oo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo""'" Terrace Building & Remodeling Co. THE CHIMNEYS 609 N. Sanuamon Sh. Chicago Now Is the Time to Build Hilf- mrinnon Aer., Bum-ton Abo three downtown stores "5 N. Wuhan-h Ave. . " East Jukmn BIvd. . " S. [AS-He Sf. A Wedding Gift of an Antique or Etching will not be duplicated Ahnerfhte liiTpmpanir Five minutes from anywhere downtown Houses General remodeling our specialty It is good economy, alwnys. to purchase even most mod. crate priced articles where quality is considered firtr- where quality is dependable. Cash or terms Q9111 (thtglatdt Cement work of all kinds Extra Rooms Ssentifle Optician: ANTIQUES Economy Garages 2 years to pay Porches Tel. Haymarket 1024 Tel. Winnetka 3470 Bungalows and in Evahston THE PRESS Mi: one i Smitl Mr Paul mm home of Cl week Mr Inf ll [at a i ment will ‘slrun I, Fr 1 Lake I to Ol 1 will 1k-rni _ repri Iter. othe Sept M few Miet M weel - Jun: A number of friends spent a very enjoyable evening at a farwell party given for Mrs. Winifred Gibbons, who is moving from her home on St. Johns avenue to Chicago. Miss Grace Johnston entertained her 500 club, mead-y evening at her home on North avenue. The prize winners were Mrs. Joe Jacobs, Mrs. Frank Will: and Mrs. Forrest' D. Rose. Mrs, John Oliver and daughters, Mary and Joan have returned from a visit at White Lake, Michigan with Mr. Oliver's sister, Mrs. Alex Innes, Miss Barbara Bell Eder of Glen- one is the guest of Miss Kathleen Smith of S. Sheridan road this week. Mrs. Paul w. Blanchard and son Paul W. Jr., U. S. Army were en- tertained at a dinner given at the home of Dr. and Mrs. ArthyruBosler of Chicago, Tuesday evening of last Mrs. H. Bevans and Miss V. Loesph of W. Park avenue are entertaining at a miscellaneous shnwer in compli- ment to Miss Kathleen Bevans who will be married to Mr. Herbert Emp. slrmn in September. Frank Stine and Albert Baker of Lake Bluff left last Sunday via motor to Old Paint, Comfort, Va., where they will attend the Beta Theta Pi fra- ternity convention. J'rank Stine is representing the Beloit college chap- ter. They will visit Washington Ind other points east before returning September A. 19. Mr. and Mrs. Brunnen have re. cently purchased ‘the country estate of l. A. Jordan in Highmonr. They formerly resided in Winnetka. ' Miss Ruth Johnston of Waverly road returned yesterday from Camp Oxohu, Frankfurt, Michigan, where she has been swimming counselor for the summer. Ph Mr. and Mrs. George-L. Brannon announce the birth of a daughter " Passavant Memorial hospital, August The Misses Janet and Ester David- son, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Dass idson, residents of Highland Park un- til this summer, are returning to New Jerswy with their parents after a summer at Camp ldylo Wyld, Three Lakes, Wisconsin. Marley School of Music with stu- dios here and in Winnetka, announces the opening of the season 1930-31 on Monday. September 15. Early res- ervation of time is advisable. Miss Elizabeth Wyant who has been spending her vacation from the High- land Park public library studying Local and Personal Spanish at the University of Muce at Mexico City, retu.rned to the library on Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Burns of Hartford, Conn., are the guests of Mrs. Burn's mother Mrs. George W. Roberts. Miss Mbrjorie Learning ed from Greeley, Calm. w tended Colorado State T lege. Mr. and Mrs. George Green of 22 N. Linden avenue are enpuying u fam- ily reunion this week as they wet, come their son Alden who has been for the past three years teaching in the American university in Carin, Egypt. Their daughter Mrs. C. L. Riley.of Detroit, Michigan, has also been here for the week. Miss Marion Flinn has returned from Seattle, Washington, where she spent the summer with her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. George Lantz and family of Rockford where the Sun- day guests of the A. T. Lam: family. David Davis. Mnrris who has been at the Detroit Y. M, C. A. camp lo, van-d at Oseuta, Michigan, all summer [ David Davis. Mnrris who has been at the Detroit Y. M, C. A. camp lo- cated at Oseotu, Michigan, all summer returned home Tue-slay. Mrs,.Geurge Millard and her daugh- ter Elizabeth who have been the guests of Mrs. Millard's mother Mrs. l). M. Erskine left. Thursday for their home in California. Mr. and Mrs. George Collins and daughter Miss Marion and Mrs. Armstrong are visiting in James- town, N. Y. Miss Gwendnlyn James has had as her guest for several weeks Mrs. Stanley Guard Bishop of Mountain Lakes, N, Y. Miss James and her guest. have motored to Springfield, Mo., where they, will visit Mr. and Mrs. Janws Nichol, cuusins of Miss James'. ' Mrs. George W. Roberts entertained at tea on Monday at the Moraine hotel for her daughter Mrs. Charles L, Burns of Hartford, Conn. Mrs. Burns and Mrs. George Allan Mason L, Burns of Hartford, Conn. Mrs. Burns and Mrs. George Allan Mason rceeived. Miss Marguerite Axt who has been undergoing several operations at the Augustunn hospital, Chicai,ru, suffered a velapse last Saturday. On Mon, day her sister Miss Viulvt Axt under. went a blood transfusion in an effort to save her sisiter's life. Marguerite has shown a slight improvement in the last two days. Mrs. Louis Bader and daughter Miss Constance Bader of Dover, Mass,, and Mrs. Ellis Talbott of Richmond, Va., who were the guests of Admiral “Ed Mrs. W. S. Crawly of Great Lakes, have left for Banff and Lake Louise. Mrs. William Drake and small son, Billy of Laurel avenue left Sunday for Palmer, Michigan, where they will spend the next two weeks. Margaret Esmiz of North First street is entertaining several of her friends at her home next Tuesday in honor of her fourteenth birthday. Thursday, Aug. fb xg has return- where she at- Teachers cul- 28, 1930