Thursday, Sept. It, 1930 St. Pours Evangelical Church F Deertteld Church school, 9:15 mm. T Worship Service, 10:80 am. Choir Friday, 7:45 pm. The plutor has returned with a great deal of enthusiasm from hitt vacation. It will take 1 greet deal of concerted and consecrlted effort to bring everything in condition for I great yenr in the church. Our umbi- tions and aims ere high. To realize them we must throw ourselves with holy nbandon into their fulfillment. There must be no withholding of ef- fort and saeriflee. '/Whtuoeytr thy hand Andeth to do, do it with thy might." "is, members of the ehoir are kindly requested to meet for roomm- ization Friday evening. - -- _ __ Members and friends of St, Paul's Evangelical church are cordially in- vited to join the St. Peter's Evan. gelical church of'Northbrook in the celebration of their 80th anniversary Sunday, Sept. " Trinity Episcopal Church Rev. Christoph Keller, rector Rust Laurel uvenue Service: Sunday, Sept. 14th. the Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity. 7:30 am. Holy communion. 11:00 am. Morning prayer and ser- mom Choir rehearsals: The boys' choir-Tuesday after- noon, Sept. 18, It 4:15 o'eloek and Thursday evening, Sept. 18, at 7:00 o'clock. _ The girls' ehoir--Wednesday eve- nine, Sept. if, at Trip o'eloek. . iiie m-en's ehoir--Thursdny evening, Sept. lil, at 7:30 o'eloek, _ Redeemer Luther-n Church West Centnl nvenue W. p, thr, putor Sunday school, 9:30. Morning worship, 10:30. On Friday evening of this week the regullr meeting of the congregation will take place at the church. It is the privilege us well as duty of all voting members to attend. On Sunduy our Orphnmge It Addi- non, Ill., will celebrate its annual fes- tivnl. with servicel in the morning and utternoon. For those unlble to go to this festival we will have a tag day at the church on Sundny. Open your hearts and purse! for the or- phans. _ Highland Park Methodist Church North avenue at Lauretta place Frank Davidson Hopkins, minister "The Prodigal Son and His Elder Brother" will be the theme for the pastor's talk next Sunday morning. While it might be thought there is little new to bring out in this double parable, yet there is a very vivid and worthwhile interpretation connected with these "whoopee" times of ours well worth studying. And who was "outside" when the story ended, the Prodigal or the Older Son? 7 Less than I month to the end of the church year when it is hoped to hive every hill paid and the decks cleared for the next year's ttetivities. Our church year begins October I end our nnnunl conference meets Wednesday, Oct. l, in the beautiful new Wilmette church. Our Ladies' Aid will give a dinner, one of their well known bountiful Announcements Mr. Andrews will conduct an after- noon service at the Pretrbyterito home It Evanston at 3:30 pan. A cordial welcome to all the serv- ices and activities of this church. ones, at the church this week Thurs- day, It 6:30. We hope our many friends as well as all our members, will attend and enjoy the good food and also the soclsl atmosphere of these pletuurnt occuions. There will slso be aprons and other Irticles on sale. "Ever sincere prayer to God is heard and Answered. but quite as fre- quently the answer is "No" " “You." Then I150 many prqyers are unin- swered because they are trivinl in spirit and it would seem there in n determination of henven not to hear what we are not determined heaven shall hear." First Presbyterian Cttttreh, Deertleid Mnrk J. Andrews, pastor tV.g0-Chureh school. ,, 1tr.46--Worship and sermon. r.30--Yountt Peoples meeting. Thursday, Sept. 19, 2 p.m.-Wom- an'n Missionary society. Friday, 7:15 p.m.