Thursday, Aug. 21, 1930 LEAGUE OF WOMEN (ippIpiiltf Pam, _ WEEKS MEETINGS: DEERFIEID CARNIVAL the dominant port. In the third, the courts, she should be accorded the privilege and the right to use her influence for good. nnd she should welcome the duty to serve in any capacity thnt she may be culled. Among the .most important of which is that of service upon the Jury." Why Exclude Women? In Illinois, those ineligible for jury service at present are minors, aliens. criminals, defectives and women. Women may vote, may hold offiee, may sue and be sued and are engaged in the same pursuits as men., Why should they be excluded from the jury box? The women-on-juries referendum comes up for vote at the November election, and every voter will have the opportunity of "ying "yes" to the amendment. which places women on the jury lists. The following points may be of interest: Women usually have more time than men to serve on juries. and often would be able to supply the viewpoint of the very desirable class of profess sional (and other) men exempt from service. Proper Exemptions There would be proper exemptions for women. Those who were ill, or who had the care of small children as well as others with legitimlte ex- cuses would not be required to serve. Service would not be required oftener than once every two or three years if that. Tho cases which are called "unflt for women to hear" usually involve other women (often young girls) who should have the comfort and protec- tion of women in the courtroom. In the case of mixed juries, proper quarters have been, and will be pro- vided insuring privacy for the women. In the twenty-one states in which the system is already functioning successfully, women have proven themselves to be attentive, just, and conscientious. l Highland Park Methodist Church North avenue at Laurette place Frank Davidson Hopkins, minister Two somewhat similar parables will be studied next Sunday morning in the series "of the Parables of Jesus, the one of the two debtors end the one of the unmerciful servant; the two taken together throw light on the program of Forgiveness and open up very different lines of thought from any thus far considered. The pastor's discourse on these will certninly in. tercat all who attend, It is very en- couraging to note the continued in. terest manifested in these studies by reguler attendance " our services. The Womnn's Foreign Missionury society held its monthly meeting this week Tuesday " the home of Mrs. A. W. Yowell, Oakwood avenue, with 3 "Pothrek" luncheon " 1 p. m. An expert,on prayer is not often a theologian, even though he write u book abnut it, but is more apt to be some one occupying a very humble place in life but who u, learned the real values in prayer by daily puc- tiee of it through day: that have been burdened with great needs. (Continued from page 8) Again, dancing will be the chief entertainment of the evening. But remember, too, that other Ittnctlom are offered: concession of many (kinds, refreshments, end the regis- tration booth. sonations of chit-curl {uncu- in hu. tory, literature, the movies, "eotttitm," ete. V Prize Clmllleulon Most comical "soy, molt comicul girl, mont attractive boy, most It- traetive girl, most original boy, most original girl, beat represented chm acter (boy), best represented chute- ter (girl). Groups-Most comical. molt Ithac- tive, most original, and best repre- sented group of chlncten. . Additional prlmss-Best decor-ted doll buggy, best decorum! veloeipedes, best decorated wngon. ind best dee. orated nil-plum or I It t o m o b i l o (child's.) Each child pswtieipatitte in the pe- rade will receive an attractive peper carnival hat, as well u a token. Beech.“ Gene The field events, which Ire to fol- low the Mardi Gnu, will, in turn, be followed by I bell glme " 2:30, when Deerfield will meet Highwood'e teem. Band Coneert Inturdly Eve The Deerfield Municlptl head " present the ihnrt of I. series of public concerts on Seturdny evening in Jewett park, as a part of the carnival entertainment. The hour from T to B has been set aside for this treat. Deerfield Post TM, American Legion, and Auxiliary Unit 738. hope to see you It the Legion Day Cumi- val, Friday and Saturday, Aug. 22 and 23. _ Swedish Methodist Church- Highwood avenue and Evert, place William W. Nelson, pastor ' Friday, Aug. 22: 7:45 pam-Pioneer meeting at church. Saturday, Aug. 23: 1 2:00 p. m.--At this hour the entire Sunday school will meet " church prior to leaving for the Forest Pre- serve immediately southwest of Breeside station (about three miles south of Highwood) where a picnic will be held. A good program of recreation, eats. and spiritual fel- lowship has been prepared. Come and bring your friends! Automo- biles will call at church " 3 o'clock to pick up those who may not be able to come earlier. Those who have no automobile and must come even later then 3 o'eloek may take. any North Shore train to Braelide and then walk a couple of blocks southwest to the picnic site. Sunday, Aug. 24: ( 10:30 tcttt.-Surtdvr school. 6:00 p.m.--NnGy Attertto inc. 7:45 pam-Evening Ionic. lish. You In invited to with us at thil hour. With strong entries from Kant“, hie trttd the University of Chinâ€, it will "soon be possible to pick the All-American rioting teattt.--The De. troit New. (Continued from pm 2) .-Nndey Afternoon meet- THE PRESS in Eng- worship A Delightful Place to. Dine-- You’ll enjoy the coolness and the charm of the Howard - Udell cafeteria where on enticing luncheon or dinner may be selected from a wide array of deliciously prepared foods. The Howard-Well Cafeteria IN THE UDELL BUILDING tcl