PUBLIC LIBRARY IN OLD CITY BUILDING The Public library is now located at the old City hall on West Central avenue, its temporary home during construction of the new library build. init on'the Laurel avenue property". Even while moving, the library continued to serve its patrons. "How can you'."' was a frequent question; but a desk librarian was on duty at each building in addition to librarians who were either starting books on their way or receiving them, and the telephone was working at the new lo- cation as an extension, so no one was refused service. VOLUME XIX On Thursday, the ehifdren's de- partment was operating as usual at the lihrnry building till closing time; that night the books were boxed; and the next morning, due tofhe oifteieney of Mr, Rafferty and his men-ond, of course. the librarians - children were borrowing books in the old council chamber which has become for the time an attractive children's library. . ' Anna-chm Ctr-operation The othér departments moved Mon. day and Tuesday, over 21,000 volumes being moved without a break in the library's regular work. , an hour before she had gent a check to pay for a lost library book. but the book had now been found and she wished her cheek held for her. She did not know whether her son had taken the cheek to the old or the new location. But in about a minute she was informed from the other building that her check was received and would be held. This is only one of many results of the careful planning of Miss Hendee. the librarian, and Mrs. Rubens. chairman of the house mmmittno. which kept all wheels turn- ine smoothly. Other Departments Move The library board is very appre- ciative of the promptness and ready co-operatiun of the local men who were called upon for cleaning and cal. cimining, shelving, and moving, men- tioning especially Mr. Witten, Mr. Berube, and Mr. Rafferty, with their respective helpers. all of whom show- ed a tine public spirit which aided in the promptnrsrrof the work. (Continued on mute an Patrons Served 'without Inter- ruption during Change; Appreciation In the midst of the moving, a wo- man telephoned the old building: that Highland Park Elks Lodge No. 1362 is planning a golf tournament to be held Friday, Aug. 22, at the Cnlum. bian Country club, on Milwaukee ave- nue, a mile north of Wheeling. Mem- bers and guests are invited ind a full day of golf is planned. Lockers, showers and other privileges are to be provided. All members are urged to turn out and enjoy a good time. Highland Park Elks To Have Golf Tourney The Highlauh W Dollar Day, yesterday, Iponlored by the Highland Park chamber of mom, with the eo-operation of most of the local merchants, proved to be a wholesale success. judging from early- reports and the general activ- ity noted on streets and in stores. It is too early to obtain a detailed re- port, but those who commented on the progress of the sales were highly pleased with the results yesterday. One merchant said he had sold more goods by 10 o'clock yesterday than during the whole of the previ- ous day, In a grocery store custom- ers were buying canned goods by the case. and some of them took several cases. it was reported, evidently de- termined to be forearmed against the predicted increase in prices of these commodities owing to the draught. Another merchant reported that practically all of the special sale ar- tides in his store had been disposed of by early afternoon. In other quar- ters reports were similarly gratifying. and the indication is that Dollar Day was a tremendous success in every way. General Announcement of Playground Events Plans for the tmeeifie events of Playground day are being worked on now by the playground directors, but the general program is fairly dehn. itely worked Out. The day has " ways been a summing up of the ac- tivities engaged in on the various playground throughout the season. and it has been an event looked for- ward to by both children and their parents. . This year the day's activities will begin at 10:00 a.m., when the junior horseshoe tournament for buys under 13 years will take place. Also at 10 there will be I boy's tennis tourna- ment; and at 11 the intermediate horseshoe tournament. After these events, the're will be time given for those wishing to go home to lunch. Supper will be brought by the par- tieipantt and eatenut the park. Dollar Day Big Success Yesterday, Early Reports Indicate; Business Brisk At 2 pm. the ttrand parade will be held. This will include children in costume. floats, and any humorous or decorative features that people may wish tn enter. After the paroie, It 2:30. will come the athletic events. At 4:30 the busebnll game between Sunset and Ravinla playground teams will he held, and " the some time will be the girl’s tennis tournament. In the evening the specisl events will be given. These will include the dancing, feature numbers, comedy _qkitsx and many other numbers. There will be singing I150. The complete program will be nnnounced in next week's piper. No meeting of the city council wu held Monday evening, and the present expectation it that the next regular session will be held on Monday eve- ning of next week. NO COUNCIL MEETING Hxauunn PARK, lumen. THURSDAY, AUGUST t4, 1930 From the number of entries that have already been received tor the aninie Tennis club'l tournament, to tttart August 16, it in very apparent that thin is going to be en interest. ing event. 