" Kedroff Quartet Benefit Bryn Mawr Scholarship Fund [Shun with ron6de"re where For Tickets Hunter's Sport Shop or Tel. 289 Fort Sheridan MeChre. Potatoes M “will! (Continued from pan 5) CAMPBELL“ PORK & BEANS. regular We can, 3 plum. . lot On Sale All Week - Now] to Nov. 13 inclusive c, th. hast Mte: 2t ('ANIJV SUN'. l (M ROVNI. "III". S‘IXI' t4NHtritt"ACAT)P, “mall Mule ltr: large bottle THUS. J. WF.P.tt'N (OFFER! th. "In I'ILISHI’KV'S "F,tiT--The "Balkan-ll" F'huar, G lb. hast Ine. 2H., lb. hast . $r Fort Sheridan, November. 19, 1930 3 cams " & G N'APHT'HA SOAP. reg. 5c har, 9 bars MtGO ti'r.utrit-Glor's or Corn. regular 10e pkg. t. L. CARPENTER I SO); £REENBAY RO. and N. SECOND ST. . HIGHLAND PARK All orders " ".00 or over delivered free SI" Co.. , 2.lh. naming homes . "'NPtith'-BF.F,Tq s'AUER KR.tUT-Alt New Pack. .1 No, 2 ram Pdtes: 2 large Na. P."., can 7,, Pro Pack -ttte "My Hut STAR BOXING Bows----, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY program This is not a Chain Store We gunnin- everything we neil 4 ui-tmehr,: exclusively lb. mun-in: hweshh -_- In loll enkri . Prirr, tttatt" and Cht.erntl Scrvire In always assured 8:15 p. m. DEERFIELD HIGH IS BEATEN BY WAUKEGAN The third quarter found Waukegan “ring their summit and last touch. wn of the afternoon. Christensen un-d this tuuchdown when after I ties of lone runs he; plunked over um thr. 6-yard line. Deerfield cur- "l the ball deep into Waukegan ter- nry in the last quarter but again iled to produce the punch needed ton to take on the league " utunluy " " In ntinued from page Ti hnuld by “(Mon th an eg and nnlun by PHONE M A pplcs Fund hunk-n At Swtill ele tram 3 "a. {or the Blue and Duh 2oe Mtp tre Ate 810 190 19c 250 THE PRESS boast . an tory L intend ate. The 4 trom at leaders anston Points Out Letter Landscape Work Being Done by Park Board p lhvir property and tne approucn w intersecting streets. The protection of lives certhinly should rvcoivo first consideration by those charged with the safety of the public'. The pruning or trimming of trees and surgery of the Park The den each year during tin MITKOI‘X hu The dead branches are removed each year as tar " possible and during the past year considerable ~urgory has been done. The results .1' th, tTvtilizing, where done, has met with gratifying results. The East Park board owns or con- zrnh mnrv than two hundred seven- ty-firm acres of land, considerable of it brim: wooded. It is an easy mat- ter to plan how to make things beam tiful but quite another matter to find the funds tn pay the cost of such work and to take a step to farther 1\rrt'.s' improvement of this kind means added cost of upkeep. Find the money first is the slogan that must be followed. Edw.‘M. Mint. he n ft In addition to the planting from v nursery natural. stock, secured um the park sites where the wild owth is undisturbed, has been used good advantage. _ '1 he must extensive plantings this s wh This l'? magi: ux Courst A"! a bl ny set-rllings found in the parks mnsplnnted in the nursery " nlf course where they are cared mil they mature sutfieiently to mm! in permanent locations. . of the unusual attempts of bun bvautit'ieatlon was the im. mv-n! of tht. right-of-way of the m. Nurth Show and Milwaukee inte "I tContinued from page 5 of this matured stock has been d on park bites and about the aurso. This stock will no doubt hmishcd in the nursery for In- "t particularly Irc'apr This Inst extensive plantings this e at the new park west of station, additional planting View park along St. Johns and at the city hall. Con- ', planting was done on the iltnn IIurduere, who is the unis-sinner from the Ravinia um must active in bringing aura-men! among the par- provided the fuhda. ' tample of civic beautifiea- bvon commended on by per- rvatul in civic work of this dut ml at present a movement on the city council to plant [10 the parkways of the , policy is commenGble Jo preeaution is taken to the lives' of pedestrians nur or trimming of trees work, as well " fertiliz- ‘0 received the attention board. who is the the Ravinia in bringing m; the par- Miss Eugenia Waller, who makes her home with her aunt, Miss Jose- phine Woodman will live with Mrs. Russell La Valle at Park Ridge while Miss Woodman is in Florida this winter. Mr. and Mrs. John Parner attend. L-d a party at the hume of Mrs, Far- twr's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Claussen of Chicago on Saturday evening. The orcasinn was in honor of Mr, and Mrs, Claussen's wedding anniversary and Mr. Claussen's birthday. J. I). Myers wamin Nashville, Tenn. lust week.' The Tuxis society enjoyed a Hallo- we'tn party at the church on Friday evening. Miss Lillian Bergfield of Maywood was a guest of Mrs. C. T, Anderson on Thuréday. Miss Bersdield was a former teacher in the Deerfield St-hool. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clavey enter- tained a group of friends at their h me on Saturday evening at tt Hal- lnwr'en party. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stryker and son. Lewis, are on a motur trip to Mr. ('hurlcs C. Kapschull and Mr, Gonrgr- Briggs nf Devrfield attended the state executive council meeting of Department of lllinuis, American Le- gion. held in Bloomington Sunday. Mrs. (S. C. Mather, president of the christian Citizenship cuuncil ot.the stitrs of Illinois. Rave a very good talk in the assembly room of the Deevf'wld Grammar school on Sunday evening. There was: a very large at. mulnnwu Rev. P. G. Piepenhrok lead thy service and 'mtroduevd the speak- er. Music wus furnished by the Beth- lr-hom Evanzofical church. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Scully Jr. and family were nur-sts of Mr. and Mrs, William Schinlobcr, of Northbrook, Sunday. Mrs. Bell Kist nf Park Ridge vis- ited her sister, Miss-Josephine Wood- mm, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Walgren of lbw-rs Park were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hunt of Fair Oaks Legion Post Moves the opportunity of joining the Drum and Bugle corp which is now being "munlzed. The instruments have boon purchased and a. meeting will h called very shortly for the forma- tion of this com. This is an oppor- tunity for all ox-ser.vice men to join. At the next regular meeting on 'lhurmlay evening, Nov, IO, special untertninnwnt will be provided and am oats. Don't fcreet Thursday ive.. ning, Nov. 13 at the Elks club. cor- ner of Laurel avenue and McGovern streets. Let's go! Our idea of a high-powered sales- man is one who could sell a pair of bmss knack: to Grandhi or a dial tele- phone to a sienator.--St. Louis Post- Dispatch, VPrTU6 Llifurnin. Jerry Briggs. son of Mr, and Mrs, ""150 â€rim“, has returned from the aukt-uan hmpilal, where he was ill 1th sonrlt-t fever. Mr. Charles C. Kapschull and Mr, Deerfield Locals (Continued from page 4) Thursday, Nov. 6, 1930 to New Quarters of Northbrook,