N Mr M M Mr “TR! Local and Personal M M hr M MI M he PP Rimwr um! Mins Mar ', Messrs. Jot Hamming: Hurling motored to Wan 1nd visited Miss Riemer': Mrs THE 'lYE-.is one of the most complex, delicate Ind ensliy injured mech- anism of the human body. Mr M r arn0or PM!) on N. The MM Highland Park I.†"II DOLKAI I'IN' POI it‘ll Col [VIOIASSIS I. .IVIIID NOTE.. Largest item of can I {or upon. "ierttihc makins and “an. without which um- mltthe hum not have mum“ Than]! pro6t is multiplicd I“ In†volume. hit Lab: M r " M Loekhxn of Kansas the wed-end guest. of TO SAVE YOUR EYES The um! Mrs Lake " Walk mice Ford She WM Iccnm ited ielo ale]: motor trip Cautthe y', residents Sill ms N. “my... ME."- iii/od when} Rival . Is B. usm. St. Five minutes from anywhere downtown-and in Evanston Mr and M. N Co 9 ""?lhflt, tSig,mTr Minn M and uyo An. Mr. Elwood Bressler of Des Moines, Iowa, registered pttarrntwist, hu ac- cepted n position with the Highland Park Phlrmacy. Miss Myra Stewart of Waukegan will entertain thirty-fise girl friends int a kitehen shower this evening (Thursday) fur Miss Lydia Curling whose marriage to Mr. Joseph Kru- whn of Chietttt" will take place this c-nzam rumpun y Miss Mary t. Plata. returned " three months England and 84 Mr. Hearse W Mi nth Him Mary Lou Mayo of Sheridan we returned home Thursday from hrvv months trip through Europe, alum! and Scotland. Hr, Geortte C'ehanuvsky of the MI apartments who spent the num- r in Highland Park, singing with . Ravinia Opera company left, Psday for New York where he is (new! with the Metropolitan Opera inti Hit?- Orviugtnn Ave., Eumdon A bo three downtown stores WHEN about to purchase eyeglasses it is well to give a little thought to the possi- bilities of helping or injuring your eyes, which such a purchase involves. ternhe Eyeglasses are not merchandise to be bought and Sold in stores at prices depending solely upon the wholesale cost of certain standard lenses and pans. It is most important that the lenses be ground with icientific accuracy to the requirements of each individual'., eyes and the glasses fitted so as to hold lenses at exactly the correct position before the eyes and at precisely the right dis. tance--or serious and iniurious strain will result. In this professional work, for almost half I century Almer Coe and Company have held I position of leadership. And yet for correctly made and fitted glasses of dependable quality Mme: Coe charges are extremely moderate. 'dimmer of Glencue avenue Baum of Ridgewood drive, mt Human-sq Spencer post the annual xtate American ventinn to be held in Aur- Eyeglasses must be made to very end- ing, scientific standards-involving " in the Aime: Coe Laboratories from " to 29 separate operations and no less than seven verifying tests for accuracy. THE PRESS Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Antes of Green Bay road motored to Melvin, Ill., where they spent the holidays, visiting with friends. Miss Lorraine3immer has returned from Stoughton, Wisqonsin where she has spent the past two weeks visiting with friends and relatives. Eileen Zimmer will return the later part of this week. Miss Helene Bureharft of W. Park avenue spent the holidays in Water. town, Wisconsin visiting with friends and relatives. M N. lint Bt. Highland Put J. SMITH JUNK TELEPHONE 410 in REVIEW OF OPERA SEASON AT RAVINIA arrange such a repertoire Is that which has been presented at Ravinia this year. It is equally a matter of mo- ment that three of these works-Ne- eini's "Anima Allegra," Smetana's "The Entered Bride" and the fourth act of "Les Huguenots" were entirely new to the Ravinia list this year and that "Anima Allegra" ranks as a present day operatic novelty. 'La' Rondine," "MarouC' "La Cnmpana s'ummersa,* "The Secret of Suzanne,†and "La Vida Breve," all of them nov- elties in the true sense of the word, were-again given frequent presents 'tinn during the season just closing. repeating the successes won by them last year and the year before. Promises Putillled When Mr. Eekstein issued his ini- tial prospectus last spring, there we: much in it to stimulate the interest of all those who are devoted to the art D’Angelo, Desire Defrere. Basses: Paolo Ananian, Virgilio Lrzzari, Leon Rothier, Vittorio Tye- visan. _ of music in its tincr phases, and the season just closing has so complete- ly fulhlled all promises made that it has not only been the most brilliant this opera house has ever enjoyed, but one of the most brilliant ever given anywhere. Mr. hicksteln brought to Ravinia a galaxy of world stars cap- able of interpreting the greatest operatic works in superlative manner, Most of those who were heard during the season were already well known to Ravinia patrons and all of them were on the roster throughout the en- tire summer period. _ Here is the complete roster of art- ists, arranged alphabetically: Sopranos: Lucretia Bari, Yvonne Gall, Florence Macbeth, Queena Mario, Margery Maxwell, Lola Monti. Gnrsey, Elisabeth Rethbertt. Mezzo-sopranns and contraltos: Ina Bnumkaya. Julia Claussen, Anna Cor. renti, Philine Palm. Ada Pagzi. Tenors: Giuseppe Cavadnre, Mario Chamlee, Edward Johnson, Giovanni Martirwlli, Lodovico Olivieru. Armand Tokntyan. Marek Windheim. Baritones: Mario Basiola, George Cehanovsky, Giuseppe Danise, Louis Premiere Danseuse: Ruth Page. Premier Danseur: Blake Séott. Conductors: Louis Hasselmans, Gen- narn Papi, Wilfrid Pelletier. Assistant conductor: Franco Autori. Chorus mastor: Giocoma Spadonil Concert conductor: Erie DeLamnr- to r. Stage director: Desire,Defrere. A Splendid l'resentntion In accordance with the season's first announcement. the standard reper- toire has, of course. been given full consideration. But Mr. Eckstein has not contented himself with I mere presentation of these tried and true works. He has presented them with casts of such merit, and such care has been lavished upon etch produc- tion, that they have been elevated to a plane quite of the ordinary. And in addition.to these beloved works, without which no operl season would be complete, there his been an un- (Continued from Page Thursday, Sept, 4, 1980 7)