The concluding hours of the carni- val, Saturday night. will provide thrills for many, but especially for two, who will count Saturday, Au- gust M, their "lueky day." The car committee chairman, Comrade Gus Klemp, announces that a Chevrolet sport coupe will at that time be given away. Of particular interest to the children will be the awarding, at that time also of a wide-gauge electric train set. While the value of the set will mean little to them, the attractive features and fine work. manship of the outfit will surely mean that its little owner will be counted tt "lueky chap" among his associates. Remember-you are invited to come out to Jewett park, Deerfield, on Fri- day and Saturday, August 22 and 23 to enjoy the companionship and fun pf the Annual American Legion car. nival, Deerfleld Post No. 738, of which George Briggs is commander. Commander George Briggs is ne- gotiating with Dr. H. E. St. Antoine Commander George Briggs is ne- gotiating with Dr. H. E, St. Antoine to have the Veterans Drum and Bugle Corps of North Chicago Hospital No. 105' attend the carnival and give a series of musical marches and stunts on the carnival days. Approximately ioo Highland Park baseball fans were on hand Tuesday, August 12, when the Chicago Cubs played the Brooklyn Robins in the tirst game of-a fourntamo series, with berth honors at stake. The High- land Park delegation boarded a North Shore Line train at 1:33 Tuesday afternoon for the Cubs' Park. For the convenience of the out-of-town routers, a special stop was made at the Addison street "L' 'rstation. On their return trip, the visitors board- ed their train, leaving Belmont ave- nue station at 5:45 p.m. Busch" Game A baseball game, later in the aft- ernoori, will provide continued enter- tainment. Services: Sunday, August. 17, the ninth Sun.. day after Trinity- ' 7:30 a. rm-Holy communion. 11:00 a. m.--Mornine prayer and ser- mon. . Local Baseball Fans at Cubs Park Tuesday follow th lowing St 1 o'eloek years ( 50 ya: under. 50 yarn 60 yard dash, girls 10 ye der. Baseball Throw-boys 14 IN der. _ Girls 14 years or under. Boys 10 years or under Girls 10 years or under. Thursday, August 14, 1980 MARDI GRAS FEATURE g DEERFIELD CARNIVAL: de The fi: _ Bates yard dash Trinity Episcopal Church A". Christuph Keller, Rector East Laurel Avenue ' yard (C field events, es in charge, the Mardi G schedule: ck - 100 yt s or under. ard dash, g fie bntinued boy yard from Gras, girls with will 10 years dash page _ Comrade I L immediate with the fc H years years years boys 3) or or tely ful. 14 Write or call for further information. iiixty-four branches: County. Dues per year, $10.00. Enrollment fee, (first year A complaint such as this will never be ut- tered by the member of the Chicago Motor Club who hai placed his insurance with the Inter. insurance Exchange. The policy issued by the "exchange" considers sliding into a ditch a collision and the claims department handles it as such. which. in the event of total Imus. pays the face value of the policy. Civic work, such as good roads work, ro:ul widering, fighting speed traps, and working "My wheels struck a culvert, and I crashed into the ditch. Of course, I thought my insurance covered me, but. I fuund out that the in, surunw (unwuny did put consider sliding into a ditch a collision, and, as a matter of fact. that the pulivy expressly excluded such accidents. Another feature of the policy issued by the "exehange" is that it is the valued form ('s1l)? tissisCisi, ’12»: I. W "o. ,'lgil5' I. ' gps Q ENN i-iii-ii-ii-its:-,')-)."-); M‘ Nagy m L" i If); Chicago Motor Club INTO A BITCH CHARLES M. HAYES, President HIGHLAND PARK BRANCH City Address (HIGHLAND PARK mum†CHICAGO MOTOR CLUB Name 41 N. Sheridan Rd., Highland Park Gentlemen: Please send me further information con- cerning the many money-saving services of the Club. Without obligation to me, ‘. Miller, Waukegan National Bank Bldg., Wuhan MECHANICAL SERVICE STATION Libertyville Garage, 6il No. Milwaukee Ave. for name general 41 N. Sheridan Road AHORNEY FOR THE CLUB w of the Home district nervice, which attends to special conditions around your home, such on main. to it that rerun in promptly removed. Aeeiderrt prm'tyltiau work, which no!“ to cut urcidculn, mrpeNallr tummy lrhool 0““:me {mum ot mung poulrru and foulm'iuy nah - Tluvel service, which provides you with mp: Iowa and the most complete and up to the mm- ute “vice on road conditions. Bail bond service, which guarantee- you girl"!!! in trunk viuUtion cues wh nd not in excess of $100 is demanded JOHN DIXON. Mgr. tmttioht t'vitre and ordinance 84 downstate; 30 in Cook only) $5.00 a Ptt ilOh Phone 105 are umzmg the other your up- when a