A 1usdsdsdsasgsesdAMMMMMroooooo9o9KHHHiHHW999999A'APAP99AP9N""-"irh" AMERICAN LEGION Summer Festival August 29, 30, 31 and Labor Day A Pot of Gold Given Away Every Night Free ASAW ELEPHANTS Death Helping Double " GREAT INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL EXHIBIT DOLL BUGGY PARADE PIE EATING CONTEST VENETIAN WATER PARADE RIDES AND GAMES FOR OLD AND YOUNG-BAND CONCERT SGT. LEATH BUTTERFIELD l prudigious Performance The Only Lady High twire Walker in the Wurld Waukegan RITA AND DUNN IIETTY COLE ALL FREE "At the Lake" Sixth Annual Singing Aerialisl Emu" twww rhule Jump into the Lake r by Prize I'achyderms THE PRESS The Deerpnth theatre, Lake For- est, continues "to maintain its splen- did record for interesting programs in its schedule for the coming week, which includes several attractive talk- ing pictures as well as numerous ex- cellent supplementary features. The daily list follows: Friday, August 29-Last showing of John Barrymore in "The Man from Blankley's, with Loretta Young in the chief feminine role. Deerpath Theatre Has Another Fine Program for Week; the Features Bud Ont Gorge United A that no 1 cent you) with shot Wvilrwyday, Sept. '3 *7 Irungerous Nan McGrew," with Helen Kane, Vic- tor Muurc. Jumcs'llull, Stuart. Fir- win uml Frank Morgan, u laugh and music festival, Also another Chew rah-t spurt rnadsll-r "liminution cun- test Thursday and Friday, September I and Fr Radio's monster fun show, "The ('uckmns," with “art Wheeler and Rubi-rt Woolsey, said tn be the wurld’s greatest ocnwdians. National College of Education, Evanston, Is to Open September 12th The third floor of the National Col-1 lege pf Education will be completed for the opening of the fall session, September 12, according to President Edna [lean linker. Work has gone on rapidly during the summer and is nearing completion so that furniture and equipment may be installed. In addition to class rooms, the third floor will include a general college library. children's library .and pre- school library, science laboratory and damn-Hie science suite, a small audit tnrium. art and music rooms and pest rooms for the students. The cafe- uria. manual training shop, shower uml locker mums and dressing mum- in the basement are beinit completed at this time also, so that the fttll term will open with greatly increased fvcilities. for taking care of the col- Eezo students and the children's achonl. Registration of freshman students will he held un September 12 and 13, that of former students on the 15th and 16th and the opening nssembly “ill he held on the 17th. 0f churso picnics are it has been our expel-k Ries will bite just as l own back yard. 0f ' all right but wonco that the hard in one'g The date, time and place have all been set for the tenth anniversary celebration of the institution of Highland Park Lodge No. 446, Loyal Order of Moose. This will be a grind celebration for all members of High- land Park lodge and will be held next Saturday evening, Aug. 30th, at g o'cloek in the Witten hall, East Cen- tral avenue. This party will be for members of the local lodge only but the committee in charge is urging all members to remember the time dud place and to reserve this date. Moose to Celebrate 10th Anniversary at Witten Hall, Saturday It is just ten years ago this month that Highland Park lodge was insti- tuted and in this short spice of time it has become one of the leading or- ganizations in our community. It in wt only one of the leading organiza- time but one that has proved of pent value to all of its members. Past Dictator Hansen is now pre- paring a brief history of the local organization and will present it to the members Saturday evening, as one of the features of the program. _ Another class of candidates were initiated last Monday evening, the past dictator putting on the work. The following assisted: H. A. Ban. son as dictator; H. Coleman, vice die- nitun J. Obrion, prelate; Chas. Shea- hen, sergeant-at-arms; James High, past dictator. and -L. Chambers as wrator. It was indeed an inspiration to, allrpresent to see these brothers who have helped to build this lodge to such a succpssful climax, back in the chairs again. A card and dancing party is plan- ned for the latter part of September and a minstrel show the latter part of ()ctnher. The cast is now being selected and a few more vacancies still remain. Any member wishing to take part will phone H. A, Hanson, H. P. 1014 or report to him at the next meeting. T Chris Schar Passed on After 2 Years Illness Chris S'char of Saunders road died at his home on Thursday, August 21, at the we of 73 years. Mr. Svhur had been ill for about two yours and was cared for‘hy his aged sister Carrie Schur, who lived with him in an original log cabin for 30 yours which was one of the land marks in the vicinity and reported to he built at lc-nst 100 years ago. Soryiuw Wtrt't' held from the home un Sunday with the Rev. A. P. John. son. past" of Bethlehem Evangelical church ofliciatine, and burial was in Summit-III tvrtwtery. Mr. Sohnr was burn in Switzer. land and mmo to America when a yr um: mun. . Tw,, sisters, Mrs. Mary West of t‘himcu and Miss Currie S'char of lhwrfivlrl, survive him. We will enlarge and remodel JOSEPH DELHAYE & SONS y ur home and furnish your munoy nu first or second mort. guzes. Our work is first class and prices tight. Thursday, Aug. 28, 1930