ttat.tb Immo- luv, on Hun“ IL. I“ “In " (nun! um; he “IMO: - It memo paw-mun with I" In..- I". paid; my Inn-V " 'tttrr-te, Ite ALP. Shrub. Mint-M. Nut om. min-In. hm- mall loam Lloyd. I. P 515. I“ u FOR SALE Classified Want Ads xi unis... an _ "tNet II uw, um Kon RENT m I†DH- I†FOR RENT mRre in San“ bulldhll. Mink tr. P, tit. an! THE I") (full In m! m A†P FOR RE}: ‘i FOR RENT FOP. RKNT PU" ICEN'I FOR I†HM! KENT FUR HIM HE Hm Fl)? Hill RENT FOR H I R Fort RF. ma? UK RES UR HEN"! OR 0M UK (m ltR "(In Fr ittur, per in (IN " Appl [.100 KENT " F'..NT um RENT H KNT " H RF. rtpply yt 0W A mu n lhl Tala Hi H mv-likv without tile hath "mth. ' Hi: ll: at tlvely 6ne uit ‘lim Deer' n u WI /lt" l PIANO 'rUNiNG--Alt work “annual: cm. Tvl H maul tree: that.“ rmgbk. H. P. 3! Plhnkn, Tc). H. P. am. “a It lot: " pol†wly uh? pl " tf at W‘R REN'! Nrw furnished mums for 1 2 Indian: 1 block from ttavinin nation T you KENT , rtmmn' hull rurniwhed; hut High St., Highwund FOR RENT FUR RENT man pre" FOR R F', NT North She FUR HE FU R RENT FOR RENT FUR RH FOR Hm Full FUN It KNT I’D". It KN'T Fott I-‘UlL "EN I mu Hm Fort Hm M FOR RENT UR FOR RENT FOR 'Ry UR RF.NT water hunt. on Rr,NT ir. P. tti86, nut Jtt Kl". terMld, hath l'l‘l'A‘l’ION WANTED Elm Mt Ap I). SITUATION WANTED' R H " K RF RENT " ft H R F, " E NT Iâ€! 10 natural t1replare wmunublv, M El 11H top PM“ Rd H Hi Modern two ; l " .m-piml IV " htt Ah Thursday, Sept (urnhhv mom haunt: 'tmvnt furnish) :eulllr w il I m In. Mor; screened poreh, 'd HM month H with wand Jw SALE nth munkh hath 2 lllr rly ll I) sleepin h. Elm It turnirhcd T, Hum-w alum rent Ot Input 15:! alter hath 4-: lame bark yard: warden; human at, II fur $13,500. Uwnrr " mm! to {rumour ml: renumnhlv . ind equlpmrnl. 1 ma. " H mums with H Rd H “lull well fur with K Bookkeopiru. and H. P. 2t.%. " partly furnished H turn " Ioeation II on"): ml ml " In! 100x 300, n In NIIHIM‘ Nimble for H. P. unlit with ll with nun hurl will" Munro 25ml ll hath 'rt tt u nn' with -.rentlr, 'uitahlc I. gto Julian Jurrom, 2-1"! m bath he Bur Iiuhl 25M real cili- uhl MI ith " m