Thursday, Aug. 28, 1930 Mr, and Mrs. Edward Brennan of Deerfield avenue had as their guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Schultz and family, Mr, and Mrs. Hall and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Fellow of Elgin and Miss Pearl Handcock of Plano, Illinois. Mrs. R. Fabel of Chicago was a week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. George Jacobs of West Central av- enue. Misses Margaret De Waite of Val- ley City, N. D., and Miss Charlotte Bauers of Fargo, N. D., were week- end guests of Mrs. B. H. Krcss. Mr, and Mrs. R. v. Hutchison and daughter Louise Ann and Mrs. Flet- cher of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Reeds on Saturday, Mrs. George Jacobs was a guest of Mrs. Ed. Fay on Wednesday at her home in Chicago. Mrs. Elise Knaak of Deerfield av- enue is recovering from a recent ill. ness. Mr. and Mrs. George Briggs of Greenview avenue announce the birth of a son at the Highland Park hog. pital, Thursday, August 21. Richard Kress with the Martin family of Highland Park attended the Musical Festival held at Soldier's Field, Chicago. Saturday evening. Mrs. Harold Youngs of Todd court was hostess to her bridge club on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bleimehl of Chicago visited relatives in Deerfield on Saturday. . Leslie Brand spent this week-end with his family in Montague, Mich. Mrs. Fred Meyer was hit in the eye by a baseball at the game at the Legion carnival on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. E. Wyant and two daughters of Chicago were the guests of Mrs. J. A. Reichelt Jr. on Sunday. Wallace Reichelt and George Stry. ker with Jack Zengler of Highland Park visited Carl Parker, 3 fratern. ity brother, who has charge of athle- tics at Arden Shore, on Sunday. Miss Louisé Rhode of Brownstown, Illinois is the quest ld Mrs. D. W. Miss; Edna Fritseh had her tonsils removed, Thursday at the Wesley, Memorial hospital in Chicago. Briss Faith Reichelt received her Bachelor of Science degree at North- western university at the close of the summer school. Miss Edna Fritseh completed a summer course at Northwestern uni. versity on Saturday. She will return to the university for her senior year in September. _ . Miss Louisé Rhode Illinois is the guest Meyer. Miss Jeanne Smith is spending this month " Whitehall, Michigan. Lincoln Ave,, Deerfield, Ill, DEERFIELD NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS Deerfield Locals Send contributions to local eorreaponasnt before Tue.- day noon. Help her to make this uction interacting. MRS. LORETTA WILLMAN, Local Editor DEERFIELD NEWS-FLASHES Mrs. A. C. Stndler and-two chil- dren, Elizabeth Ann Ind Belinda, Ire returning this week from Montana. Michigan, where they have spent the Bummer. Mrs. Stadler has been ap- pointed school nurse tor the Deer. It'ii'i'i' Grammar school. Miss Gayle Borneman, who was school nurse last year, is ill in a hospital in St. Paul, Minn, It is re- Mrs. J. A, Reichelt Jr. wns the luncheon guest of Mrs. Ethelyn Wil- sun Gebhart of Chicago on Monday. Robert Jordan was awarded I gold medal for sharp shooting " Culver Military academy on Wednesday, which was firtst honors. Miss Dorothy Myers , week-end with Miss Alice the home of Mrs. Thorne netka. Mrs. E. B. Jordan, Mrs. E. A, Wood and Mrs. J. A: Reichelt Jr. at- tended the annual Daughters of the American Revolution day at Camp Donald White, C. M. T. C. at Fort Sheridan on Thursday as members of the Nurth Shore chapter D. A. R. which had a large representation. The executive board of Deerfield P. T. A. association will have a meet- ing at the home of the‘president, Mrs. C. E. Piper on Chestnut street on Thursday morning, August 28. Miss Jane Wood returned last Monday from a two weeks visit with an aunt in South Haven, Michigan. Mrs. George Truitt of Arbor farm entertained relatives on day. Buddy Piper ran a rusty nail foot last week. George Stryker spent Thursday and Friday with a Lake Forest classmate, Richard Kenny, of Chicago. Jack Myers is on a two weeks busi new trip in the cut. Miss Gayle Borneman, who was school nurse last year, is ill in a hospital in St. Paul, Minn, It is re- ported that her eye-sight has been seriously effected and she has lust the sight of one eye. Her mnny friends in Deerfield as well up in Highland Park, where she was sub gicul nurse at Highland Park hospi- tal, are deeply concerned as well a: grieved to learn of her and condition. Dr.' and Mrs. Benjamin Chase Grout of Oak park visited Mrs. J. A. Reichelt Jr. on Friday. Emil F Frederick: spent Saturday and Sunday " the Schulder cottage at Lily lake. q - Miss Edna LIngdon of Michal Reese hospital, Chicago was the din. ner guelt of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pet. tis on Thursday. Mr. Alvin Meyer spent last Week in Missouri. Miss Anna Stuttwig of Vandalin, Illinois was a guest of Mrs. D. W. Meyer on Thursday. Tel. Deerfield 