Thursday, Sept. ll, 1930 106 South First Street Geo. H. Koon Motor Sales ASK THE THE NEW PACKARD EIGHT A Wide Choice of Beautiful New Models The new Packard Eight includes more notable Improvements end refinements than any Pack- ard of recent years. It is available in thirty-two beautiful models ranging In price from ‘2385 for the ever-popular Standard Eight Five-Pup senger Sedan to ‘6075 for the finest Individual Custom creation. (At the factory.) t You will find them " fine gold refined-as one of the world's finest can made still Ger. Improved carburetion and manifolding have increased the power. With added power. per formance, especially in traffic and " the "red light' ',hesheen bettered. The advantageswhich only a four-speed transmission can give have been retained, with the transmission converted to the "short-shift" type. Longer Ind softer springs and new shock absorbers provide more riding comfort. An entirely automatic lubri- cation system now takes the human element out of daily chassis are and protects the long life resulting from fine engineering and pre- cision manufacture. WE MOST cordially invite you to come in and look over the new Packard can now on display " our showrooms. v/tpar yo/a/ tiliruul-- MAN WHO OWNS ONE THE PRESS An Investment in Luxurious Transportation Today when and, mane ll thinking h mm: of investment instead of speculum. Ind buying more artfully. we " you to View "fined and improved 'SN...-"" without I single speadntive or untried future. With "ckardthemrttnotuaorttee-eerth" wyonefeuure. Youco‘ddnotbuy.apecdn‘ Bodies made in Fund’s own factories In the fitsest in every my that Pedal-d has en: offered. Tndition-l’nppe-nnce bu been I. mined and beauty of line "tused. lnwrionlnve beer; beautified and nude more luxurious New colot combination, have been provided Thirty year of building for the - may mting clientele has taught the Puckett! Mount Car Complny what and: I clientele demands And yet: by year-aussi Ignin this re"-'". luxuries. new "éUtemeata Ind new improm- ments have been added. no keeprourenrfemretehe wereotherwige. Weattalittedeit'gbtedeot-ro-ultmre showroommd,uourgueu.youwillnotb urBedtotmr.Youwt'iitteeartended-c- tetraaddeairedattmttimtuoeetmtforro" o_mkiadrses"smNtrg. Highland Park, Illinois 11