BRIEF NEWS ITEMS 1 I?Il0li1 LAKE COUNTY‘ Thursday, Aug. 21, Interesting Happenings About This Part of North Shore; County Seat Petitions requesting a change in the form of city government are being circulnted for the second time this year by the Waukegan Taxpayers' u- sociation. _Miiis Avis Edwards, daughter of Judge and Mrs. Claire C. Edwards of North Genesee street, sustained a severe fracture' of her shoulder while horseback riding at Druce lake recent- ly, _ Dedication of the new St. Peter's, church of Antioch by His Emminence George Cardinal'Mundelein was at- tended by about seven hundred per- sons, ' Entering by means of a skeleton or pass key, a burglar ransacked the apartment of Mrs. Jesse Abbott of 2024 Washington street, Waukegan. taking jewelry valued at more than $200 after completely searching the rooms for valuables. Donations of a log cabin in the woods near Winthrop Harbor assures members of the variou's Lake County Scout Troops a goal in week-end hikes. Use of the cabin to all scouts in Lake county has been granted by the village scout council of Winthrop Harbor. ' Mrs. Anna Sexton, widow of the late P, J, Sexton, Sr., and lone a prominently known resident of Wau- Kegan, pnssed away at the home of Peter Jensen in Hollywood, California, recently, according to word received in Waukegan. She was 73 yum: old. With a $1,000 reward posted for the capture of the gunmen who killed Louis "Gasoline" Derler and his bar. tender, Edward G. Denesty, at. the madhouse operated by Derier at Tre- vor, just across the state line from Antioch, the search for the killers has been extended to every state in the Union and Canada. Rabbi Rudolph Father, for threel years pastor of Congregation Am Echod and a leader in the building of the Temple Am Echud on North Sher. idan road, Waukegan, last week died suddenly in a Chicago hospital from complications arising from heart and kidney trouble. Purchase of Waukegan city water by the eity of Zion is now assured through the nnouncement nude from the office of Erie Carey, Zion attorney. Verbal agreements on all necessary eawments for routing of the pipe line have been obtained, it is reported. 20% DISCOUNT ON BROUGHT AND CALLED FOR. DRY CLEANING and LAUNDRY RELIABLE LAUNDRY l DRY CLEANING COMPANY 618 N. Gun Bay Rd. Highland Pk. ‘Seek Three Prisoners Who Escaped from Fort I Search tur three Fort Sheridan prisoners who sawed their way to freedom from the cell in the army post guard house the night of Aug. 10, was being made by police deput- ments along the north shore all last week as army omeials were probing the escape in an effort to learn how the prisoners obtained hecksaws. . In your home, the kitchen is the center of domestic affairs. It is a combination of buying, cooking and service depart- ments in which a telephone extension can relieve you of the many routine tasks which take up' so much time when done in person. You need a telephone in your kitchen Here a telephone extension THE PRESS ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM OnePoIicy - OncSysmn . Uuimulsm The cell bars which Ind been “wed and ripped out by George Melba, Steve Mntozak Ind Charla: Roberts, the escaped prisoners, wore repaired during the week. Although I number of prisoners It the post have escaped during the put few months. Sunday night's jnil break was the must during ever attempted " the (on, and army off1eil ere bending every effort to prevent an- other such jail delivery. The trio, Ic- cording to the police. left in a “Glen Call Our Business Ogke will take your grocery and meat orders. Here you can talk to friends without risking a burnt dinner. Here a telephone ex- tension will bring you a dozen things without wasting your time or energy. Bedroom and living room comfort may also be enhanced by telephone ex- tensions. The cost is mall. ucnuvl‘omer at Lake Potent. Plrt'1s/, A thorough lurch of all cell- ll In repaired t..- ..._J- ., A...' A... gal-AL. A. In C'. _ 1/ (v. I“ "tf, ll . Tlily, .5' . af, A ine mnde to flnd out prisoners have mu menu or tools which in m nape attempt. No truce of the clap-d prison-II who were In! new in Highland Put driving an old wiring our, 'believed to have been laden. ha but (MIN. and Abandoned it and not: Ill and out cutting imple- would Did them whether or not ' FN