Thursday, October 80, 1930 Roy Miller, proprietor of the Briar Sweet Shop is spending several weeks with friends in Texas. Mrs. J.m. Not: attended a party in Chicago on Saturday. A water main broke Wednesday in front of the town hall. Mrs. Glos of Northbrook and her grand daughter Miss Glace Arline Flint of Highland Park were week- end guests at the J. R. Not: home on Knollwood drive. ' Forrest Dukeiow of Milwaukee,‘ Wls., visited his aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Pattie on last Wed- nesday. The Wilmot school was closed Fri- day to allow the teachers to visit other schools. They visited the Ev- erett, West' Ridge, Lincoln and Brae- side schools. There will be no movies on Fri- day evening in the Deerfleid auditor- ium on account of the ehildren's Hel- lowe'en party, however they will be resumed on Friday, Nov. 7 and the picture will be, Rin Tin Tin in the "Night Cry." The W. M. S. of the Bethlehem Ev- angelical church will hold their reg- ular meeting on Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 4 at the church. Mrs. E. Giss will lend the devotional service and Mrs. R. Cox, the lesson. Following the meeting, the ladies will cook I dinner to be served to the men of the church It 6 o’clock. Morris Allsbrow of Hazel avenue and E. J. Giss of Central avenue are planning to leave for Texas on Thurs- day where they will spend the winter. ""hirdi,riiiian Erideavor of the Bethlehem Evangelical eryreh_eno'oyed iiTfiiiSesen pity on Tuesday eve- Hing. -- F Mrs. C. Steiner, Mrs. A. Memer and Mrs. A. Frantz were in charge of the Food Sale given by the ladies of the Bethlehem Evangelical church on Thursday afternoon. '"ri,riiiirntriud Ptteifie Tea Co. have moved into their new quarters on Waukegan road. Deerfield Business Men's Bowling League Standing for week ending Friday, Oct. 24: ' m - Reliable Gauge et-terr-e-..' Not: Hardware, ..trr..w.t Deerfield News Agency Antes Sign ........ ___. I.... Kottrasch Florists .rePP. Shtpiro's Grocery tqreetv. Send contribution: to local correspondent before Tun- day noon. Help her to make this notion interesting, MRS. LORETTA WILLMAN. Local Editor Lincoln Ave., Deerfield, 111. Tel. Deerfield 153-11 DEERFIELD NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS Deerfield Locals DEERFIELD. NEWS-FLASHES 13 " 10 le The mechanism of the Mop Ind Co lights at the intersection of Watt. iy, Regan and Deerfield rand: wu tent away to be repaired end the ounce L lights are on all the time. Loon! mi- 5 dents will welcome their return u , motorists seem to interpret the orange 8 light in several ways. Most of them 9 thinking that if they hurry they can " l get through before they change, while 14 few others reelize it is I caution Itâ€. Mrs. J. D. Garrity of Deerfield av-l enue had the pleasure of winning the lovely quilt given away " the party in the parish'hall of the Holy Crcss church on last Thursday eve- ning. It was made and donated by Mrs. Whalen of. Second atreet. _ Besides the quilt, which was the grand prize of the evening there were many lovely prizes awarded tit mak- Many Attend Party ' at Holy Cross Church are of high score: " bridge, firm hundred and bunco. Ninety guests attended this Affair, which was arranged by Mrs. L. Glo- den and a committee of women, whose oftorts made it an outstanding event of the season. Ila'llowe'cn decorations eontributed color giving the hall a festive air and made a very pretty back ground for the party. Independent Social Club Is Entertained Mrs. Otto Tune of Wilmot road was. hostess to the Independent So- cial club" at her home on last Wed- rosday evening. The occasion marked the birthday anniversary of the president, Mrs. A. f Johnson, who was the recipient of a fave dollar gold piece. A sumptuous birthday cske nude by the hostess adorned the center of the refreshment table. Twenty-seven guests attended snd a very plenum evening was spent playing 'Bingo." The nextvmeetlng will be held It the home of Mrs. A. J. Johnson on Wednesday, Nov. 12. It will be tn afternoon meeting which will open with a 1 o'clock luncheon followed by cards. Crossing Lights Are Undergiring Repairs THE PRESS Ninety R. N. A. member: attended the locnl camp