th Dr M Philathea Class', to Hold Garden Party Al to M r, Mr Mr M The Philemon t y Evnnwlicnl c mud-m party at Local and Personal [Thrilling Gnmgsjn your h I'M-n 2 I00 r. Dwight. S. Huhb run-ruined at "or Country club Saturday evev in honor of Judge Oscar Fl. 'd of the lllinuis, Supreme Court Judge Rush ot Chientto who were I of Lunch have spent Jpn-no Siam Sister Alici . of 1231 I NU“ HINIWJNI; SI’SI) tt . \IUNII.\\' ALB" T" l'RsliAV _ FRI!“ y TITS†" _ WEDN F!!!“ Y 1. Evan“ L laminar†of whmm on l “in: was plum for rlisewme4 an wax held t'tots.ty.N.u't',rsT m BARGAIN MATINI'ZE AT 2:00 J. HAROLD mun . FrFr DORSEY W od Mrs. Walter lock of Mol- , were the week-cud "at: of mnie Don of Central avenue. Ind Mrs. Juhn MIMiDKS of wt are v'mitintt this week " Lake, Wisconsin. . M. (Karol. and Sister M. .1 Loretto academy, St. Louis, ve spent the put week with "to sisters of Highlund Park ter Mick’s tsitner, Mm. E. P. f I231 Lincoln avenue. Everett L. Elston entertained when of the board of 0ssoli hum on Tuesday at Exm’nor. in: was held afterward» " plum tor the coming winter sensual. The last meeting: of r was held at the home of Mrs. Winter» in Juno, who Have a intern in for tho l oerenbertt member 1 r friends t 03:30. LAR "EXIT". GRAY visitor, EARPHONES FOR THE HARD OF HEARING'. “Paramount on Parade" 'UI'II HANG" (3').an licul church are holding rty at the home of Mm. mix-r2. Tuemlny evening nber of Bethany thatch riendw. Supper will be :30. Kindly make your with Mina Mne Human. ttt Bay road. To]. H. P. Monday evening. Rum enq'nr'mnrou “The Lady of Scandal" “Women Everywhere†FttaMttoM* GREATEST MII‘I‘II AND Ml'IIC 'IITIVAL “The Flat-adorn Girl†“Song of the West" CoMR0V MARION DAVIES up JOHN "OH-2S - JOE E. BROWN .qEhFA"rF," TALKING PICTURES ALCYON (ONE TO THE STARS PARTY rum-m- In“: 2:00 It In]. the Beth. re holdlntt It ot Mm. Highland Park will WALTER (‘ATLET - 3L“ HARDY Also NEWS In the plnyground bnuball uric: the leatrue-leadintt Ravinin nine took I victory from the optimistic Sunset outht last Monday by pushing thru a five run rally in the first Ulf of the nineth Ind holding the home team boys scoreless in their half of the inning. The final score Win tM. The Kama limited as if it were closed up and finished in the sixth. Sunset was leading 153. due to I homer _hit 'ny Bub McClure with three on. In the Ravinin seventh anpy meler gniloped across the plate with one mare run and Ravinia rested in the eighth. Then cume that tunic ninth.‘ Ravinia holds the edge on the series now with a margin of two guinea, having won five and lost three. There are three games left in the series. Break Tie The tie in the series between Sun- set Ind Ravinia was broken last Wed. nesday when Ravinin took I slugging vietory from the Highland Park boys by a 12-8 score. The game was play. ed at Ravinia. Everything was about PVPn until the seventh, when the Ra. vinia boys broke loose and clelned up seven runs. Brennan, the Sunset pitcher, eouldn't M'Pttt to get his Inn working again. while Tepper, the RI. vinia hurler, held the Sunset bunch su.orvless after the fifth. Hargrnve. ,l'etersen. and Cummintts topped the hitting nggrpntion from Sunset with three hits unit-cc. while Becker. Tep. per, Weinpler and Adolph led the Ravinis outfit. Playiround Baseball Series During Week CARTOON SPOITLIG HT TODAY AND FRIDAY 1Uflt'.qT 19 . 20 Sol strnom, Mir. M'GUh'T' " . " AUGUST 21 . 22 THE PRESS ', m" ACT! Sunset also lost I closer game the previous Monday by a 6-5 score. The pitching trtaff held ,up well in thnt some, and it was a toss up until the ninth inning. Ravinia had the edge on the batting oll the way through. Sunset is out for venue-nee now, and the next two games should tell the story. There are two games left Ito be played to complete the series, and should it end in I tie there will le u plaroft on playground day. l A coroner's jury, meeting ln the Kelly Funeral home in this city Mon. day morning, held‘that Mrs. Anna M. Goodnow of Glencoe, a former prom- inent resident of Wuukegnn, came to her detth by leaping in front of I Chiago & North Western train " Zion early Saturday with suicidal in, tent. The aged woman, recently wid- owed, took her life while suffering from melancholia, the cortmer's jury decided. Dr. J. L. Taylor of Liber- tyville, county coroner, conducted the