" First Church " Christ, Sch-tilt ighEnml lurk, Ill., 381 line! avonue. Lr-lu-h " The Mother Church, The T he PHONE YOUR ORDER NOW WE ARE H%zri-izisi AGENTS runny Evangelical Church H. K, h'ivrrrom, Pastor reading EARL W. GSELL 8 Co. .3155 " [our II " next Sand: veninu at H the " Mother Church. The f Christ, Scientist. in and hri MI and-y " room " be Pic-M church In Among the Local Churches u-n every week- mnrning until Wednesdly un- aftwrnoon from open I" an 10 " JUMN c, and on lock. when ionce heal- 4t" hog M W y pupils twenty. xt Tamra! auth, mature :hued. thi PHARMACrs'Th' mt make th, h Fl All th " " u.m. worship service. Re will also brine the evening message " 8 p.m. Our chair is back on its job, this will add much to the impressiveness uf nut morning service. Speck! num- bers will also be enjoyed in the eve- nine, Th tive i no pr God thi fr b'irstt Hailed Sundial Chunk C. G. Unangst, Pastor Last Sunday was one of the best lays that we have had during the umnwr 501130“. The servikes were vvll intendt-d. The open air services urpussml the oxpeetatiohs of those who tlirected it and the ennqregation n. the evening preaching service waehvd thr, high-water mark. Bishop J.. S. Woudrinq's arr-mun wait an in- :pirutiun and erteourtuteme,rtt to the pirati " l" The Ort next Sunday morning at 101-15 Hack the pastor will preach. on [raring and Heedintr'the Word of u-akvrs, m ‘nllitions a: 'a and var'r II world. a s at the Che Y. P. M. C. will meet Monday nine at the church. A fine time well in one that will be instruc- c. is being planned. )0 not forget the Lake county Iventinn of Religious Education to hold at Bethany on September 25. At 7: rm the C G. L as: Sunday , that we mar was"! intended. Must-d the new o"" u ,fotk lee you" rm disc If: pm. there will be Echoes . Missionary and Young Peo. nvcntiuin held at Cedarville k One of the convention . kw. Dvynt-ka, will describe H as they are today in Rus- various other countries in the rl, and reports of the addres. he convention will be ulven people will have their .5. Miss Maytred Han- 2424 the subject "How can our membership." All an- urged to come. M. C. will meet Monday 1e church. A fine time me that will be instruc- custard ' sue' llizhlnnd Pnrk. III Telephone 2600 N" . wet, seat" sd THE PRESS The Mission Band will meet at the church at 3 o'clock on Saturday aft- ernoon. Mrs. Fred Henning and Miss Hedwig Gieser are the competent leaders. A ttond meeting is expected. Let every member of the band be present. Bring your friends, Four auto loads of our people left on Tuesday for Cedarville, Illinois, where the annual Missionary and Young People's Convention is being held this week. A number of re- turned missionaries are among the speakers. Dr. Benson, direction of the Christian Education department of the Moody Bible Institute, a spe- cialist in Sunday school work, and Bishop E. S. Woodring, are an- nounced for special addresses. "Every one of us shall give account of himself to God.†Rom. 14:12. on Sunday evening., Do not miss this service, The weather permitting, another open air service will be held in front of the church at 7 p.m. There will he special singing and a short ad. dress. Join us in this service in the open air. The Bible school meets at 9:30 am. Lesson on, "Jeremiah, the Prophet of Individual Religion." He was one of the greatest men of all time. You nught to know the facts which make up the history of his life. Come to the Bible school. -iGyer meeting on Wednesday eve- ning at 8 o'clock. The S. s. board will meet after the prayer meeting. Coming Events September M-The Lake County Sunday School convention will be held in the Bethany Evangelical church. The teaching stall. parents, and friends of the Church schnul are urged to attend the sessions. Highhnd l’lrk Presbyterian Church Laurel and Linden Avenues Rev. Frank Pitt. Minister Séptember 2RARally day in the church and Church school. The Swediuh Methodist Chtireh Highwaml avenue and Everts place Conference is now over, and I am htitk on the job, having been assigned to continue the work of ministering tn the church at Highwood and teach. ing: at our schunl in Evanston. I can truly say that I um happy to be back, I am tutnfidettt that the coming year has greater things in More for us than we have ever experienced in the pnst. My prayer is that the experiences of the new yen shall reveal that we are ever becoming more Christlike in our liv living. According to our present plans, Ill of our Sunday evening services will be in English with the exception of the third Sunday evening of each mdntt when the "rviee will be in Church [lone Sunday: trr-Church school. With the open- ine of school the Church school be. gins its new program. (fume to Chureh school today and take part in this program. :00--Mnrnimr worship. The pal" tor will preach and his sermon tunic is "The Eternal Christ." You are cordially invited to this ser- vice. as 683 and 46 Swedish. Dr. C. G. Wallenius has promised to be with us every Swedish Sunday night during the coming year. Wm, W. Nelson. Friday, Sepb. 12, 7:45 p,m.---Pio- neer League Missionary service in the form of a Christmas party. Miss Beulah Swan will be the special monitor. Everybody who attends the service is asked to bring some pres- ent for the Christmas box to be sent to India. The event is sponsored by the League, but everybody is expected to be present. Saturday, Sept. 13, 8:00 p.m.--Sew- ine circle auction in the basement of the church. It is now over a year since the circle had an auction, con- sequently they have a wonderful col- lvetirm of work to display. Some of the articles will make beautiful Christmas gifts. Sunday, Sept. 14: 10:30 a.m.--Suttday school. 6:00 p.m.-minday afternoon meet- mm 7:45 pmt,'-Evertintt service. Dr. Walleniur, who has recently returned from a trip to Sweden, will be with m. The main part of the service will be in Swedish language. Some Eng. ish, however, will also be used, due tn the fact that we are beginning a new conference year at this time and are alsiexpeetittit to receive new members. The choir will sing. A welcome awaits you. Comet. Highland Park 11 W 1m Tuesday evening, September 16, regular meeting of Holy Name society " p.m. Confessions Saturday evening, 7:30 to o mm. Bethlehem Evangelical Church Deerfield _ Rev. A. P. Johnson, pastor Play days are over. It is sincerely hoped that every onc- has been greatly henofited by their vacation and have rammed with new vigor for the work of the church. 9:45 a,m,--Bible schaol in charge of Mr. A, Mornvr, superintendent. 11:00 a.m.-Rev. A. J. Byas, pre- siding older of the Chicago district, will preach and have charge of the Holy Communion. . 7:00 p,m.-Cltristian Endeavor. A great serviep tor young people. 'l:00 o'eloek thsevenlntt service, Mid-week prnyer‘and praise service each Wednesday evening _at eight o'eloek. ' . You are cordially invited to the services of this church. Muulay- 45--Chureh school. ..00 - The Rev. Frank Pitt will preach, Miss Jane Symons, Mr. Maurice Ivins, Mr. Harry Nolte, trio. nukt-gan Road -Rev. C. L. McDonnugh. Pastor Daily mass-7s'10 a.m. Sunday masses-.8 and 10 mm. Benediction following the LO o'clock Instruction classes for children "lay, 10:30 a.m. Holy Cross Catholic Church P Thursday, Sept. 11, 1930 Presbyterian Church Deerfield, Ill Sat-