on Third†evening, Oct. 23, when "Friends Night" Wu; observed " the Dteriteld Masonic tc'mple. Clan Thompson of North Chluco camp noted an oracle. Vice uncle, Evelyn Mohr of wheel. iatt camp: put oracle. Mary Thu-run uf Highland Plrk camp; chancellor, Edna Kiest of Northbrook; recorder. Ann Vanden Bloometr of 'figlfed Park; receiver, Lydia Wick of Wheel. ink amp; put uncle. May Therrien berg of North Chicnzo; uni-ant unn- shall, Theresa Corrigan of North Chicago; inner sentinel, Minnie Hing- sten of Northbrook; outer sentinel. Mabel Christian of Northbrook; mung are", Minnie Whitcomb of Deerfield;' Vera Whitcomb of Winnetka; Cum Bludner ot Northbrook camp: mud- fan, Mayme Gilkison of Highlnnd Park camp; Faith, Cntherine Bucket of Hizhhnd Park camp; Cour-(e, Margaret. Dimer of North' Chieago camp: Modesty, Edna Within of Highland Park camp; UrtaettishttesB, Agnes Mead of North Chicago camp: Endurunce, May Atkinson of North Chicago clmp; Flag bearer, Hilb Olson of Deerfield; Juvenile director. Cntherine Radelifre of Highlmd Park. Two members of the Doerlleld camp including Mnry Hothnntt and Violet Thompson transferred from the Juvenile to the Adult camp. Following the cergmoniel, I one not comedy. Dr. Guy-enholl VIII "tioyod, Those who took part included, cur. latte Fredericks, Haul Scully, Gladys Page, Hildn Sooner, Emilino Bock- mnn, Ell: Bock, Pearl Juhrend, Edm Johnson Ind Sudie Beekman. Sandwiches, cod», pumpkin pie with whipped cream were served in the dining room nyly doconud with hullowa'en {won by tin "ieers of the local amp which brought to a clone a most delightful evening. .. N. A. Holds Friends Night October 28 Masonic Hall Oct. 28 The Holy Nome Inclety of the Holy Cross church will give an "Old Time Dance" in St. Patrick: halt, West Lake Forest on Wednesday evening Nov. 5 " it o'clock. _ Eugene Zlhnle in chlrmnn of the entertainment commune and will be â€listed by Frank O'Connor and J. E. Fllmnn. Holy Name Society Gives "Old Time Dance" - A" innp'by orcheltm will {uni-h the music, refreshment! will Be and ttttd . good time ll unwed. Show Picture Bull-y For the editle.tion of his parish- innerl, Flum- Mobonongh. of the Holy Cross church "ttred them the privilege of seeing “King of Kim" It the church on Sunday evening. - -iGi, u very bountiful portray-l of the life of Christ And all who up tended were deeply inure-ad. Presents Pupils in Piano Recital Monday On Monday evening, Oct. M, the pupils of mu Ida Knuk can a piano rweital " hu- home on Douro fseld 1mm. Following in the pm Ttte Owl and ttttNqr Cet.., "eVT Bohemian [an Run-Inn Hymn I'llllowo'ol A aural-he Ill-Min. Ion. Our Canada: “In _ Jail Anne- Ohlen Ind Allen Kn.“ Ilsa-t . ___ _... . if . .‘ .. - A Invalid“ by!“ Dul- lnm _ The MCI WM hum." Tu the M _ KtotHt Dance _ The Chan _ A Bird's Nut Winter . Son: of (he Eve-Ride Re m. lanai Miitatlon ___ V _ ' A“... can.“ The NH". Nip! 'rv. -- - in the “1;..ny ma, at the church on Saturdny afternoon. The children of the Prim de partner". of the Presbyterian chunk nchool enjoyed I very d.liettttt't my Primary Children Enjoy Party Suturdny Forty-bm children “and“. The pupils of the 2nd and 8rd MI and as ham and it was I when. party for the lot [rule Ind sll other new pupils. The mom was BB' with Ballard“ Mandala. An ndded (gem of an occasion wu the lam binhdny ah not“ by Mrs. Rum-dell in honor of - inch- ter (hum-m "vouch bit-My n- niverury. Tin when In chm of the A.- pnrtmcnt who mud tho my in. clude Kill Vials MM I‘ll Ruth Bolt. In. A. I. “an, In. l Cruickhunk tad In. W. ttmb. e n. _ In. Curie. Ed‘nrd 8w, foru- erly of Winnipeg, Cumin. announc- tho marriage of bar (ls-chm Dr. Dorothy sud": to Dr. Chi-bu Joh- ston Davin of Mull. m., on Thin- day “turmoil. Oct. " mo. which took plneeatthett-fthe In“. mount in Evan-Inn. Dr. C. Johnston Davis Weill Dorothy' Sudan Ree. Ila-k J. Andrew: at the Amt Presbyterian climb of DeerNH In! the urvieo. Following the "N8tMNtr Dr. bull and his bride deport-d for it. both. Mo, _ All." Knuth-eh -M Gnu Van-I Flo-nu- _ . Ono. Vick-n Alba-n [numb-eh Print It!!!“ June dunk-J that huh Jun Gauche] Ala-6H": hm WI Mun-n lam-uh Ion-nu - Joni-o- V. “In Chi-k In“ Ion- In. "tum. W If. lath - In In In