Thursday, Sept. 11, 1930 Mr. and Mrs. William Tennerman and two children Ruth and Billy are visiting relatives in Florenet, Wis. Mrs." Alex Willman was hostess to her luncheon bridge club at her home on Tuesday afternoon: _ -- _ J Mrs, R. Stryker and family of three children who have been visiting Mrs. h'tryker's mother, Mrs, Elise Knank for the past month returned to their home in Muncie, Ind., Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. F. G. Piepenbrok and Mrs. Fred Horenberger attended the funeral of Mrs. Emma J, Stirl- ing of McHenry, Il)., on Monday att. ernoon. Mrs. Stirling was formerly Mrs. Ebert and resided on Wilmot road, Deerfield, fur a number of years. Burial was in Montrose ceme- tery, Chicago. Mrs. A, G. Klemp and son Bobby of Highland Park spent Monday and Tuesday with Mrs. Klemp's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horenberger of Central avenue. The Sewing circle of the St. Paul's Evangelical church will meet at the home of Mrs. George on, on Thurs- day afternoon, September 18. l‘fnlluwing a short business session of the o. E. S. chapter held on last Thursday evening at the Masonic temple the members and their friends enjoyed a card party. Mrs. Hastings spent several days last week at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. W. S. Comstoek in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Reeds had as their dinner guests on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. L. Holmes and grandson Earl of Clarksville, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Holmes of Wau- Jack Gibbs, son of Mrs. Mildred Gibbs who spent the summer at the home of his grandparents left Sun- day for the home of his auntcMrm Ray Haskin of Wilmette, where he will make his home and attend school. Regan, Illinois. t An executive meeting of the W. M. S. of the Bethlehem Evangelical church will be held on Thursday aft- urnoon. Mr. and Mrs. Philip McMahon and son Billy of Rogers park were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Reeds on Sun- day. . Mrs. Oscar Beecham who is visit. ing at the home of her brother in In- dian Hill spent the weekend with Miss Sadie Galloway. Mrs. C. W. Boyle ot Sprinttfield avenue entertained a group of chil- drum for her daughter Jean on Sat. urday afternoon. Mrs. Brown has rented her apart- ment on Chestnut street and is plan- ning to spend the winter in Camer- nia. MRS. LORETTA WILLMAN, Local Editor Lincoln Ave., Deerfield, Ill. ' Tel. Deerfield 153-R DEERFIELD NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS Deerfield Locals Send contribution: to local eorresportdettt before net day noon. Help her to nuke this action mutating. DEERFIELD NEWS-FLASHES Mrs. Mae Wheaten Ind Mrs. Blanche Meyers of Wheaten, Ill., were guest- of Miss Amelia Peterson on Sunday. Mrs. P. J. Wright and Mrs. J. E. Trims of 'Libertyville were guests of Mrs. Wilson Olendorf on Wnukegnn road Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hunt und hm- ily are visiting in Akron, o. Mr. and Mrs Andrew Petemon of Highland Park and Mrs. Joseph Hienzen of Kenosha, Wis, were the guests of the Peter Petersen. on Sun- day. The Scavuzzo building ha been sold, however, both the bnrber shop and the Kay Beauty parlor will re- main under the same proprietors. Mr. and Mrs. W. Neville spent . few days last week with their daugh- ter, Mrs. Roy Dobbins in Arlington Heights Miss Luella Willman of Chicago spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Minnie Willman. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Olendorf had as their quests on Thursday Mr. And Mrs. John Roberts and Mrs. C. Strong of Racine, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Anderson and family returned on Monday utter a visit with relatives in Kearney, Nab. Luella Willman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Willninn. spent lust week with Mrs. Ethan Willmnn at White Fish Bay, Wis. John Beckman, Marshall Fredrick: and Kenneth Hngie spent Friday in Joliet, Ill. Mrs. C. L. Anderson and small son, Ward, returned home on Sundly from the Highland Puk hospital. Mrs. Raymond Meyer entirtnined seven quests at luncheon-bridge at Miss Galloway'. tea room last Friday. Mrs. Olivia Anderson is staying at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hen- ry Siljestmm of Highland Park fur several weeks. Mrs. Siljestrom, who recently underwent an appendi- citis operation at the Highland Pork hospital, is now recuperating It her home. Mr. and Mrs. Willium Hawkin- and daughter, Mary, have [one to Detroit, Mich., to visit relatives. Mr. Hawkins is employed by the E. A. Meyers Construction compnny. Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Muhlke end daughter, Betty, motored to Central. ia, Mo., last week where they visited relatives. They returned on Sun- day and Miss Magnet Hunt nccom- panied them and will make her home with the Muhlkes attain thin yen. Miss Hunt teaches in the Deerfield grade school. Miss Leila B. White of Chicago was a luncheon guest of Mrs. J. A. Reichelt Jr. Friduy. Mrs. J. A. Reichelt Jr. spent Thurs- day with her sister, Mrs. B. J. Dick- ens of Chicago. THE PRESS Ground has been broken for a building on Wnukegln rend Ind when erected will be occupied by At. lantic and Paeitie Tea company. Mrs. Agnes Clnvey Ind two chil- dren Ire planning to return to their home on Second street in the not future. Plan First Card Party of Autumn, Sept. 28 With the Winning of the balmy The Deerfield Bowling league dnyl Ind u the winter BNta0mt looms, open- their "noon Friday, Seate the Ladies of the Altar and Rotary W, All men n.eithitte to 30m t society of the Holy Crou church m 1e"r'gr.l'Tru'"Lutl'ig,T.2r'; winking extensive preparations to . lunch I number of social events. before Sunny morning. Bept. 16. Foremost among them on the immo- di-te horizon is I end party, which Library Will will take place Tundny evening, Sep- Friday Ill Week; tember 23 It 8 o'clock. Mn. W. Ampndt in ch-irm-n of Many Good M. Mrs. W. Amendt ll chalrmlu of the arrangements and will be "tated by members of her uncle. Lost len- son. the society sponsored s serie- of purtiel which achieved such I de- gree of populu'ity that the members were prompted to repent them. A number of children" parties will were prompted to repent them. A number of children, parties will also be held during the winter, the first of which in scheduled for Sutur- day afternoon. October li. There will be a small admission fee to then parties to defray the expenm. Mrs. Amendt end committee extend cordial invitation to the public to ot- tend the opening tthir of the lee-on- activities on the evening of September 23 in the pttrish hull of the church. Young people from Deerfield who will leave shortly for various school; and colleges are June Auhmnn and Jane Wood for Cult-ton college It Northfield, Minn.; Dough: Hunting- University of Illinois It Chump-inn Ruth Burgh-rt, Karyn-ova college. Detroit,-Mich; Willi-m Ind Robert Burehart, Notre Dome university. South Bend, lnd.; Wolloce Reichelt, Lake Forest college; George Stryker, University of Ohio " Cincinnnti; Alice Ends, Loretta ocudemy, Niatp. nra Falls, N. Y. and Betty Cluvey. Maywood acudomy at Evnnlton. Young People Leave for Various Colleges Mr. ind Mrs. Newman visited friends in Deerfield on Sand-y. In. Newman in the former owner of the Kay Beauty Shop. . The DeerfUld Pnrent Touche: Ino- ciuion will hold ita flrst meeting of the season on Fridly afternoon, Bets. tember 19 at 2:30 o’clock in the school ttuditorium. The is ore dents I "hool, Mrs. Wilson Olendorl is teaching in the Northbrook Grimm-r school. The Garden club of Deerfield will meet " the home of Mrs. W. F. Muc- Donald on Thursday afternoon. Sep- tember " It 2 o'eloek. nun Smile Galloway will be "airtant hone“. r J. Smock Taxi Cub complny eating the bus service for ma- attending Deerfield-Shields high Circulation of books during the ve- ‘cntion period was very ntisfnctory. ‘An over-age of 500 books per week was chnrged out. During the sum- mer months " new adult borrower'- cnrdl were lowed. The library will be open one more evening a week beginning Friday, September 12. Library days ore Mott. day, Wednesduy. and Friday of each week. Home is heretofore, , to ' pm. and 7 to 9 pm. Gift: of books have been waived from Leslie Civilian-en. Edmund Koehelin. C. A. Currant and In. Borne. Hrs. Annie. Willmun donated three good pictures. Mothers will find "The Children's Hour" in lo volumes, profusely illu- strated in the library shelves. “The Lend We Live tn" in - volumes Another addition to the li- hrnry shelves will be found most in. temtlng. . 7 Other new book- tor ME adult: Ind Juveniles In: Non-Heck. Then Modern Poets, Brenner; Car. eerl for Women, Fkhchmn; Soup to Nuts, Carey; My Friend the Black Bus, Hum; The Lu: Full leuure. Morrow; A Room of One' On, Woolf. All“ Fleu- Seed, Norris; The Prince and Bet- ty, Wodehoule: Windfnll'l Eve, [an cu: The Lion and the Lamb. 0m- heimer; Charleen, Gibbs; Prosperity Street. Brook; Doetor Seroeold, Alli- ton; Exit, Wright; Herd Honey, Kel- land; Green Willow, Mania; You: of Grace, Barnes; Shepherdl in Suck- cloth, Kaye-Smith; Petticoat Court. Lovelace; " Four, Christie; The Night Club Mystery, Jordan', The Ace of Spain. Holt; The Cue of Sergeant Grinch, Zweig; The Rake end the Hussy. Clumberl. Juvenile Fiction Beginners Book of lodgl Air. planes, Clludy; Desert Winn. Clarke; Dene Avery's may. Cute!- hun; Corey Take; the Scout Trail. Smith; The Girl Reporter, Cindy; Hickory Goody. Duty: The Jinx Ship, Pen-e; Thirty Fuhom'l Dow. Elttsberg; Adv-Mum of the Air, Cutterton; Speed Winn. Dead; Judy, Budwin; unima- 6pm. Ginter; Kuhn. Baxter; Little Pil- grims to Penn'l Woods. Albert; A Son of the Middle Border, Carl-ad; Tornado Boy, Hinldc: Winn Around the World, Racing; The Sum of Avalon, Silven; Byrd: Explanations. Byrd. __ The [berm-Id Bowliu lam open. their â€no“ Friday, Soil. 19. All men. wishing to join t In.“ lave their name cud - - It Front Recreation Parlors before Sunday morning, Sept. u. -Gertrmte Wolf, Librarian To All Bowlers NOTICE