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Highland Park Press, 28 Aug 1930, p. 5

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A neat many of the members of the Chamber ot Commerce and fum- iIies attended Tuesday and Ibout thirty Rotarians and wives “tended Wednesday in a body, it being Rotary day. Sunset Valley Golf course con- tinues to be popular with our local golfers and many matches are being played off as the season advances. The ladies have been busily en- staged with the deeoration of their club room which they'formally openv ml on Tuesday last. The entire room has been painted, the ladies working out the color scheme most tastefully. The interest shown by the woman of the club in their organization is gratifying. nnt only in the work in tho club room but also their enthus- iasm in. golf. Tuesday being Ladies' day as well as their club day shows a marked incrvnse in the rvzistratinn of women cn that day. Many Local People Attending Air Races Praetieally hllf of Highland Puk’s population are attending the Air Races at Curtiss Field this week, It was a sad experience to witness the crash of the Army plane in which two were killed. At lent one lum- dred Highland Parker's witryesged the accident. Sunset Valley Golf Course Continues to Be Popular: Ladies Day All the food, beverages, and prizes were donated by friends and suppor- ters of Lester Tiffany, who is the Republican nominee for sheriff of Lake county. Some Mo. valuable prizes were awarded to the winners of races and contests. Music-l Entertainment During the afternoon and early evenine, the Moose band, Shqrvin Post drum and bugle corps, Buck Fellows' wanhhrmrd trio, Zedeker and Stewart, and several vocalists enter. tained musically. Races started at 1 o'eloek and last- od until dusk, a baseball game was played off by Nick Heller's Wauke. man'Majoris and the P. N, A. White Eagles, the former winning by a score of ll to t; SeVI‘rnl amateur boxing (Continued on page 27) Lake F crest, in his candidacy " Re- publican nominee for sheriff of Lake county, was attended by more than 30,000 persons, accnrding to various estimates and proved the biggest gathering of the kind ever held in the county. . _ More then two and a half tons of meat were used in sandwiches, 250 gallons of ice cream, 26,400 bottles of pup, and 40,000 boxes of Cracker Jack were dispensed to the crowd during the day. The picnic given Sunday at the Public Service company playground, near the model farm, west of Mun. delein, by friends and supporters of Chief of Police Lester T. Tiffany of TIFFANY PICNIC G TREMENDOUS SUCCESS Attendance Exceed, 30,000 and Refreshments and Enter. tainment for All Thursday, Aug. 28, 1930 The regullr meeting of Cnmpbell chapter will be held next Wednesday evening in Masonic hall. As this meet- irur hvralds the beginning of the fall session for the chapter it is hoped that the members will all make tn et- fcrt to be present. _ Mort is being made to have In air. plane and punctuate drop, with new- enl accessory features, and prizes are in be offered. The commlttee in chlrge is spnring no etrorta to mike this affair a success, Ind I big crowd is expected. _ The celebration will be staged on the thsk Terrace school grounds. There will be I vnriety of - and races. and dnncing wilt be t tum. Speeial registration Intern will pro- vide everybody In opportunity to compete for the vol-lou- prim to be given any during the day. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Glow, put. matron And patron of the eUpter, who are leaving soon to nuke their home in Colifornil will be the hom. ored new: of the evening. Under the Inspices of the High- wood Improvement usocintlon the annual celebration of Highwood Day will be held on. Monday, Sept. 1, Labor day. Plans have been under way for some time, md the uncle- tion expects to provide plenty of amusement for ttll with seven] new and interesting attractions. - Hermnniromelt is president of the ossoeintion, and Albert Axt in leer-e- tary. "A few hours before attending the exercises at which he graduated from the Deerfield-Shields Township high school in Highlmd Park, 111., David Davis