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Highland Park Press, 28 Aug 1930, p. 12

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to THOMAS J. LYNCH, INC. "EEtEEEXEt= Swn'ts Premium Sliced Bacon pot VII Genuine Spring Leg of Lamb Nil NI) Our Most Smukod Hamy-norte better Fancy Rib Lamb Chops rm NI) Lean Boiling Beef I'OI x" Choice Native Pot Roast mun Best Native Round Steak rm NI) Fresh Dressed Broilers rm NO I’UI'.\II 519 Central Avenue Phone Highland Park 3140 Lincoln Market Using the latest methods and equipment and offering the finest Tree Surgery service avail- able on the North Shore. Pruning - Spraying Feeding, GLENCOE "All Lincoln Avenue Power Spr Tree Surgeons 3M EEEEEXEEE5 Feeding, etc. r Sprayprs Pneumatit Cavity Machines Minn an the North Show ESE EEEEEEtxEEEEECEDl WIN N ETKA 1294 Tree Surgery Winnetka EDI} 39c 40c 35c 39c 35c 30c 28c 10c THE PRESS Mrs. George F, Cunrad is getting along an nicely as can be expected after an "peration, Monday at the Grant hospital, Chicago. Mrs. Juhn Hemmer and Mrs. Henry, Niemeyer of Chicago were the guests last Aek of their niece, Mrs. James Healer of S. Green Bay mad. Mrs. Harry Canmann was hostess nn Monday and Tuesday at luncheon and bridge to eight guests at ouch event. - Mr. and Mrs. Hugo L, Schneider of (lakwmul avenue announces the mar. riage of their daughter, Alvina to Mr. Gerald Grant Culver, son of Mrs. Amanda T. Culvvr of (llencuo. Wed. nesday, September lil, 1930 at ll n‘clnek at the Redeemer Lutheran church. the Rev. W. F. Shhr, offieiab. ine. Miss Schneider will be attended by her sister, Edna, as maid of honor. Mrs. Edward Whiteomh of 19eerheld as matrun of honor and Miss Helen Haviland of Lake Forest as brides- ‘maill. Mr, Culver will be attended by Mr. Jack Hagen of Winnetka as best man. The ushers will be Ed- ward Marshall and Walter Schroeder, (both of Glencoe. A reception will Sewald Rubling of Iteertield, form- erly of Highland Park was the re- cepicnt of the Chevrolet motor car given away by the American Legion at their picnic and carnival held last Friday tutdJiaturday. V Mrs. Henry Siljestrom who was operated on for appendicitis Monday at the Highland Park hospital in re- ported as getting along as nicely as can be expected. Harriet Nelson', who has spent the minim-r at a ramp in the east re- turned tn her home on Skokic avenue on Tuesday. . Mr. Fritz Bohr, Sr. and family spent the week-end at his summer cottage at Green Lako, Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans are spending two weeks visiting relatives in Iowa. Miss Mata Helm of Fisk, Wiscon- sin, is the guest a few days of.this week of Mrs. Helen C. Golden of 122 McGovern street. Mrs, Henry guests James Mr. Petvr Peter.ym left Tuesday rimming for his hrutw in Burlington. Iowa atterspendirw the past three weeks with his 'lruuthttar, Mrs. Wil, liam H. Saathoir of s', Second street. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Garnett have as their huuse guests this week, Dr. and Mrs, Clatwnce C. Boswell ut Rockford, Illinois. Mrs. Peter V. Harder t Hay road was taken to th Park hospital on Tuesday vatinn after being ill at ht the past week. both of Glencoe. A reception will be held at the Young Woman's Christ- ian association, following the cere- mony. l'lrk. lathe t' appear rrytn Public 'unty mun-m: Fur I Inc-l improvrmrnt mn- tttut of the nmuirimt and imam-vim: In I Mic park of lot one Ill. excepting thr vul- . ten tlot (at thereof. “luck 30. Ilium-ml rk, lathe County, Illinois, " will "hrre fully Veur from the errtmert may " the Judg- ‘M am Mr In my oMee, Thu! the vurrnn! Local and Personal SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE SPEl'IAI. WARRANT NI'MHER , '. Murder of S. Green taken to the Highland ot S. Second street. . B. (Eamon have as 5 this week, Dr. and Boswell of Rockford. a)" for obser. her homo for All penny“ Intel-um Ire hereby notified to call and my the amount Inna-ed " the Colleetor's OM". Clty Hull. [25 Bo. St. John'. Avenue. Hiahllnd Plrk. llllnoh. within thirty an); duyn frym.the '.itste lyerrf u Notice in further when that an aid unu- mont in divided In twenty (20! Inlullmenu. That