7 There will be men's and singles and Junior niacin. The juniorrlinglel will be only for boys 14 year: of In and under. Entriei should bi made to Mr. E. Kern, Highland Park 4066 on before the Nth. From the 14th until the end of the tournament, the court- will be uvailnble for pnctice to those who Ire nil! in the tourttantent. An increuing number of players Ire finding that the evening! at Ion: enough to get in an hour or so of tannin utter dinner and Bome of the boy: Ire coming out . little euly and putting in an hour or no before dinner. It is hoped that the finals will be played August 80 nnd M, providing rain don not interfere with the tour. nament previously. _ Thou who we interested in tennis Ire urged to nve Thursday evening, Magnet 28, and so to the Ruvinin nuditorium to Joe the slow motion tennis itlttts that are going to be disrplnyed there " that time under the the eta-pica of the aniniu Ten- nis club. These promise to be some- thing unulull and extremely inter- eltinc and education]. "A Well Considered Garden." Each member is asked to bring an out. standing fiower from her nrden. Either an unusually fine blossom - or something unutuml--attd each mem- ber will Also tell of her greatest auc- ceu in her own otrden thll summer. The regular meetlng of the High- land Park Garden Study club will be held on Monday, August 18 It the home of Mrs. K. E. Hobut, 123 Clif- ton avenue at 2 pm. Mrs. R, Crou- man will review Mrs. kimt's book Ravinia Tennis Club Tournament n Start Aug. " Many Entries Garden Study Club To Meet August 18th The bond of directors of First Church of Christ, Scientilt. of High- land Nrk, announce the eon-ammu- tion of I long-term lune for their public tending room on the ttrut floor corn" store room of the new Sher. Pnrk apartment building. It the cor- ner " Sherldnn road and Purl: avo- nue. The expectation is that the reading room will be removed to the new location sometime during Bet" tember. For the past tive yen: the reading room: have been 1oented on the lee- ond fioor of the Alcyon theatre build. ing. The Get that itmt itttor space wu desired had much to do with the change. The Christian Science Reading Room to Move women's or Chnmber of Commerce Medial! Addressed by R. W. Ibu- feldt It Dinner An interesting addreu on the ap- prouhlnc " pliant at the Cut-tia- Reynolds nirport, near Glenvlew, when the National Air Rum an! stand. Aug. " to Sept. t, In the feature of the July dinner and bull- neu union of the Highllnd l'nrk chnmber of commerce. held Tuesday evening at the Green Tea Pot. Tall:- OI " Page.“ Following an excellent dinner, the pronnm fentum were prenatal. and the speaker. R. W. lbenfeldt. president BUSINESS MEN HEAR TALK ON AIR RACES of the Chicago Junior Association of Commerce and of the speakers' bur. cau of the National Air Baeaa. gave a very illuminating explanation of the coming spectacle in which all of the ace: of the " in the United Stain including the beat army and navy Men. will participaee. His talk Ivan heard with much appreciation and in. tern-i and around tttttirt cliche-ham rmurdlnk the air pliant" Chairman Paul L. Udell of the civ- ic committee made a partial upon regarding the tawe. of .poor “lum- inntion thwuchout the Ina-Inca dis. ma at night. In the about of Commissioner Lyle Gourley and City Clerk Victor C. lunar, I more can» Neto report Wu not "III-bk. and thin in promised for the September meeting. Golf Tourney Prim Chairman Gina of the to]! com- mittee, made I report on the July golf tournament and on motion of s. A, St. Peter, properly mended and cur- Hed, the committee In. been appro- prlnwd $128 to be and u when for the coming mourn-menu. Upon motion of Ferdlnud Humor. duly mended and carried the clum- ber of Commence acted to donate ‘50 to the "on" Day Committee for hire of one tamor" to “Venice Doug; Day on Aunt t2th. _ The "answer's report "owing a very {unable lulu-ea. was mad um! Accepted. um hum-n. I Inwell. Palm. Fund-y. Au. Palm» Cuneon: Hour-hurl. John law". File", Monday. Ann " "I-nun lac-II." Hort. Ilnlnolll. hunk-c. Mun. II I'll). Div-don. Olivier». MM. Anal Mr. Atta. " -"rt-t" with Ohm Gull. Chasm. Wm Tmlun. D‘An "ttg',':'," Windham. Ollvlm. Anal-l Wedn- 1. All. "-'mte Inna-d Bi wlth “than. Ctr-Inlet. D'Anc-lu. I kiln. Bmrrskapa, Cehartovskr, lune". co. Anni-n. Thur-Any. All. ll. durum ~0qu -rt', mmemw--ttmrttat by Mm.. In: no! man on a! I- “was†“a III-uni". Dunks. MI". WWI. I well. “cull-don". Ml. like. an Manually. D'Aluoh. gum. Amt! Friday Am Hiiiiiiikit, u hunky. RAVI NIA OPERA PROGRAM Atw 6 "I; lobar" with Into. -oll. III-60h. Dana. Ian-r0. :. " â€We B.etmod new" Jumbo. D'Amh. mum. Gnu-naval". Art-Mun. it, aim-m4“ Ann-l um!" "Carnal" urn. In mteV OR IIP‘IEINCI innit-lg min. in“ Och-"mil Null! " um Chunk: qhb BrUr ow}