My: Eighlanh Park Press hill-Ml "all, h Tho Udull Print!“ c., " mama Put. 14h County. [Illa-In. [neared n Secand Cl-u matter lurch l, WU, " ch: you one: It mtthhttd Park. Chicago once: ' N. Michiun Ave. - “N BUtttAat0'TT0N Pttrctt II... III "A! All eammuniuuon- mun In accompanied by the mum and Iddreu of the writer. Article- tor puMieatlon mun ranch the editor by Walnut!†noon to [Mun unanno- In current lulu. Thursday, Aug, 21, 1930 ttastrtuttorts of nondolpnoo. and: of than. autumn. notice of eliminatin- at can nil-Ir- whim In “with“. than. ll pub “and. will b. chariot! " - adrerttr. Snt no... e . The regular meeting of the Wom- an's Christian Temperance Unioiwil1 be held on Wednesday, Aug. 27 at 2 o'eloek at the home of Mrs. John Christman of 37 Laurel avenue. THURSDAY on Monday to a party of friends of Mrs. Clarence Bassler at a bridge tea at her home on Cedar street. Mrs. Bassler is leaving soon for California. Méssrs. L. N. and J. J. Berube mo. tored to Jackson. Mich. over the week. Bassler is leaving soon for California. Messrs. L. N. and J. J. Berube mo-‘ tored to Jackson, Mich. over the week-) end to meet their cousin, Father Le Bel, whom they have not seen since their school days _40. years ago. Father Le Bel was sent to preach a retreat in Detroit and being close to Jackson was accorded the privilege of visiting his brother, Mr. Timothy Le Bel. It was a great family reunion. The Messrs. Berube also motored to De- troit and crossed the new bridge into Windsor, Canada. _ Mr. and Mis. E. B. Sherwin of Oak- wook avenue are leaving for a two weeks vacation at Trout Lake, Wis. They have as their guest Miss Mar- garet Schlaack of Chicago. mum THURSDAY " IACI VIII "Tara Anal". aunt-ml Park, m. 7mm- alcuu-a my nun-m Mrs. Eldon Gleason _wil1 be hottest! by "I WILL PIIN‘I'ING cogrm . Final Clearance of All Floor Samples SPECIAL DISCOUNTS DURING AUGUST GEORGE W. FRALEY CO. Aurrust u, 1980 LiVing Room '- Dining Room and Bed RoonlI Sets complete 8.80 Odd Chairs - Tables - Desks Lamps, etc. 355 Central Ave. (One door east of Aleyon Theatre Bldg.) Phone Highland Park 2627 September lst we will show a full line of early American Furniture and authentic re- productions of period furni- ture. Open evenings (except Wed.) Walk right in " Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Schneider and family of Onkwood Ivenue Ire re- turning Monday from Columbus, WU. where they have been enjoying t fort- nixht's vacation. _ The Rev. Christoph Keller in re- turning home this week-end utter touring Canada with I group of Mon. tanl friends. Mrs. Lydia Hutton and daughter, Myra Jane, returned yesterday (Wed- nesday) from I month's vacation trip in Yellowstone National Park. Each year during the month of August hundreds tutd thousands of people turn' their eyes toward Bur- ringcon and attend the annual Evan- geiical camp meeting. This camp meeting has grown so popular and helpful in the lives of people, that many churches in mud about. this vicinity have seen fit to close their services and join in with the good things given at the encampment for a period of ten days. - This year'n camp opens at 8:00 p. m., August 22, and will close Monday afternoon, Sept. 1. Camp Meeting Opens in Barrington Aug. 22 Dr. A. J. Harms of the Baptist sent-l inary of Chicago will conduct a class‘ in New Testament study each morn- ing at 8:30, Drs. Rall, Krug. State, facher and Bishop Maze will appear on the program either at 10:30 a. m. or at 2:00 p. m. each day. Several returned missionaries will appear on the program from time to time. Miss Velma Schneller will have charge of the young people's work. Rev. E. W. Petticord of Les Angela will conduct the evangelistic meetings each eve- nine at 8:00 p m. Prof. and Mrs, G. D. Reep of Green Springs, Ohio, well known singers, will have charge of the singing and all special music. An invitation is extended to the people of this community to attend any or all of these important serv- ices. (Continued on plge 31) THE PRESS The grace and charm of the mode has been captured in our new collection of dresses for fall. Here are styles that follow Fashion's dictations in length. line, fabric and detail. Fashionable but not extreme - picturesque but very wearable. The woman who chooses her Fall Frocks here may be sure of its fashion--ritthtne" and of its good taste. GARNETT’S Parisian Inspired I Every Frockis made and finished with expert care. of Noticeable Individuality New Fall Dresses A collection' of advance models at a Specially Low Price s15