" {éégkéa‘dy far- --- 1 A New Skylight for the Winter " North First Street LAST CALL . . 1.50 South First Street Decker Heating and Plumbing Are those outside pipes and foun- tains drained? Is your boiler clean- ed and smoke-stack in good condi- tion? If you ne'ed help call on HENRY G. WINTER to keep out the snows and keep in the light. Place your order with us and we will have it done in a very few days. Perhaps you need some roofing repairs, a new ventilator, new gutter, etc. Get a bid from us. Phone H. P. 20] THE PRESS You may not see Winter approaching with its sleet and snow, but it's coming with the same certainty that the sun rises and sets. Why delay getting ready? Now is the time to see that the fur- nace is in shape, the coal bin filled, your car taken care of, do any repairing, decorating, furniture repairing, cleaning, etc. Phone 635 360 ('HN'I‘ICAI. AVE. To insure perte OM, BURNER ABC Oltlt, BURNER SALES CORP. perfect Oil hail for the winter-let .1va original eost--low fuel eost--and Now Is a GOOD Time to Our Rug Cleaning and Repairing is the best an lt will be to your benefit Ito take advantage for clunmg: 9'xrg'--19otnrsttc, $3.25; Oriental, ' Estimates Chtcrfully Given and Fraley's is a Good Place to have it done PROMPT SERVICE HIGH GRADE WORK Phone H. P. 2627 for estimate r't'RN'I'rtutF', 11.1.1 Central A venue-l Upholster - Repair - Refinish _ Furniture George W. Fraley Co. North Shore’s Leading Cleaners _ Run and Carpets Cloned and Repaired iistimatirt, _Chattinexuvine: Satin" Suit Pldu nnd Lininn n I. I II!,,I_I,7J II-“I. FGi't".."ut""ii'."'iiii'GrieiFiioGOiiiiGiiii Park In Chicago and Suburbs The Fastest Selling EiEANED " REPAIRED F'aetory Branch C A ll " [TS Highland Park 3360 One dnor East of Aleyon Theatre Bldg let us install the Quiet AIK and heat that is dependable. DRAI'ERIES the best along the No_rlh Shpte. Advantage of these Oriana], “.48. ' DOMESTIC ORIENTAL Thulsday, Nov. 6, 1980 PHONE and MOTH PROOFING thih immune) H. P. 3930 burner. In“ prices