153-3 THE PRESS spent the , End: at a of Win- in his Vitae Tues- Murir, gifts, fun and frivolity, friendliness and renewed “quint- ancu were just I few of the my delight: and thrills. provided by the Annual Carnival of Deerfield Post 738. American Legion; Int Friday and Suturdly. The Veterans' drum and .bugle corps. which is componed entirely of patients in the North Chicago hos- pital, struck a responsive chord inl the hearts of its audience. and won the admiration and appreciation of the crowds who listened to it: splen- did performance on Friday evening. Not only can these boys play-but they can sing! Led by a police escort and Legionnaires bearing the colors. the drum and bugle corps marched through the business district preced- ing the program in Jewett park. The dance floor nttracted a good crowd on Saturday evening. Of course. the refreshment atand did a rushing business at. all hours, and the concession booths continued busy. Saturday's program commenced " 12:30, with the Children's Mandi Gran parade. The many colorful costumes delighted the onlookers, and added to the dimculties of the judges. Carnival hats and boxes of cracker jack were given to each participant. and the prizes were awarded as fol- lows: - MANY ATTEND 2 DAY DEERFIELD CARNIVAL S. C. Reblinz Awgrdod Mun Prize; Parade; Participants Given Prizes Individula Most comic-l boy, Billy Olendorf (dressed as Satan). Most comical girl, Eunice Varner. lst, Lois Nlmer, 2nd. Must nttrnctive girl, Glorin Secert. Most origin-l boy, Lelmd Place (Santa Clnul). Most original girl. Cindy: Betty Varner (bride). Best represented characters, boy-- Skippy Clewey "Uncle Sun": girl--. Betty Muhlke, lat, Mexicnn girl; Enith Uehtman, 2nd, Red BMW Grown Most comicnl. Russell and Harold Mau (Cub bunch-ll players). Most attractive, Int, Shirley Loni-e and Joan Ann Siljestrom; 2nd, Con- stance and Helene Rose Meyers. A most. exciting ball tune provided all the thrill: of my bitt Rune con- test, and ended in rejoicing what: Deerfield vanquished the "hwood tum, 10-9. A novelty to todly'l children wu provided by two ponies, which were kept busy giving the boys Ind girls n "buggy ride." T Most oritrinal, m. Jack Game Ind Dorothy chobson: 2nd, Junk and Betty Clavey, Marilyn Gooder. Best decorated doll tm-tst, Doris Cooksey; 2nd, Mary Hume“. Best decorated velocipede, Dorothy Jenn Anderson. Hood The hour from T until 8 o'clock, Suturdny evening, tsttorded keen pleasure to Ill lovers of music. The Deerfield Municipul Band dial-yd its skill to In Appreciative audience. Bomb. did well, holding tho stmete DeerfUld tum hide“ for three ll- nlnn and continued to pitch with better lull than could be expect“ of I regular third hum-n. Sunday however found St. Junc- back in full numb when theft":- neyed to Northbrook to meet the team that WII nhnrln; tlmt pine. with them. Linda" wu on the mound and . lowed only firm hita tor . total of tour runs. While the Saint'l collected ten hits for n total of clown rum. St. June: Defeats Northbrook Sunday As the evening hours advanced. el- eitement ran high. Beautiful qnllta. towels. linens, dishes, lamp, a†bery, and other articles too num- mu to mention, were awarded from the Registration Booth, which wan conducted by the Auxillary. Then the electric train act was awarded to Dick Gartner of Northbrook. And last of all, while the hundreda cl apat- tnmrs crowded around and waited with bated breath, the tantrum new owner of the Chevrolet Span Coupe was announced - S. C. Raiding, of Haul avenue, Deergeld, Members of D-iuid Peat. "tp, American Mon. and of Auxiliary Unit 738, wlah to expraaa to all who pnrtieipated in the carnival, and par- ticularly to than who an“. their “were appredatlan. last Sunday Bt. June- band to Deertield by a were of 10-9. Dur- held wont! than runs in the last - of the ninth to win. On mount of the can: beitrq played on Sammy afternoon It. June- tmind thunk“ that 01 player: and â€unduly was... utter much "ttring it was the!“ that Berube wt: the logical choice toe mound work. With this - tucked away It. James remit†in Brat pine with only two more - to phy, and both of there' It home. The club in divided into two groups with Richard Manor u president of one, while Shirley Blaine heads the other. Shirley’n group is idemtifUd as "The Early Birds." The first and chief requirement: of each member is, I garden of their own Mrs. E. B. Jordan and In. E. J. Ginter representatives from the Adult (Eu-den club lumin- uh .e. tivities of the club. Junior Club to Hold Garden Show Sept. The Junior Garden club of Deer. field will have I “Vegetable and Flower Show" at the home of In. E. B. lord“ on Waukegun to“, on Wedneully, September a, from " to The public in c attend thin exhibit This was the first of I sorta of con- ceru which the bum! will (in dur- ing the full and winter month. Next Sunday M. June: mun tho (Com on M I) o'clock club is cordially invited ©