CHILDREN’S PRIZES. DEERFIELD CARNIVAL Mardi Grass for Youngsters Fen. ture of Legion Muir Fri. day and Saturday M th 'onstruetion Work on New Library ls Begun Th al w l Sn" Tourney Frill Mn “HIM nvitml h W oat "V Fl" tt ll o. " M M Ind ardi l'Hthi " fit unplv-h-Ii fur r INN" . I'm-l Mum.» tum. " YVr'hv‘n """_ ML mi n V ' 7 If <1'1A1r1u3’ Bl . . .. " - ' . |'1. I - '4 . . . w 1 “1111' 1 ‘ - I1 M. 'CPM! e f - My _ (r " ' - tl ‘ . , t 1 . f it}; . - - M, :r' I l.r.|~ I WPT.) ‘ Mq' ' m ' 's o W" 3:“ " 'r l my ' 3 r 13:4. - , \lm‘rlx _ . - "RM" . g - m I W H» . - 1. n - " nn , t ‘ m " ' - 1", r A r ttl 'l'n r F " I rr r r- MI A â€7 later enjoy Mom! wutary in th the fl 1m, Th N cw Mot “any Present on lmzion Day at Fort Sheridan WHO'S WHO IN HIGHLAND PARK, RAVINIA HIGHWOOD AND DEERFIELD Mr M r III) t Sher M had ("Tm-rs club from 4:30 to 6:80 Service Garage Opened on Laurel Ave. th ful Mich an: 'usmt ll athlctie he Auxilinr lino with Smith and Mr 'urwe the apt nualith uL-n spent 4 yourq in urtmont of tho Buick Fan-terry branch and 1 "xperienee' altogeth- nden aw th: snd Professional men and Public, Officials whom everybody should know 'd for thin I known in vanturo in ll formerly amt-Vic rth shore Buirt that time xerv: Chicago factor ths engines (ht and Auxili at Thursday undouhu ago this week Hr alizu luv! opt-hing Tue THE uration run-d uh the day IL' drills. Rimvnwl W service Laun- in the garage t H igh- open ,dly b, “nth and and the ar W at P the board of directnrs land Park State Hank mayor of Highland Par The hot weather kept many from the course but with the euoler days the rmst are nnw making their ap- pearantw. Tuosdny being ladies day was: again the wom- uf some sharp contests among the fuursomz-s while in the club house there were bridge games equal- ly interesting to them. Sunset Valley Golf Cluh Popular These Days; Many Playing th time H ul The Vogue Cleaners who have been opcratinir a dry cleaning plant in llighl and Park for the past two years. have just installed a 'P.tration process whit-h is unique on the North Shore. In this pun-ms the solvent is kept ytvstal clear by a constant distilla- tion, and is free from any odor. Thousands of dollars have been spent by this; concern to install the latvst and most modern equipment to snfvgunrd the health " their patrons. The plant which was completed less than ten months ago. will now have to increase tho floor space to accom- modate the additional equipment. Vogue Cleaners Install Filtration Procos Samuel M. Hastings vine l Wt Tum Kelly " h m Kelly. the popular pm, bumter for Sunset Valley al to tell which is the more Tum or the course. +' been estimated that there 3.000 rounds of golf played an rw during the month at July the greens some punishment. 'r, they are as gum! as most {nouns in the section at this W aver chairman of,. Arthur W. Vereoe, president North of the High-: Shore Trust Co.; treasurer, Rosehill and formerly _ cemetery: chairman finance committee ', for 12 years. 1 of the Lake County Board of Super- ' 'place, Nisors. pop USS Itl PLAYGROUND DAY IS OBSERVED AUG. 23RD oxercises for the children of all Park district playgrounds, will be held next Saturday, Aug. 23. The day's activi- ties will all be held " Sunset park, and will begin at 10:00 a. m. At ten Final Exercises for Children of Park Dist. Play Fields; Program Features o’clock the junior horseshoe tourna- ment will he run off. This event will be for boys under 12 years. Gold, silver, knd bronze medals will be given the winners. Also at 10:00 a. m. the boys open tennis tournament will be played on the courts at the park. The winner: in this event will tvtwive gold and silver medals. The big event of the day, the cos- tume parade, will begin " 1:30 p. m. The parade will form at the flagpole at Central avenue and Sheridan road. It will march west on Central to St. Johns, then south to Laurel and across on First street back to Cen.. tral, then down to Sunset park base- ball diamond. The parade will be lead by a six-piece comic hand. An en- (Continued on page M) Witnesses saw a number of gar- ments taken from Bailey's Ready-to- Wonr store during their door day mlo last Wednesday. If the party taking those garments will either res turn or pay for them, within ten days nothing will be said, otherwise it will be necessary to prosecute. ' Soc Garments Taken During Dollar Sale Playground day, the “pug! final Thursday, Aug, 21, 1930