(bcrse Tusd LASALLEVtm CADILLACV- Drake Salon, November mpssrssts.rsfssgtstsrtISts NEW The Cadillac VJ? " priced from 33795 to 84895, Lab. The Cadillac " price range is from ‘2695 to 83793, f. o. b. The luSalle v-S price. Mart at " l 95 and reach '3243, f. o. b. NEW " you are to In in Chicago between the eighth and fifteenth of Novem,. ber, we .oggert that you visit die Salon at the Drake Hotel. Here you may View the no“ recent Fisher “(I Phantom! masterpieces, together with the finest producu of other My builder» American and foreign. You'll find tha Aurur we“ worth your time and attention. Than is no ream: why you should longer deny yourself the pleasure of viewing “use can and testing than on the road. The in itself in an glue-lion in motor car values. For never have Cadillac.. L.S.lle "mince" lurneJ out and: can as these. They are head and ILouMen alaove the greatest accomplishments of the put in the fine car field. _ Everybody hereaboula in “IUD; In! Many of your friends have been in to CtP'TFeCNP'TP'v"CNPti"CNP'v'N? )ILLACVWIZ CADILLAC MOTOR CAR CO. INSPECTION r’re here ready ion, 108 No. FIRST STREET Highland Park Bunch Salle and Cadillac. look them over. THE PRESS HAVE BOWL 0F KELP FOR YOUR BREAKFEAST Edible Seaweed Popular in Jap- an Gaining Favor on the West Coast The idea of a bowl of kelp chips fur breakfast holds no novel idea for the thrifty Japanese; he has been eating them for generations, says a National Editorial Association report from San Pedro, Calif, But don't offer an American a side dish cf boiled "macrueystispyrifera." He'd prefer succotash. Yet there is a that one of these will be eating and stock will rat, and burm it is being a consumption. Kvlp-is commonly known as sea- weed. It grows without cultivation in the wean. Daily fieets of barges go out frnm Pacific cities, each re- turning with from 50 to 75 tons of the t,wuweed. A "drarwr" hangs from the bow of each barge, as wide as the vessel itself. Working like a haycutter, the drawer is shifted' on a central axis so that its blade is lowered td three feet under water. From this depth upward the stem, gas-filled sac and leaves of kelp are clipped oft and dumped im an endless belt which pulls cuttings intn the barge. Subject to Intense Heat At a plan, the kelp is unloaded into a t’hupplng machine by means of a hook and crane. After being rut into line peices, it-moves on to u rotary dryer. It enters 1,000 de. m‘ees of heat, which remove nine- tenths of the water. Then it may be sold unmixed, or mixed with fish Some plants are making candy i‘rum kvlp. Candy is generally made from the bulb and hollow part of the stalk of a single species, however. Fur sow-rail years kelp has been sold us as food for livestock and plants. tme northwestern company lnixvs kelp with bread and sells it. Another company is preparing to dis- tribute titwly-ground kelp for use as u flavor for soup, as a spread for broad. and other food purposes. ('ontains Many Elements The "giana kelp" which grows so pruliiicnlly in the Paeitie is attached by a lung tapering rout to rucky bot- lnm. At the head. of each stem is a gas-tilled sac. from which center leave; branch out. Kelp receives its nutrition from the sun thruugh’ these leaves. _ Jn'its raw form, kelp'cuntains in each tun 1700 pounds of wgter, 52.5 pounds of potassium, 26.7 pounds of other salts, 0.6! pounds of iodine, 4.3 pounds of nitrogen and many other lesser elements. The presence of iodine, minerals, and other salutary elements in kelp is cunsiilvred important to new com~ mvrcial uses as they help build up health as well as strength. A number of the local R. N. A. Numbers have been invited to fill sta- tiuns when "Past oracles" night will he observed at Highland Park R.N.A. camp on Wednesday, Nov 12. , is a strong possibility f these days Americans " and liking kelp. Live- at, and in more than one being offered for human Thursday, Nov. B, 1930