y r-cr; A "J.Tgv' a u-as' . 1. - - - ' THE PRESS May Fine Driver Whose Auto License Revoked Any person whose automobile li. cense has been revoked and who con- tinues to drive an automobile bearing another number is guilty of a mis- demeanor and upon conviction may be tined $20Wor imprisoned in the county jail for 20 days. This is the opinion rendered Secre- tary of State William J. Stratton by Attorney Gen. Oscar E. Carlstrom in the case of C. P. Van Schuuk, Jr., of Glencoe. ‘Net Tangible Assets I of the Auto Industry According to statistics compiled by the Chicago Motor club,the net tangi- ble assets of the.uutroubile industry in the L'nitml States at the end of 1929 tutalled ',','1/drr6,087,00l. Closed cars comprisml 89.4 per cent of the Annex-ion" automobile output in 1929, while open ears comprised 10.6 per cent; T Appruxrmatvl.v 65 per cent of all new and used cars suld last year were purchased on time payment plans, Out of 31,75x,231 persons whu vis- ited the national parks last year, ap- prrntinuttely nine-tonth of them or 27,7tu'r,00tl Came by autumoblle. More State Police for Neighboring Counties More adequate pulico protection frnm the state dvparlmunt of high way police 11:47:â€) uddod safeguard against further possibilities of bank, store and service station robberies has bedn promised Kano county, as well as Dul’uzo. Mellow}; and Kendall Counties. A telegram tn this effect was re- eeived yesterday mummy: by Secre- tary E. A. Kevlar of the Fox Valley Pedomunn from n. ll. Clvtiveland, di- rector of the state th-partmcnl of pub- lie works and buildings at Spring- tield, Giant cedar poles from Idaho for- ests now are being used by radio sta- tion KYW to support its antenna, the ('hicaun Association of Commerce [hints out. Use of the ruins instead of the customary steel towers is er. poeted to eliminate pom-r losses in- cident to transmission of radio tre. Radio Station Uses Giant Cedar Poles [hints out of the cut potted to eident to quencies. "H, Read Our Want-Ads Thursday, Sept. 11, 1930