-T'roop 52, Boy Scouts. The Ittendance Int Sunday morn- ing wns very gratifying. Let it be- come even larger. The Young Peo. ple of high school use are especillly invited to the evening service. held at the Utility Park, northwest 01 Mundelein. Divine services will be held in the pnrk. Let us all meet :1 the church at 9 a. m., and leave to gether. Bring your pienie lunch. NOTICE ll hereby liven (a all penny“ In- "ruled. that bids fur the Nrrtiahiner ot all Iubnr, Incl: and "uteri-Is "canary for thr eonrtruetion or I M r-n outlet pipe rank-Minn with concrete manhole! Ind headwnll in Clnvey Ila-d. In the City of "khlnnd P-rk. County of lake and mm: of llllnuh. were opened an the 25th day of Ansuut. An 1980, and the Hluhwnyl Connlructhm Comp-my. be. in. the lawn! ruptunulble bidder. the run- tmet w-I lerded to thr aid "lulu/gym Con. "ruruotttmer1r an we ttth d-y of Bets. ain't-r. A.D, inâ€? No. l. 1551 him-Cl tet dinmeter rein! no And um hint. of mum No. 2. , "Ami-rd tom-mt- mlnhnla with buttomu and wall-n uh: "" “who: thick: wall. connlrucud of Autumnal block-I, Ind bottom of monolithic eonerete, Ihnldp dinm. vur tour (0 fret, with can. Iron manhnk cow-n with porter-Ind Iida. ouch wellhlnl 540 panda. and «uh manhole with an it, inth mild round xIlv-nlud [you In!!!" mark: top ot "won nth-II hr not Oilhlron 115) inch" hrlw the warfare " the mic-dam paw-- ment, where baud; block: all" be laid with mortar unnamed by vnlumr of mu m an Ponllnd ranch! Ind two 12) um and. mind with random water: in- cludlnu all oxen-uni. Ihorlnl, hruinu. "mph-L Ind btaekMirttt with thth: cm!†mmptrtr " Nlncty Dalhn (£90.00! each I M. Johns Evangelical Church Homewood ave. and, Green Bay rd Rev, F. W. Fischer, pnstor Tel. H. P. 3343 The Sunday school picnic will I SIM bid for the work in u follows dinmeter reinforced wherein ton. lue and groove pipe, ilifl with iointa of murur summed by vol. ume of one it) Dirt mun-II ... ment and two 12) um and. Milton] with “Illicit-ht water, kid with I [ruin-l {all trom and mn- nntinz with the out "In! of the uiutinl Iii-inch drain " In clev- Ition " 49.t hot nbnvo Hilhl-mi Pnrk datum, to Ind eonneetirur with the Sknklr Ditch ll Ill ekvn- lion of NJ feet Ihove Hilhlnnd Park datum: indudinl I" unn- tion. lt.ettMbttgt with earth: hid "Munich in place It cilht Dull-n Ill"'"'" Cent: “has!†per lint-l not I NOTICE OF AWARDING CONTRACT “duck inuivlv THE PRESS "Moo†' no.†be be of It No. I No, The nwnerl " I mummy "I the (routine of the lot- and land upon «In “not. where. in mid work in In be done. my. Mum: ten days of the duo herml‘. rivet " tab AIM work Ind enter law a written (untrue: u: TOTAL AMOUNT OF' mn Inn-ill "unholy ennnlruned lim- ihr to the above not!“ null- dard m-nhokn. new that nth of maid â€will llll'lholel shall hr provided with an opening he I “duck Inside din-nun Hinton-d cons-rue pipe. RIM 86-inch pipe null be tour M) feet long. Ind and nth-ll be cemented In - II I out of the mnhde. and "all hr unwind with I [mung It the In: end, eonri.untr of one ttl Inch [my harp and two Indiana-{gulf IZ'M Inche- Ira-rt; lncludln. nil "than". nth-wing. brad". pumpkin. uml 1mehfulin. with arch: ouch of Mild “ninth-- to be pro-Mal with a an! lmn rm" MIMI-r to that: wet-Med tor thr Hindu"! mtothoU.; eottstrueted mph“ It One Hundred Ten Dol. heldwnll mmlrutmd of comma composed by volume at on uh part Porlhnd cement. two Ir) mm and, um] four It). III"! III- vel or cranked sumo. mind with mimic!“ water. "id In" In“ he rkvon tii) feet In". eleven 'tit tret Nth; the width It the mp "tts" by 0M Ill (but three {ll Inch". Ind the width I! the bot. tom four "t he! three :3) inch": an wlll nth-ll be Druvldedl with an "with: for I III-Inch In“! dum. eter comm the. and tho bottom " “kl WI" . ll be tour (0 Net below the low lint of aid "Anett pipe; inrludinar I" "and". "itorltue, boteintr, humping. Ind hummus: with cum: coll-{W temple“ " Turn Hundred lull!- tive Dull"- "86'hJN" I Try our newest vacuum hair dry- ers - you will marvel at the comfort and speed. Many talented Irtiatu to serve you in this best equipped and ole-neat beauty studio. Terrace Building & Remodeling Co. "I It!!!†Now Is the Time to Build 698 N. Sangamon M.. Chicago cool-superb finger waves HOURS-g 100-6 BO Extra Rooms {can naught-nu" 'ritraey you on r add mu: anr: In a prrviowt in.†n "with!" cum- and: in Houses - Garages - Bungalows General remodeling our specialty (full or terms Cement work of all kinds 'Il "tiny" the rorrorl altru- I'a Iittfed below 811,655.98 320.00 Roofing drr.aidworit.ttmt.m-tta-k-ttto Halt“ P. LIV“ LYLI mum W. J. new _ W. I. IMY J. I. MIMIC or Killian-d Pnrk. DATED at "HM-III Park. Ill "and at him-kn II. "It 2 your: to ply LEEEiEEEiil 55 But Washington CHICAGO I'Mâ€! WAREHOUSII MOVING of HOUSEHOLD GOODS PHONE H. P. 181-182 Read Our Want-Ads STORAGE Tel. Playmate! Ion PACKING Porches SHIPPING