party and - motored to Bar. rinmn whore I wedding dinner it. served at the Barium Tea Room. A wedding of much interest to a large circle of friends in Bartok! occurred on Sauna-y. Ann-t in when Helen Rockenbuch. daughter of Kr. and In. o. l. hatchback. be- cnme the bride of William C. Bru- deubm of Hudson, Win. Miss Rockenluch Bride of Wm. C. Brandenburg Wedding Saturday, Aug. 8 won that human-u, two, D-tuid one, and I bum-out t. AMI-u.