Ill-Ind of carrying unhin- refuse to an un- ui'hlly. unsanitary uarhum- mm in the hark yard . . . instead of. running a fire hazard with accumulations of rubbish in the hams ment . . . burn all garbage- and trunk in a GAS INCINERATUR . . . and he SAFE! Danni-r9 of the garbage can are well known .. . for here “in and vermin breed Im- checked . . . rats mu- it for a congrvunting place . . . dogs make daily foray" on it, dragging out whatever they ran. scanning pieces of refuse from the container in all directions. Such an unhealthy condition in anything but desirable . . . capecially when "minted with a modern home that in other , respects in spotleuly clean. - a rhu--6rou-eatt-rr...Nrr-etm "voitatgrsodrortreo.6. Attroar-ddotoharo a 6.45 INCINERATOR In your ham In lulu I SMALL W'N PAYMINT. The Home of the cool In your lieu-mm" rubbish pile, too, there lies acute danger. Authorities - that out of every ten home deltroylng fires, It: Ire caused by accumu- lation of trash in I basement Wholesome Disposal of Refuse Can Be Yours at Low Cost North Shore Gas Company elnewhcrc in a homo. Thu Telephone H. P. 3300-3301 Burn Garbage and Rubbish THE PRESS warning nlmulcl not go tsnheeded . . . for your home will not be safe from thi, Inward until you plimimup all orllvvtiotts For nullitutinn uml t.onvenienve in GAti INCINHR \TOR in as neressary in your home us- modern plumbing. It brinp Y"" um-xN-IINI protection against every danger of the garbage ran and rubbish heap. of ru bhish. The GAS lNClNERATOR is easy to use. Simply lift the lid, drop inside whatever you wish ti, burn, pres: a button . . . and forget it. Garbage and trash will be burned quickly . . . and the fire will shut off Automatic-ally. In Only a small amount of fine ash remains. may be you In " "lid monthly {unallmtnla with your (on 61110. (herding â€not". In low. Dnnminc NOT. to Jun the prouclbn of I [a tneinrrator I. your JUST THINK how clean Let no give you I more detailed explanation of the advantages of the GAS INttNERATOR. Come in or call us and we'll have our 'representative siUt you. it is to