24 120 North First Street “gm Dummy (Mui- Vrght treroory Chub withCab ___... loom-or Dolivuy “an Dclivnry "sto" Chub! with Cab 'oe. ol â€non thou-s with or mum» orb "mm. Ira-O land-n. and 09mm, â€mung beam, (out. duh and (our - comma-d "Minna-n! penal, hood, bond lanai and were run on " r000 mad-wk "tcluding noon an“. Alt puns I o, b Flint, Michigan WM. RUEHL & CO. s520 DUAL WHEELS tas EXTRA unun I’A'VON CHASSIS blew 6-cylinder Chevrolet Truck Full-up be: only.) "nel- up be: and CHIVROLEY .'365 . . . .. 'aro with Dual Wheels 'Mo 'ses '62S DIN-Ion a! Canal-l Motors Corporcolon Dual wheels at slight additional cost, with slx truck-typo cord tlros-blggor. hoavlor roar erxur-.eompiotoiy oncloud four-wheel brerkqs--rtqw heavy-duty truck- typo eiuteh--rtqw, stronger noel channel 'rome-- 4-spood trarismuston--So-horsopower vulva-ln-head slx-cyllndor engine. _ More" COMPANY, ontoâ€, MICHIGAN A new slat-cylinder l‘/2-ton Chevrolet trqek--with dual wheqir--is now available at Chevrolet dealers every- where. It Is big and powerful, rugged and dependable. It offers many new features of outstanding value to the modern truck user. And no other truck of equal capaclty costs less to operate and malntaln. Your nearost Chevrolet dealer wlll gladly glve you a trlal load domortstrotiort-emy tlme. _ F FEATURES OF THE NEW CHEVROLET TRUCK THE PRESS Phone 1110 6-CYLINDER 50-HORSEPOWER ENGINE r Inn-uni“! Tranquil“.- ------H Thursdaz. 'sus2t ll 1930