the Amount. ot the and inatallmertt is 'iin.30.61 nnd that and: of the remninin: In. stallmenus is $4,851.63. That all Installment: draw irtteremt ut'the rate n! 6 per cent per Innum trom August M, 1980. The ftrut m. :ume-m. is payable on or brhrre the 2nd day "tAinutsrr. ND. WI. . . for collection of Mich I hands of the underli'ngt} '"irri"riiG"rrGa%rent one yur thereUter Ind 30 annually until all inuullmenu “a paid. _____ -- _ _ . . l‘l'lll.l(' NOTICE is hereby trlven that the Sulvsrrilu-r William J, Henniu. Executor of the Ektate of Frank T, Henniz deceased wlll attend the huh-me Court " Lake County, at tt term thorn-u! tr, be holden at the Court “mm- in Waukouun. in Ilid County. on the firrst Mnmlny of November. next. 1980 than and where all person- hnvlnI elllma min" mul rritttte we untitled and requested to pre- wnt the name to “in! Court for adjudiution. WILLIAM J. HENNIG Wank-Man, Ill.. Autyy12h,at930, -- _ EDW. M. LAING. Collector for the Hiuhlnnd _ SIN! Pnrk Dlurict. DATED It H'urhland Park, Illinois, thin day at Annual. 1980, SECTION 2: That the mm of Three Hun. dred' Eleven 'l'huunnnd Two Hundred Seven and 50/100 Dullnru having born heretotore Irxnlly unnruurinlrd fur carpurnle purumm to be collectml from th" lnxux to he levied nu. "id theal year beginning May ltd, 1930 Ind I-ndan April Myth, 1931, be and the tutme in hereby levied upon all property Huh- 'ge'et In tum-[inn within the City " Highland Park. an the name In mammal nnrl I-qunllml for titnte and County Purposes fur the will Current year. Thu! thc purme-x for which “it! Inn-mm of Three Hundred Eleorn Thuunnnd Two Hun. "reel Sou-n and 50/100 Dollars: 1331110150] hvrrtufnn- tunrropriated and hereby levied rc. syn-Minily APP In follows. Irv-wit: Inland " City Ole!" Ind Employer» Fur uslnriw of City "mevrs and RE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OI" HIGHLAND PARK, LAKE COUNTY. ILMWN8: SECTION I: That the Annual Approprlu- lion hill makirur appropriatium tor corpor- "te purpmea for the City of Highland Park tor the tVeal your Nuinninu May l. was) and n-ndinu April 30. IMI, win filed the 28rd day " Jum'. 19:10. duly pawn! June mom. 1930, and "proved June 30th. i980, Ind therein" puhrmhed an provide-1| by law. which "It! urdinanu by rwteronee in hereby made a part AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY ur' TAXES FOR THE CITY OF HIGHLAND PARK, FOR THE YEAR 1980. SECTION 'd', TI " Hivhlnn-I Park A twrtiFl copy a County Clerk " "r lllinnbn. ll rmu torre um! " mm! upprm'll ATTEST _ PINE I‘ll-7 . " salnriw um! expense: of Publlc Librnry Tlert Emma Ir main! hridum . _ Street Ind Alley Fund If maintaining and repttirinrt urn-u and lllg‘yur - _ Public Bend“ yr paymvnt nf PuMir Warm“. principal and inn-rum! Ihrrrott Cub-lo Diuponl Fund I rxpavm: in “puny": Gnrhauo " Sinking Fund In. provide I sinkim: fund for the eungtruetiem of I new Library Building) 795.00% Bond-d lnloblodnu- Ir payment ot maturing bonds Ind interest on Bonded Indehudnau 46.801 'r unann- in [Human] Hung SEC‘I‘IUN " l'ulal Amount Levied isllnriu-s of mum- bevlrtmvnl ' $3,060.90 Bun-mun " Police Department 4,150.00 Flu Depart-mu Sunni“ at F'irr, +amrttnvnt, 29.7mm. Expense» of I-‘irr Dvnartma-m 3.130114: Board cl In!“ SulnriN " Hum: Department. moo.” Expennw of Health prurtnwnl MALI"! Clly' Bulldlnlu Muintontttuw and Fun "r ity Buildimu __. A _ manna 'ity Iiuhlinu litehtintr kErd, iiti/niiiDieCakhey & sehumneher, Attorneys 26.2, C. M USSER cm Pub Mginlfnlnce and Upkeep " Clerk. Auvuut tth Street Ui.htln. Fund whtinw Mrvvt_ and maln- minim! Pulrlie Buildinus General Seven” Fund m.nirrtninitur and renulrlnu Au ADJ UDICATION NOTICE l'3: The City Clerk of the City II Park in horvhy tiirpeted to me copy of this "nun-nee with the 'rk "I Lake County in the Mate I! required by law. It; This ordinttrtre nhnl) he in "!r"er from and an" in Dianna- 'Nile. Dunn-0M Thursday, Aug. 28, 1930 liridn Fund such Ines-men! h in the Appmu-d Amrunt Mth, 11030 “I. Pdon. 26 HENJ AMiN F. LEW“ Maynr, 5811.207 Ii.000.00 " tummy: 1000.00 1,423.00 Jrtr0.00 0001M ’000‘00 20:10" 500. 00 1.10110 Park thh "

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