Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bard and son and daughter. Ralph, Jr. and Janet are leaving Wednesday by motor for Richmond, Va. From there they will leave tor their respective colleges. Wellesley and Dartmouth. Major General Frank Parker, U. S. Army, commanding general of the Sixth Corps, Area, and Mrs. Parker, gave a luncheon at their quarters at Fort Sheridan, Friday, September r, in honor of Major General R. Pope The Woman's Missionary society of the First United Evangelical church will hold their regular month- ly meeting at the home of Mrs. George Zahnle, 635 W. Park avenue, Thursday afternoon, September 18 at 2:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bevans of Park) avenue announce the marriage of: their daughter, Kathleen to Herbert! Krurstrom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carll Flngstrom oCRavemswood, Saturday, September 6 at 4 o'clock at the Trin. ity church, the Rev. Chrisoph Keller, Mfieiatintt. The bride-wig charmingly dressed in a gown of white satin and tulle veil fashioned in cap shape, and carried a boquet of white rose, lillies of the valley and baby's breath. She had as her attendants, Mrs. Enis Bel. lei as matron of honor, who was guwned in bue elhifrun with picture hat tn match and carried a boquet of yellow tea roses and baby’s breath, Miss Veronica Loesch as maid of honor, who wore green chiffon with picture, hat to match and carried pink roses and baby's breath, a sis. ter of the groom, Miss Mrytle Ene- strom as bridesmaid, who wore orchid chiffon with picture hat to match andl eirried yellow tea roses and baby's breath. The Bower girls. Myra and Ethel Bevans were dressed in pale pink. A brother of the groom. Carl Enzstrom Jr., served as best man. The ushers were Mr. Ted Krueger of Chicago and Mr. Arthur Grill, also or‘ Chivattm' A reception followed till ceremony at their home on Park ave- nue. Only the immediately family being present. Mr. Carl Engstrom, father of the groom. sang two solos, “I Love You Truly" and "Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life." The young couple left for a motor trip through Canada, and will later reside in Chicago. Miss Anne O'Brien, daughter of Mrs. Micheal J. O'Brien, of Lake av- enue, sailed a week ago Monday on the Paris for a year of travel and study abroad. Her sisters Rosemary andlhtyrlotte, will attend St. Gen. evieve's of the Pines School of Ashe- ville, N. C. The Rev. and Mrs. Frank Fitt and children Mary and Alfred are due to arrive home Saturday from their cot- rage in Estes park. They are return- ing by motor. . Miss Mae Bliss of N. Linden avenue is'leavinz Sunday for the east to en- ter her freshman year at Wellesley college. Her brother, George, is also leaving Sunday to enter his senior year at Dartmouth. Eileen Zimmer of S. Green Bay mad returned home Saturday evening from a three weeks visit with rela- tives in Stoughton, Wisconsin. Thursday, Sept. li, 1930 M Local and Personal ;ch and carried Mr. and Mrs, J. Berube and daugh- 's breath. a sis. ter Marie and Mrs. Ann Zahnle, Mrs. iss Mrytle Entt- Berube’s mother, spent the week-end who wore orchid visiting relatives in Kewanee and tat to match and] Rock Island, Ill. _ miss and baby's The Fort Sheridan Woman's club girls. Myra and t held its first meeting of the your Mon. C Those present iit addition to the guest oChonor were Rear Admiral and Mrs. Walter S. Crosley, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Granger, Colonel Rob- ert J. Bintord, Capt. and Mrs. Rock Putmnrg. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Durand and the Misses Parker. Mrs, Ellen Fritsch of W. Park Iv- enue is the guest of Mrs. Landt of Auburn Park for several days this Major General Roy W. Keehn, com- manding general of the Illinois " tional Guard, and Mrs. Keehn, enter- tained at dinner " their country home, Ken-RtyKa-Frtrm, near Lake Forest on Thursday evening, Septem- ber 4 in honor of Major General R. Rope Hennessy, Military Attache to the British Embassy at Washington. D. C. The other guests were Rear Admiral and Mrs. Walter S. Greeley. Major General and Mrs. Frank Park- er, Brigadier General and Mrs. Na- than W. MaeChesney, Brigadier Gen. eral and Mrs. Frank R. Sehweneel, and Mr. and Mrs, Thomas E. Wilson. Miss Loa Croke returned home last week after spending two weeks as the guest of Mrs. Ludwig Anderson of Chicago. Mrs. Anne Wesline entertained ' party of friends at luncheon on Pri. day at her home on Glencoe Avenue in compliment to Mrs. Leon Wells of Akron, Ohio, formerly Miss Bertha Rhinehurt of_this city. wee Mr. and Mrs. (Hinton Stryker and family have returned to their home on Glencoe avenue after spending the summer in Minnesota. Hennessy, Military Attache to the British Embassy at Washington. D. day evening in the chapel Mr. and Mrs. Harley Holabird have returned to their home on Forest ave- nue after spending the summer at Third Lake. Mrs. G. W. Reynolds of Vine nue entertained It luncheon " moor on Tuesday. Mrs. J. M.%ebult of Sheridan rand entertained about eighteen guests It luncheon on Monday in celebration of her birthday anniversary. Mrs. Frank Coghill and children of S. St. Johns avenue returned last week from Atlantic City where they have spent the past summer. Mrs. J. W. Simons will entertain her luncheon club today at her home in the Udell apartments. Miss Louise Walther of Waukegan who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walther of S. Green Bay road and who was taken ill while here, is getting along very nicely. TMB PIIII ave. Mr. end Mrs. Charla Short have returned to their home in Fon du Lac, Wis. after visiting Mr. and Mrs, Fred Znhnle of Vine avenue. Mr. and Mrs. William Farmer of Fort Harrison, lndinnnpolil Ruined to their home after spending the week end with Mr. And Mrs. E. E. Flrmer. Mrs. St. John is enjoying I trip through Canada since her duties at the beach are over for another xenon. Hurrison Walther will return to his studies at Illinois May. Thursday. THE EDGEWATER BEACH HOTEL If you are planning to elose up your home during the m-xt months. you will flnd no Hotel more commoner fitted lo ' 't'igl1di,v,i" and bedrooms, t'etstattttatttt and “(attainment " tietr--t In INS Oninm Ave., Eva-mu _ Also three downtown tttores tos N. Wuhan-II Ave. . " En! luck-on Blvd. . " B. uh“: 81 Five minutes from anywhere downtown-and in Evnnnum 5.100 Bioek Sheridan Road . Telephone: LONIhuth um 200-Car GARAGE in the mum SPECIAL LOW WINTER RATES . CRT 1'tt SHOW YOt This New Double Vision Lens TWe now 't','tal,'ST,','e, n up he“ by 'N It lune. Thes It." d tretd â€We: and" Crgl','tlllt M4 and: now My g,'1"gaf, than u Wk wub u up,†" AlmegCog {PCpmpany - Greater Safety To WEARERS OF BIFOCALS Brings Better Vision, Sure Comfort, COMING INTO CHICAGO FOR THE WINTER? THE segments in this new "Univis" lens. of course. In of the invisible type (hardly noticeable). And Aime: Coe & Company both recommend and gun:- nntee "Univif lenses. Stop in any Alma: Coe store. See them, in whntevet style of glasses you prefer-rms will find them far superior to bifocnls you have known. Note fhe,Greaf Improvement Scientific orttet'tms Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Ebert and Curles, who have been motoring visiting relatives in Cut-d. If! parted to arrive home this week. Miss Evelyn Baum will k my for Madiwn, W_is.. wher enter her freshman year It vorsity of I'm-In. Mrs. Helen C. Golden will the member. of her bridge marrow cumin; at her home Govern street, There will tables. nu _ " “a a slug; It: that up. um -te" m d a“ old-0m kw Well. In (lawn tbat - " "flow I. rBe (than betd, anemia club to. the he!“ Me In!