Aston), Zinnias, gladioli, dahlias and many other beautiful miscellan- eous Rowers as well mi vegetables 'were on display Wednesday morning September 3 at the home of Mrs. E. B/Jordan when the Junior Garden club held their "Flower and Veget- able show." most gorgeous array of peony bloom, mixed with the later group of Rower. ing perennials. Our summer season is taken care of chiefly with late blooming peren- nials and phlox. However, the glad: help out this season most effieient1y. Early fall is taken up chiefly with that most gorgeous and giant flower- ine of all plants, the dahlias. Japan lillies, the hardy asters, pyretheum uliginosum, boltonias, and sedums. Yes, one should not forget that the hardy hydrangea may be used as a perennial in filling out this rather important period. Annualsrshould also be added each season, such as zinnias, African mur- igold, petunias and asters. Junior Garden Club Has Fine Exhibit; Prizes are Awarded There were 40 entries of Bowers and six of vegetables. Fanny Hoff. man was awarded 1st prize for I lovely basket of vegetables, June fun- Thursday, Sept. 11, 1980 With loads of leaves to rake and countless other chores ta be done' in the yard and gar- den you’ll find many helpful tools " this store to lighten the work. 522 CENTRAL AVE. VlGORO PLANT FOOD AND FERTILIZER BAMBOO RAKES, 75c FOR FALL GARDEN WORK THOMAS J. LYNCH, INC. Tree Surgeons IE MEIERHOFF HARDWARE Using the latest methods and equipment and offering the finest Tree Surgery Service avail. able on the North Shore. Pruning . Spraying . Tree Surgery Feeding, etc. Power Sprayers Pneumatic Cavity Machines 15 years same locltion on the North Shore GLEN COE 514 MI Lincoln Avenue - Winnetka Following the show, Mm. Ginter took the flowers to the Highland Park hospital. ' For flower tarrangement of mixed bouquet, Frieda Freeman won iirat, Barbara Ashman, second end Shirley Blaine third, Raymond Carter and June Gunckel received honorable men- tions. ekel second and Shirley Blaine, third There was quite a collection of beautiful asters exhibited and honors went to Fancy Hellman for both single and collection exhibits. Shirley Blaine won t1rat prim for dahlia exhibit; Fanny Hoffman for her snapdragrons and Arline Menuer for her unusual exhibit of Everlast- ing flowers. Billy Scribner won a prize for his exhilftt of nasturtiume in a quaint brown jug. A special rib- bon was given to Jane Hopkins for a mixed bouquet. Jane did not com- plete for a prize " she is not a mem- ber of the club. Among the outstanding gardens in the club is that of Richnrd Merner because of its distinctive Platt' and clever bird bath. Another one worthy of mention is the very lovely and en- tirely original Rock Garden and pool of Frederick Piepenbrok. A group of ladies including Mines. Ginter, Towler. Twin, Wood Ind Ait- kin assisted with the show as well as exhibited some lovely blooms. E PHONE HIGHLAND PARK 197 WIN NETKA 1294 ki1a2 EEEE7-C-EEEE-a THE PRESS "Did you ever stop to tttink-that hard timel mean nothing to e hen? She just keeps on digging worms and laying eggs, regardleu of what the newspapers say about conditions. It the ground is Urd, she nor-table larder. If it is dry she digs (leper. " dry, she dies deeper. If she ltrlku u rock, see works around it. But el- wny: the digs up worml and turn them into herd-shelled profita. at Ci's"NiCu-iCdio UNTIL 11": u The Hell [I Right Will Your Children Have of Home . . . Landscape Garden!“ HIGIIWOOD oiBee--49 Prairie Avenue: Phone Highland Purl: n: N-r-prairie View; Phone Libenyvillo GIG-Id WHAT MEMORY tdh,'a",'g,thLt,fl,ttg'1t,1lt',' mummy-e. Ihuyourdnllbu ietBabmruovethetrhmrrs...that 'h_beeverrrtetofh..omd -uria-itwiii1iOrt 1tghtg,",'g,ra,wpg'9attt.t't 1ervoo6home,tunbrreo% Ila-Ill- hr1-EromtdA-.-ouaideth"o-, lieu ,mtrmiatd_r4trbt-ttoh- 'l'dt'lL'llh%Q Room. Plan... -dureqdrtoirutsttthiqN1_ "mdltiomatremoitf-hu. an yphonoorvrltemlodn nth-o 'ltlt,','t; 'glk'l,%l"e'llfST,'C. NoWBEgoloouI-ad well " under broilers. Did you over we . pessimistic hen? Did m mt know of one starving to death wait- the surface! Did mkle because of on your life - uhe save- her Math for digging and her tackle for -." “Rotary Balkan." in; for Worms to Read Our Want-Ads dig thcmulvu to you ever hear one hard times? Not u