" Mm BRAESIDE “mu 'tli'iiii) mum HGHLANDDAM \NINNETM MED-MOD ‘szomoos EVERETT \GLENCOE LAKEFORESI’ Sl'OI'TS SLEEP INNER THE STARS Scout Executive’s Column TRAINING (‘0l‘RSES NOW I'NDER WAY The v'tuttentary and a At both sessions Inst week the at- tendance was good hut courses will continue to grow until there are about 30 or " men in sch. ‘ The Wednesday night course had the privilege of hearing Mr. Allan l.. Carpenter. education-l director of the Chicago eouneil of Boy Scouts. talk _ the “Nature of the Boy." Both sens-ion- ure organind like . regular troop. the method “learning by doing." Atty father. treottter or friend ll invited to enroll for the" M ml \IM'N' " had [rterttt " ha Ind finally pl mth At I ham he In M .0 who went on this trip were: olerson, John Soyhrlh. George an. kerwyn Smith. Roderic nub Austin. Allen Benson, Ly- h-nsun and the weotttntaater.-- n Smith. trorrp reporter, Troop woln whaml. Highland Park. h ol y all Itt III wring the hand was tt rm night lik hull! penning Friday night meetintt at the Lincoln whim] mutt" Ilriil. then urea the Inn-me ll c'nlor from n brought int SCI“? the and {mining upon! the scout tuUivd the nu watee 'iela w m hr rm hike MI! Mary and standard tmin- ur mum! lenders not un- Monday and Wednesday ' thro the te h PM)†mmplt'tnl she "slit." , the inn-me to this. ould do to unclinch ml he found only n aw ation. There Ins ' He was rushed . mm. The nurse otministerintt the a his unuuual forti- he met this trying Wednesday M It rt-turm it room the nurse npemtiun that tightly Hindu-d. an F. From force I it Ind sprend wing it aside. mlh Scout law, t in t' boyish Brave lumen. Urn-t 1'um-pull-mnmy tooth-Ila so u and was just. the NO worm and want to sleep M out under out 2 year, of pain had his cheeks. w, around the 'd Sunday ml s a! night. t to visit m the itrtrt T of the I eoun- Orte of 't the rum" 3 hel These an by In! The {allowing men enrolled in the first sessions: Elementary course - Messrs. George Bench. Wilmette; Milton Cornelius, Winnetka; karl D. King Jr., Wilmette; Victor Joyce. Wilmette; Hurry Suntan], Glencoe; Humer Fuel, Deerfield; [Dwell Muck lrr. N1,rlhbr00k; and Richard Suess. Stu ndard (advanced) course: Messrs. c, Roy Terry, Winnetka; [ii) Mehren, Winnetkm Dr. S. Hedgcock, Glencoe; Frank Wilson, J. C. Rhy- lock, Wilmette; Kenneth Bennet. W. Hill, il. R. Smith, A. D. Brush, John Udell. Ralph Pratt, Highland Park; V: Waleclum L Young, Lloyd Moon, M. 0'Fltthtr'rty, Highwuod; Ray- mund Danielmm. Glenview; C. Book- er. