FOR SALE Shrubs, eversreena, bluck dirt, aheen manure, borie meal. . Reuben Lloyd. ‘Tel. H. P. 536. 1â€"6pdtf FOR SALEâ€"Business lot on Second at., 150 #t. south of Central ave.; lot 50¢100 ; new 40 ft. conerete pavement with all ammessâ€" monts paid; easy terma. If interested cal! W P 956. 4Atfpd FOR F1il! â€"Your FOR SALFâ€"Rurgain in. business property FOR FOR RENT wood. Tel OR HH alt Nt A0%100. . Udell Printing company. Tel. H. P. 667. 4bpdtf Yit GENFRAL NoticE: Classified Want Ads will be charged only to residents in the territory or those who are regular : RATES: â€" Minimum charge of 75 cents for 5 lines or less (average five words to a line); additional lines 10 cents each. 25 cents discount on all advertisements paid for on or before day of pubâ€" lication at our office, 536 Central avenue, Highland Park, Illinois. No blackface or display type (other than caps) permitted. . Ads set in caps or partial display are charged at double rate. DrapuiN® ror Insertions: Classified Want Ads will be accepted up to Wednesday afternoon at 5:30 o‘clock for the Highland Park Press. . Telephones Highland Park 557 â€" 558 â€" 559. set in caps or partial displa DrapLiN®E ror INnsERTIONS: up to Wednesday afternoo Park Press. . Telephones H FOR SALE FOR RENT Office in Santi building, Highâ€" H. P. 117. 26tf ‘Classified Want Ads CHRINTMAS CARDS covered by The ubscribers. FOR 1t FOR FOR RENT FOR RE OR OR OR JE OR RENT RENT RE RF RENT RENT RENT IF RENT H Highland Park Press Dh Kit he B1 DING irnished tment ipartmer hu nished Den A Deer insportation Central: ave block ith T H E Hisch uve. . Tel field Central 33pd en i nges 29t fpd na ble porta all at â€"31pd H H Highâ€" Deer table | with suit pdtf 13tf 13pd pdtf ith per )pd Apd pd H pd pd 34 Needs By FOR RENT and . bath entrance ; couple _ or rent. *5 P RES S FOR RENT Tâ€"room house; bath; hot water hent ; basement; . garage;. $4® per month ; mear schools; loeated on County Line rd.. west of Greenbay. . Mrs. Anna Lach, 2032 Larrabeo street, Chieago, IIl, ~Tel. Diversey 3206. 32â€"84pd FOR RENT Garage space. 119 S. 2nd FOR RENT FOR RENT 2 1 keeping . rooma Homewood uve. FORRENTâ€"â€"Two 4dâ€"room mpartments; 4 blks. from. R. R,. station; heuted gwrage space. 615 W. Park ave. 31â€"33pd FOR RENT FOR RENT Unfurnished 6â€"room apartment ; 1st floor; modern; near transportation and business center;. available at once; newly decorated ; hot water heat; own lawn ; porch, Also furnished room. Call ‘at 315 Oakwood ave. i 20pd FOR REN‘T hented 3â€"1 FOR RENT FOR RENTâ€" Renutiful furnished Oere ish. house; studio;~ Zâ€"ear. sarage : FOR RENT FOR\ RENT FOR RENT Niee comfortable Second street. FOR RENT FOR RENTâ€" Charming nicely furnished benutiful Joeation, ‘6â€"room ‘mnd sun p hot water heat, oil burner; Frigidnire ly decorated: responsible small adult FOR RENT FOR REN FOR RENTâ€"Large airy room : nicely furnishâ€" ed; near transportation; suitable for one or two.> 416 Lincoln place, / Tel. H. P. FOR RENTâ€"Furnished large sized bedroom modern; kitchen privileges: near transpor tation ; rent $30 per month. . Tel. H. P FOR RENT Lare FOR RENT FOR RENTâ€" On E. Park ave keepins "ro« heated : nes Phone comfortably dudson ave. bl will ily keepines tion.. 1 ant. ment ment â€" floor, . $ 138. ient location, garage, lizht and roc 20 19 wej H H suitable mide leâ€"ageed â€" rensonable 2106 rooms in new home: $9 per week :; near Moraine station. . 111 Pleasant H. P. 4115. 