Mrs. Louis E. Leverone is enter. taining at a series of luncheons two of which will take place on Friday of this week and next Tuesday at her home IMI-Hazel avenue. Miss E. T. Coolidge and Miss Ruth Coolidge have returned from two weeks motoring in New England. They were accompanied by Mrs. Har- land Pettigrew of Winnetka. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mills and fam- ily have returned from Burntside, Minn., where they have spent the summer. Sidney Holland formerly of Highland Park was a guest of the Mills family for a part of the sum- Thursday, Sept. 11, 1930 SUNDAY AND MONDAY SATURDAY TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 16 AND 17 Joan Crawford in n “Erwin. Mull-Irv: drama! And romance! in the are“. Imlncnlu. outdo" West Trun-ly a clinic " the urn-n - like the “Virgini-n" "The Turn" and "Littht of Welmn Sun" " II [and adult calerluinnmnl with nll the child up“! retained CAIKTUON - SEWS - ACTS TELEPHONE Mt FRIDAY The " Irinle - "lent, lmuhdur of 'Umdom, wowinn Anariu'l million! with NI ulnzlmr. Mn nrlinl and hin pawn-lily! In I 'tleore lhll the: full play w his remark-Me geniu- BOUND NEWS - REVIEW - ACTS THURSDAY AND FRIDAY "lRe1Pa On Wednesday during the showing of "0urBlutrhing Brides" the last preliminary drawing for the "Chevrolet Sport Roadster" will be made. This will give everyone present a last eUnee--The Final Drawing will hem-dc immediately after the lent preliminary, the very same night. All winners of the last four drawings are expected to be present. Comet. Don't pass up your last chance to win this beautiful prize valued " $643.00 given away to celebrate the Deerpath'n second anniversary. Local and Personal Emma!) when!" Anita Page - Dorothy Sebastian . Robert Montgomery Raymond Hackett - John Miljan I "mum: drama of thr lam-ou- French Forum Leehtrt and the Judd pen-l ('olvnv __ Hull'n III-ml! with Dorothy mun. - _ NEWS . CARTOON . ACTS Maurice Chevalier and Claudette Colbert Richard Arlen - Jack Holt - Fay Wray Eugene Pallelle “Our Blushing Brides†“The Border Legion" The p'eture the whore mum" h ulklnl ghoul - "Shooting Straight†Jack Holt and Ralph Graves “The Big Pond" Matinee and Evening ttne llH-llnlt pcrfnrmnm'e Marlin. " t (fl-Incl: EANK (ill-ITS SUNDAY CoNTiNU0trtg 1 TO ll Il' urn-n1 mun! “maul "Huddle! Richard Dix PO LKA BROS. Y SEPTEMBER 18 AND 19 '8 Island†mowing of with with mer. He with his mother And sister Elizabeth are motoring to New York this week where Sidney will again take up his studies at Amherat. Mrs. Jacob's daughter, Miss Lucie of Hubbard Woods will make her de- but on Saturday. Miss Lucie is I niece of Mrs. George R. Jones of Vine avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peru and son Harry Jr. and their niece Min Ian- ore Carpenter returned Inst week from a month's auto trip through the east. the Highland Parkhosplul, Mr; and Mrs. William Dane Pleasant street announce the birth a son, born Tuesday, September 9 SEPTEMBER 14 AND 15 stliTEMBER 12 SEPTEMBER 13 LAKE FOREST THE PRESS of of It W y , , , , T"-'"- , _ , , b y North Shore Trust Company BANK FREE: Shampoo Cape with each bottle of Watkins Emuisitied Shampoo H 2 pk. Regular Modes: and one Compact Modes-combination T c." EARL W. GSELL & CO. 389 CENTRAL AVE, Phone 2600 TBut in reality the word estate means every- thing you possess, whether it be in the form of real estate, cash, stocks or bonds or other property, such as your automobile, Jewelry, clothing, furniture, etc. 11 By appointing us your executor, every gate. guard will be provided to protect your estate from loss. , Many people think of the word ESTATE as meaning the large financial holding: or property of a person of great wealth. '3' Every mun should direct how his estate shall be distributed upon his death. The way to accomplish this is to make your Will mm- ing s. competent executor to carry out your wishes. What does the word Estate mean? Special This Week The prescription department of this drug store is at your service when nec- essity demands. Registered Pur. nuclslu; Precise Accuracy; and I service that is as near as your tele- phone. PROMPTNESS SPEED PH ARMACIS'I‘S RELIABLE 399 ROGER WILLIAMS AVE ACCURACY t Phone 2300 49c 78c