Thursday, Aug. 28, 1930 AUGUST SALE of FURS REBUlLlHNG AND REPAIRING NEW COATS MADE TO ORDER PM!" Contra! "" The Northwest Mounty m CAPITOL BUILDING " State Ind Randolph Sun. Chicllo mraathca WILLITS HUDSON-ESSEX Canada's Northwest Mounted Police have made an enviable reputation for themselves, both for courage and steadfnstnesa of purpose. Many wonderful stories are told of the runner in which they have undérgone weeks and months of hardship and ended up by "bringing in their man." No trail is too long, nor my difficulty or set of dif- fuulties too great for them to overcome. When an assignment is given to one of them, he ac- cepts it cheerfully-and follows it through to its proper-eottelu- sion. The mechanics in our Preven- torium have an idea that motor troubles are like dangerous criminals. When one of them is given “an nssignment" he goes at it eMeiently and systematic- ally. He locates the trouble quickly and eliminates any pos- sibility of it causing further dlmage. A small deptmit wlll hold any lumen! till called for Sal" and Service Laurel and Second Phone 303 ANNOUNCING GUI urn luck on "and Bat-DIM!“ "" RACKEI‘EERS BURN MILK TRUCK HERE Co-operative Machine Ruined Last Thursday and Driver ls Kidnapped; Released In what is believed to be an attempt to eirntrol delivery of milk in High- land Park and other North Shore cities, racketeera early In: Thursday morning kidnapped a Co-operative Trading company truck and in driver in Highland Park, burning the truck, and dumping out the milk man, Mon Howard, M, of 1722 Catalpa avenue, in Hubbard Woods, after warning him to keep out of cities south of Lake Forest. "It will be a bullet next time," Howard wu warned n he was forced from the raeketeer'r car, utter his truck and curse had been destroyed. Wnrned ever since they decided to begin milk and cream deliveries in Highlnnd Park nix months :30 to desist, the Co-operative Trudi“ com- pany announced after the outage this morning that they would continue to maintnin their route in the full- icnable suburb, “unghnd ucketeen notwithstanding." Three Men Hunted Howard's truck was eonunandeerqd at 5:45 o'clock just u he was begin- ning his deliveries on the south side of Highland Park, just n stone's throw from the old police station Ind direct- ly across the street from the home of a police oftieer. Three men who drove . new Ford sedan were the one: who took churn of the truck 1nd its driver, forcing Howard into the buck not of the sedan, where they kept him covered with revolvers, while one of the men drove the truck. The truck end its eerzo were driv- tin to the ravine on the lake front, with the two tungsten and Howard in the cur following, where the“! was soaked with gasoline end 3 mateh applied. In t few minutes the truck and more than $200 worth of milk and cream were "strayed by the tart spreading "ttttm. The truck wu vel- ucd at $1,300, partially covered by insurance. Head for Chicago The driver of the truck and his cap- tors hurried south, and when they reached n demure Ipot in Hubbard Woods, Howard wu turned loose, the gangsters telling him: -- .. “ibis is just {sample of what we'll do if your company continua to de- liver milk in Highhnd Ptrk." Howard picked up n ride to the Highland Park police union where he reported the matter to email]: and notified his compnny here. Police south of Highlnnd Park were imme- diately informed of the outage, but no trace of the three men was ob. tained. It's I cinch that Mr. Gandhi doesn’t act like George Washington and we are beginning to doubt whether the Indian struggle for independence will amount to very much union they de- velop some Ethan Allen; and hm] Putnnms pretty noon. Well, they unk the “Mum" in Hum: Harbor. Ind this Stein Song can't go on forever, ehher.-The De. troit Nora. THE PRESS YES! SPARKLE WILL BE " Box 162 Wanted -.- Modern Home to Rent Window alanine time in almost here agnin. We would suggest tut you use , for this job. You will be more than pleased with the results. 1nd once you have used it you never use nnything else. Give it I fair trial and notice how beautiful your glue aparklel. not be bothered with ill smelling. or mussy window cleaner: when Sparkle will do For I period of one your or longer. Furnished house in Elm Place School district. Three or four master bedrooms, two baths, mnid's room and bath, grunge. Would consider option to buy after one yen. without anything to clean up afterwards, and without in' ry to hands, clothing, paint or varnish. If your dealer connot supply you. drop us a line and we will advise you of o dealer our at hand. SPARK“ MAMtrlrACXtntntG CO. Address Highlyul Park Press . HECKETSWEILER N. Second St Is something you can " waya look back on with enjoyment. Preserve it with a picture. (Not Inc.) HL Phototrrrtphem STUDIO Phone H. P. 485 PICTURE OF YOUR HOME Glencoe, lil "