81â€"35 â€" After Oct. 19; 2 furnished rooms for . light housekeeping ; private 2 blocks from depot; suitable for â€"% adults: also smraze space for per month. 145 8. Greenbuy rd. )/ 2600. B3tf T. 506 Lineoln place; good 6â€"room lazed porches; warnie; deen. 60â€"ft. + $75; will ahade for desirable tenâ€" ernl other good places; also npart« F. B. Willinms. Tel. H. P. 2360. 33 Ruvinin North Will sublease ve wom ‘artist cottusre ices, Sunday only Jud OR SALE . 6â€"room â€" bungn ; storm windows ; sereens ; +; stationary tubs; larsge | nelihhors and 1 liht housekeeping rooms furnished ; . .reasonble, _ 15145 near Ravinia station, ‘Tel. H. lecpingt 7 Sheridan nicely. furnished _ listht nicely ely or â€" 6â€"room _ houses ; (fu field 411 nfter 5 p.m. ind 1. furnished lighthouse» half block from Ravinia staâ€" H ‘ly furnished light houseâ€" comfortable ; heated. . 626 front bedr furnished ; plenty couple month nished apartment garnge space. . 3 Club on â€"Michisun station. â€" Tel ly furnished house i and sun parlor liwht H prefer H reasonable y chenp, partly /ï¬ N. Sobel H relinbl housexeepin Call after Hosue Nov.«May 405 Tel. H. 31â€"33pd in pri« house» H H Moor Hol« baseâ€" 31pd ivate 23pd Â¥4pd 32pd St 26 pd 30 33 M | FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT FORRENT Nic FOR RENT fat with FOR RENT FOR REN‘T SITUATION WANTED Young PIANO TUNINGâ€"All work guaranteed; estiâ€" SITUATION WANTED SITI SMOCKED DRESSES MADE ‘TO Tel. H. P. 139. SITUATION . WANTED â€"â€" Dressmaking and plain sewing. . Tel. Mrs, Smith at Highâ€" wood 2790 SITUATION WANTED STTUATION SITL SITUATION _ WANTED SITUATION â€" WANTED â€" Graduate SEWING DONE in my home Deerfleld ; prices reasonrh SITUATION WANTED a first elass eoloved hirhly trained : 4 yen! at present they nre t answer please state 3 nddress _P. 0. Box SITUATION WANTED â€"By expe dreas to trake wnshing home ; deliver, â€" Tel. H. P.â€"35t8. SITUATION _ WANTED enced, sradunte nurse people (prefered) or c jection to children . if PAINTING. PAPERING room . with kitchenette adjoining for couple. 4 McGovern st., corn ave. Tel. H. P. 1621. with bath blu ubl mates . free ; Pahnke. â€" Tel washing windows, niture and floork, ery, pruning _ etc Highwood 2657 af sonmble after 4 H chamb F. Malin Phone K« kind: washing, ironing day. Tel. H. P. 1008, ING â€" Good work ; pric Christenson. . Tel. H.â€"P II yeurs experience; will ple â€" or â€" invalid ; / Aâ€"1 SITUATION WANTED ATION ATION â€" WANTED ATION ehildre he studio 1i t H h H 20 Thursday, October 16, 1930 WANTED WANTED WANTED Deerfield W. «Norman Suturduy o charges reasonable. H. P. H. P. 2048. 26tf ifter floor oved couple; neat, refi 1 years in my employm mre my country estate. tate your requirements Box ~73, â€" West MeHe ITED Practical, ~exper|â€"« nurse will care. for elderly or chronie invalid; no ob en if well trained or left light ekbn k inge will shed ‘lisht ~housekeepinst nd Greenbi od Deerfield Inx thed spartment with month. ‘Tel. H. P. Housework . of any or .cleaning; by the #1pd : benutiful . Rer : 4 baths; att undinux; very General H 760 Fending furnaces, ind polishinst fur« . also tree surg» Fel, Deerfi Sunday. . and DECORATâ€" reasonnble. . John 60. wouf ild i on Deerfleld ave., +. . ‘Tel.: Deorfield 82â€"14 tis for elderly pes enees ; $30 . pe trained or left ist . with . lisht Tel. H. P. butler furnishe rd. > T rner Central #2pd capable hildren ences.. Wr Chiengo, 1 buths housework ORDER furnish« to for . and 31â€"33pd 32â€"34pd chnufâ€" ifter 81pd wb I11, 13pd In and nry. châ€" tpd H pd Ad 33 pd pd