Morris was informed by the Mid-West office, L. N. A., that he Wu winner of the Illinois state prize in the National League of Nations Ex- amination' contest. Honur society, having been chosen as one out of M of the 174 members of his grndunting class. He he nlrendy put his foot on the first run; of the ladder leading to a literary cureer, in that he has written a short story which was published in Boys Life in 1927. Whether or not he intends to be a writer he does not an. The money which he receive! " the Illi- nnis prize will be used to help pay his expenses It Northwestern univer- sity where he will study English and history." Hirrhwood Day Is to Be Celebrated Monday and Big Crowd Is Expected The following uticle which refer- to one of Hit_rhlttnd Pnrk'l young citi- zens is a reprint of In urticle appur- ing in a recent issue of the League of Nations Chronicle. David stil Mor- ris to whom the urticle refers w" I member of the 1930 graduating clan at the Deerfield-Shields high school, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney D. Morris of 268 Laurel avenue. Eastern Star to Meet Next Wednesday Local Boy Awarded State Prize in . National Contest "He is a member of the Nltionll THE PRESS Other features included in this weeks program are: Ken Maynard in a fast moving action drum “Song of the Caballero. showing Saturday. Sunday Warner Baxter will thrill the audiences in his lute-t picture, "The Arimna Kid" Richard Dix in “hav- ing the Ladies" ha been selectpd tor showing on Monday. Thin day. u. bor day, shows will be continuous starting at 2 [MIL As natural I picture In has been seen on the screen in some time, re- plete with both the comic and pathe- tic momenta of life, is coming Tua- dny Ind Wednesday to the Alcyon thentre. . The reasons for the life-like quali- ties of this picture lie in the simplic- ity of its story of an old German bar- her who)“: diftieultles in raisin: a large brood of children, and the eftee. tive performances upon the part of Louis Mann in the central role and Elliott Nunnt. Leila Hymn. Robert Montgomery, Franck X. Bushman, Jr., Mary Dana and Jean Wood " the youthful members of the out. How the old German pntiently stick: by hirehildren end help: them out of their respective dilemmas makes up an engrossing picture which will linger in one'e memory for . long time. Oak Terrace School to Open Monday, Sept. 8th; V 5 New Teachers Added Oak Terrace school to open Mon. day, September 8. The Oak Terrace whool in High- wood will open for the 1980-31 term on the Monday following Labor day. September lt. Pnrentl can greatly aid in avoiding any ion of time in starting the new year try having their children regllter on the lint September lt. Plum- can neatly aid in avoiding any lou of time in starting the new year try having their children "ulnar on the tint day and buying when] supplies be. fore the opening date. Book liata are posted in the Luxeler phnrmncy and all supplies can be pureUred in that “on. Five new teachers have been added to the Ouk Terrace faculty due to resignations of name of Int year's In- structors. The following is I com- plete list of the “when: “Richest Man in World" Heads Alcyon Program; Other Features Noted "The Richest Man in the World," which ranks the initial screen IP- penrnnce of Louis Mann, veteran of the stage. M a r i o n Richurds, kindetqtnrten; Marguet Sweeney, IB; Marcia Smith Ill; Mnrjorle Amdurlkl. IA; Audrey McCuuker, 28; Gladys Johnson, 2A; Bernice, Tucker, 38: Dorothy Spink, 3A; Helen Brewer, 4B; Huel Cooley, 43; Darin Cannon, 4A; Marjorie matter, MV, Anita Whluly, 5A: Ruth Zimmerly. Icicnce; Hemlin- de Harlan. literature; Lucille Jenks, mathematics: Hue! DIWIOII. history; Betty Brutenstein, English; Helen Marshall, music Ind art: Florence Miller, nurse; Wayne A. Thom“, principal. Bee-nu of ittsttiBelettt funds, the Board of Education nu found it nec- essary to dispense with one teacher this year and nlao to refuse to Ic- cupt any pupils not living in Dlltdct No. HI. Service and Highland Park Auburn Company Highland Park, Illinois Phone H. P. 2830 505 Elm Pure Sales

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