Thursday, Aug. 21, 1930 SITUATION WANTED Gam WANTED Steady wurk HELP WANTED HELP W HELP HELP work might: HELP “mm wan-2p ft. P. mo after 4 .r. HELP WANTED j', to "wot n Inâ€? Intro-.m- hur mm: month. Mull. North Show. ween oxehnnuul hundy: his look; can nhop. home. or around any work', erperieneed man: North Shore rd Chicano an! ark for h WANTED rfii BUY-. tiir-hvrtmoBnaHP0 Ne-tttttad " lee-u"' TG" ambition.- l'nrk; he the nu u-xpi-riu-m‘v tl CO. DEPT. 109 W private Friday Imam nigh To]. " Mivo about a hm; in exchange for "uh-ml ure curly u. P. 400 after WANTED to gss'r LOB“ [051' line, NATIONAL I010]! CORPORATE)?! Lar-t Automobile Back-I haunt: Chicago Ind lulu-“kn Pbou- N. Chin-co 'thr N. China “I 1208 South Shun-Man In“! North Chin-co. m LO Dorian dit h m ANTED fro um; ANTED TO BUY anlnr Mndol "A" fur cash and term ‘ANTED lo fur family Audra»; ANTI-tn I' _RENT Ki, iuhed innit“ cludim‘ Tit-nee usual WANTED to REN Me with. "with r WANTED TO BUY WANTED HELP WANTED hi u Iiit.eourn; rerun-mm, "icrrioNAu_M9.T0.ih MA..RyET WANTED u... w - or an on an por out mm“ Own ."niiurVnf Bur-dull WANTED lwt I Liir, You†Mr -LiiiFt iriiirti'OUND ANTED mm.» wirl If an!!! n One any ", Knitu'd‘m Omer .mnll chi drnwmu Iu' uppurWuil)’ qu 'ut Iw nut HQUL‘INH‘Y WIM- lo Meet Lady No of n 510300.000 Trust wants tv'y or "mrwrreertt who (Maire: to prvsvnt ineume $200 or mare per M. Ire well xu-uuninlml on the v. No m'llim! renuived. Refer. mml. Write W. Y. Press OMce. 'ri/purer/Garth I N. Chicmm 11016- under Imlw H RF H iiuthorira Ex In aired ; J1%r"/"i'Cc'. iibEhuNc ttI.00MLNGTON ILL. was iariif in Rcff M th, rumble _ stirl [ml uno utotnobile “lumen; 0x- ury; marrlml men pre- ‘cuunl to right party: l all makes " new be 'ile M Liwht how, H - Mun. colored; repair anything in premises; “and! or ehhutteur or house. ,Irencen. Tel. North nftrht will but)! In Ada-.2.» Box “an tbl, ur m-rwrnl children: M ‘rll. Chvvrulrt or n m mural running cun- Lu C..R. Pran- unite, um. um] term. Mtt work nuiluhm fur mum In Highlund Heberlimt dealer uwn Ilrte of house. md: 1areJ1ryfli. can! V [mlrmimm bath ', var Ind und ‘linblo party INN mun: willing to Huh! house work S wed i1 “In; Ami VORh-hl d otterrd. P'"",'; vandlm! I. P. 436 l 930 rm. Adore " men In takr "null all» t Tudor or 'mrth d work Bops' Sept metal with 25nd ha baths went hric 'rnl 23ml Din-p: an Gem' nth" 24M nuvy owl» 15M 5nd LOST 4 ken on chitin was! of North Western Irene Floyd. 224 Central PRACTICAI MISCELLANEOL all mukw MiscELLANKoty Northwestern Given Use of Old P. L. & The Illinois Commerce commission Inst week authorized the Chicago & North Western railroad to operate over the tracks of the Palatine, Lake Zurich & Wauconda railroad across the Northwest highway, three-fourths of a mile northwest of Palatine. The North Western proposes to purchase from the defunct railroad’a receiver all real estate, rights- T,'llC tracks and franchises. l Pending this purchase, it is neces. sary to operate across the Northwest highway, although the purchase, when "nmpleted, will not mean that rehabi- litation of the railroad that originally was built by farmers in that district to provide transportation that later was displaced by concrete roads and truck trattle. The receivership proceedings are pending in the Lake county circuit court. While the parties have agreed on the price, the actual transfer can- not take place until the title of the defunct railroad is cleared. Kinncn farnlturr mubi la Man Who Threw Himself Under Car Is Insane [var Cnskinen, 29, of 12 N. Butrick street. Waukegan, who threw himself under the wheels of an automobile ttt Crenerpe and Washington streets in that city last week in an attertipt It suicide was tuken to the state layium or rrtuul, nit mm In it Elgin after being found inane by '1 commission of physicinns in county court. . Poskinon Md just left the oMee of a dortor when he made the attempt vm his life. He naked on the curb. witnesses said. and Inner! under a ml- vhine driven hy Richard Mulder. of 32 S. Park avenue. Wttukettan, Ho wu removed to the hospital where it wu found that his only injuriea were two ‘iaverntions about the face. Coskinen was hborinz under the impressinn that he wu losing his mind and intended to take his life rather than go insane. it was Ion-med at the hearing. He had been under treatment for his mental condition. swrro"iiii, -iiiirofi 'c'piu Sympathy is: more plentiful tUn you may suppose. For instance A woman with I, btthtr and I woman Mth a not doe feel sorry for each other.-thand Rapids Press. MISCELLANEOUS Will 'ihr:n Sunday: and Evening- _ - ----_-._ -............ PIANO LESSONS tor adult be. Ethel M. Furry. Tel, 'ee ind mld mun] t gOUtt--Wttrtt 1-0-0 Pay Cut-h Make you a Loan! ell on 5'; cum" QUICK ACTION s" kiln-ruin Chicano. ll Autumnhik rally otottiie Wanna]. Will PW, wry Myth clan nary cut-h. for num- Prefer 1980 Bulek pertert. Thb fur- u-utly sruretumed Ind uries everythins,r mm- union ; return Ave. In parking "et ,iiith'tao N Rd. TH! PIIII Automobiles Ill maid to Educational Units of State to Walt County Fairs During Sea-on Approximately 40 district Ind county lain of Illinois will be visited this year by educational exhibit: of the "ate, which present, in In It- traetive manner. the nervlceu Ind ac- tivities of the vurioua departments in the executive branch of the Mate government. Five units will tour the state, nurt- ing the latter put of this month and continuing until the end of the fair season in late September and early October. The division of educational exhibit: this year will present tor the tint time exhibits from the Department of Conservation, Division of Forestry; the State Fire Marshal's once. end the Department of Mines and Min. ernll. Included Imong the displayl. an exhibit picturizlng the activities of the various divisions of the depart- ment of agriculture which are being carried on quietly to improve the industry', displays ehowing the me- thods and the extent of the eil'orte of the department ot public welfare to rentore mentally and physically han- dicapped wards of society. and re- form its delinquent and criminal charges. While all of the exhibits limit! the' vnluable service: being performed by the stew for the uxpnyen. many ot them lilo teach I lesson-Ao illu. strata; The Division of Forestry" exhibit, presents forceful renun- for the development of I comprehenuive system of forestry conlervntloh; the Fire Martha“ display Itreuel some of the most simple methods of fire prevention, while the exhibits from the Department of Mines and Min. Pals reveals to the unitintod the tam-ling rlnle of Illinoiu' mineral m- BOUNCE Tax Sales in Progress Daily Since Last Week The f1tmt plrcels of property of lake county Wu sold last week by County Treasurer by B, Morae for {Allure to ply general taxes. Parcels of property will be sold from day to day, According to Mr. Morse, until the entire property list is sold for delinquent general tum totallntt $125,000. Ag soon u thin property is sold, the tile of property for delinquent Ipecinl unnmentn will be started. _ Three Great Lakes Are Higher in Level in July The greet lakes, with the exception nf Erie and ontario, were higher dur.. ine July then during June, according to the United sum lake survey, re- leased lut week. Lakes Erie end On- urlo have recorded e slight full etch July since 1860. Lake Superior, with I It... of 602.98, WI; 0.38 of t foot higher than during June. Since 1860 the Iver-n rise MI been 0.21 of I foot. Lakes Miehitran-Hurtm, with I “an of 5R1.28, were 0.22 of I foot above June. alan THEATRE LOCAL CHAIRMEN aeanon with regard to the director of production. Lawrence . Martin la chairman of the play-reading commit- tee, and with him are In. Uied Bell and Arthur H. When, Samuel tr. Otis, president of the anociation, la in chum of the securing of the di. lectnr and will be able to make an announcement on the above date. Goal Play: in Pr-et The 1930-31 eeaaon will be the tenth in the life of the Circuit Theatre ae- aociation. All plane at this early date point to a very. intemting Ion-on. making the Jocenniai anniveraary a year outstanding both in the telec- tion of play: and in the creditable oroduetlott of them. The auoeiation tion of phy- uld in the creditable production of them. The â€satiation own! ttrst right (amateur) in the North Shore territory on all plus owned by the New York Tho-tn Guild. um witt be an. than that connection to - phy- whieh are otherwise burl-NI to It. A reprmmtive in Sui-ml has culled on the author of a very excel- lent play to dish" In being produced on the North Share. and It prob-Hy will be pretreated either in Junta-y or Much. The itrtrt perlomlnce of the reason win be on December 4. |The quota not tor the loci] commit- teen on sutmeritttion iI . total of mo. Recent Proceedings in the Probate Court Reeent proceeding: in mu court. of mum! in this section, at reported " follow: Paul M, Diets. Deerfksld, Im- ed mult- John C. “will. Duracld. "cu-Int on claim of Aunt Huehl continued to Mann 4. Clai- of Ionian! Marsh!" allowed for "06. Motion to net order of allowance aide by Goo. W. Field, to be taken up on notice. Chin of Rodrkuu & Melony hard and disallowed, Appeal prayed to circuit court. Ella June Connolly, Lake Fore-t. Citation ordered return-bk Am“ Augusta Schmidt, Highland Pull Inventory approved. Rev, Christoph Keller, Mot But laurel Avenue B-e.. Sud-y. Ann-t Nth, The Tenth Sand-y after TYinitr-- tao. m.--Ho1r Communion. ttsoo..-.---.) punt and sermon TYr Alphabet In, We am told by the dietitian that watermelon. conuIn vitamin. A I C And G. Now MIMI Ion-till: ch! cont-hm D E IN P Ind to on I aim- ple and helm-he Insane! diet.- Clweland Plum Mon, The silver slump in (MM In not ruched the point when tt In hard that the mm in being not! for un- munition by the "tnus.-PtttaUNt1 Put-6mm. _ km E. Smith. Proof of Mum (Continued from pm I) approved Trinity Bun-con! Church Silo of stock order