inquest. Funeral services were held at 2 o‘clock Monday afternoon " the Kel- ly home, with interment in the Elm- wood cemetery at River Grove. Dies " Hospital Mrs. Goodnow, who died in the Victory Memorial hospital in Wauked Kan, Saturday morning, several hours after being struck by the train, was the widow of George Goodnow. for- merly head of the North Shore-Gas company, and they formerly lived on N, Sheridan road, Waukegan and re. moved from there recently. Mrs. Goodnow moved to 373 Hazel avenue Glencoe, after selling her property in Highland Park. She was building a new home here. _ Former H. P. Woman Dies in Leap Before Train; Inquest Shows Two sons, A. C. Goodnow, 679 Val- ley road, Glencoe, and George Good. now of Toledo, are the immediate survivors. Mrs. Goodnow went to Zion on a North Shore train only saturday morning, walking across the city to the North Western station, where she jumped in front of on oncoming frieeht train, according to thé Wau. kegnn Times. The son. Albert, said she had just returned from Europe, where she had visited for some time, and seemed to be in good health, al. though she had brooded over her husband's death. The family was well known in Highland Park and hnd many warm friends here, whose sympathy in ex- tended the relatives in their and be. Movement. The committee bucking the candid- acy of Attorney George W. Field of Waukegan for the nomination for circuit judge to succeed Judge Clnire C. Edwards, resigned, has issued in- vitations for a dinner for Mr. Field and his friends, to be given " the Waukegan hotel at 6:30 o'clock this evening. Seven] of these invitations have been received by Highland Park residents. The committee is compos- ed of John J. Speiimon, E. P. Riding- er, Wm. J. Oboe. R. G. Roping and Dr. Otto R. Thompson. Get Invitations to Dinner for Candidate RAVINIA Pl0lehlt1 FOR NINTH WEEK Recital by Rethberg Thursday Night; Other Features Are Attractive Recital by Rethberg Mme. Elisabeth Rethberg, ac- rlnimed throughout the world as one of the most perfect Cui, singers of madam times, will give a rd -' recital with the Chi. rr ‘ raga Symphony Or- / chestru. German composers b e l n tr PAtttgt ANANMN featured, this to form the first half of a program which will be complet- ed. by the presentation for the first time at Ravinia, of the famous fourth act of Me.verbeer"s opera "Les Hugue- nuts." There have been hundreds of Although nearly eight weeks of the Ravinia Opera season have sped by, weeks. that have been filled with pleasant surprises and artistic tri- umphs galore, there will be no let down during the ninth week which will begin Sunday, a August 17. Mr. ~ Eckstein has anoth- ‘ er surprise to offer A his public and al- [f:. t’ 1 _ though he has kept Matu:rgtvMaxwr.u, it carefully tucked up in his sleeve all summer. he now deems the time ripe for springing it, and that it will bring joy to the hearth of the army of Ravinia en- thusiasts goes without saying. In short, during the ninth week of the t5et1sun--on Thursday night, August 21, to be exact, there will be present. ed at Ravinia another double bill which will be much different in char- artor from others which have ranked :high among the notable offerings of the season. 4, ' f A record turnout for the Chicago District Golf association monthly tournament to be held at North Shore Golf club this coming Fridny is ex- pected, due to the number of golfers who will be anxious to play over this north side course since the installa- tion of the new watering system. North Shore Golf club has one of the finest systems installed around the Chicago district end those who hlve played over the course this your marvel nt the wonderful velvety con- dition of the hirways. The event Friday will be at 18 holes nnd players may tee oft any time from morning to evening, Most of the golfer: come out for lunch and plny the afternoon round, missing on- ly one-half dtty at the office. Expect Big Crowd at North Shore Golf Club The Chicago District Golf “socia- tion handicaps are to be used and prizes will be awarded for the low was: and net winners The ladies of the Zion Lutheran church will hold tt bakery n19 " the Quality Megt Mgrket ft orrurlyyyot.i. it]; Emma; will so to ch. mine!- Conference budget for mission». (Continued on page 32) Thursday, August 14, 1980 .5 /