" Ma y o n n ais e 8 oz. Jar . . 17c iiiilua Dressing 2 81 oz. Jars Eight O’clock Coffee 3 lbs. . . 59e Palmolive Toilet Soap BEST FOODS 4 for Swift's Gotden West Milk Fed h'tewine Chickens mm! Swift's Circle tl Smoked Picnics Milk Fed Veal Boneless Veal Roast pun-d pound A& P became a leader among food merchants, slowly and naturally. Ask yourself why A& P grew . . . It grew because the public accepted and en- couraged A&P's methods of 1ioing business. Th A " "" In my nail-dud I: “on he. m: - union of no" on: u there. CHOICE FRESH MEATS ( Pun-cl) AAP . .25c This Week at A & P Se 'a" Candy Bars .6'0'19c Me 33c 35c 22c I‘ll Pills Mary Gehr of Ravinia is the tal- ented young actress whom this town knows very well. She has appeared in almost all of the amateur dram- atie offerings in Ravinia, and is now embarked upon her senior year at the Chicago Art Theatre school in the Fine Arts building. She will take part in several of the productions to be given by this group of Moscow Art theatre disciples this season. Miss Gehr's history with the the- atre goes back several years. Long before the school was founded she saw Mr. Lazarett's company on the stage and then and there determined to some day join them. After a year at Smith college, she came to the Chicago Art theatre school, crowd- ing in summer ’courses and winter courses and everything else she could [ get. The new improved Packard cars have just been announced to the pub- lie. They are characteristically Pack- ard in general appearance and in fit. tings and other details. However, many refinements have been added. There is a substantial increase in the power of the motors. The four speed transmission gives a quick change be- tween gears with all tho advantages in traffie and traifie pauses obtainable in a,four speed transmission. Me- ehanieal improvements have not ex. ceeded body refinements and there is New Packard Models on Display by Dealers Here tri/irutlte"new' line of color eombimr tions "ientifieally selected tor perteei harmony and 51ch Put. V . In the new Packards the custom and deluxe lines have been consoli- dated into a new deluxe line with 11 diirerent body types and offered, it is announced, despite improvements which have been added, at.approrirT ately $1,000 less than the price of the former deluxe cars. A substantial decrease has also been made in the price of the standard eight five pass- enger sedan as compared with that of last year. Announcement of the new cars dis. closes the further news that Packard has expanded body building within its own factories to include a plant tor the manufacture of individual custom bodies have been supplied by custom body builders. Inspection of the new cars beside those of the previous series discloses that they are not greatly different in appearance. A complete review of the cars show that, in a year when all buying and investment is perhaps be- ing done 'more thoughtfully and with an eye to the future, Packard has de- voted its attention intensively to re- finement of details in a car which al- ready had proven to be the most pop- ular it had ever built, it is remarked by George Koon, in' discussing the new l’nckards. Mary Gehr in Senior Year at Art School On Sunday, she wa" loaned back, so to speak, to the Drama -Workshop for a single performance of a part she prepared and often appeared in under the Chicago Art theatre tutel. use. The company of the Chicago Art theatre, founded by Ivan Lazareft, is happily remembered in Ravinil for the many fine dramatic productions it offered here. l Mr. and Mrs, George Gordon of Laurel avenue spent the week-end in Winmtepnni, Wisconsin. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Scott of Central avenue, Mrs, William Rose and Mrs. John Rhinehart of Home- wood avenue are leaving Friday for a ten days motor trip to Lake Worth, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Scott willl [visit with Mr. Seott's parénts. __ Mrs. B. Haislip and daughter are vacationing at the Chateau, Lake Louise, Banff, Canada. The Coolest Spot in Town! A Drum. " the Underworld - A Drum: " the life ot one Girl - and Tum Men - BEE IT '. I an the 1ttatre-- _ . R-K-O VAUDEVILLE Inn ACTS Sharlot’s Chinese Kid Revue ("“1er “Out ot the "an of the Orient m Yam" MONDAY AND TUESDAY SEPT. 15th and 16th THE MIGHTY EPIC OF THE STAGE The Play that Kept the Fannie hum; for I Whole Yenr- AT WAUKEGAN WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY SEPT. l7th Ind 18th The -tt'. mint-lion " [In Invol- ously naming and witty Broad. wly “up aux-cm! "itoarniiir's End" with a warning upwrlinl all Includ- cludin. Edit-I'd Everett Horton "E-the nary " modern "te-modern love - Dlrlnlly Expressed! “The Last of ' , the Duane: , with GEORGE O'BRIEN MYRNA LOY . Kenneth McKenna IAN!) GRKY'it GLORIOIYS WEBIERN ROMANCE NOW ON THE TALKING SCREEN! A Wondorlul have Tnle In I n'rlllllllf. Beautiful new": A â€willing. "(Hill lun-poppml Plot'. You'll love It! ALWAYS .___ “Bill-33' NOVELTIES . TALKING COMEDIES - NEWS REEL - VITAPHONI . ACTS - CARTOONS EfiiRfiiiEEg Local and Personal DOROTHY 'M'KCKAIL MILTON SILLS "Man Trouble†Now on the Talking Screen! SEE A FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SEPT. 19th Ind 20th Given . Rating of . . . . br MAE TLNEE Don't Mill “Hill! SUNDAY, SEPT. " all the "re.- “Holiday†ANN HARDING Mary Aster Robert Ames Thursday, Sept. 11, 1930 with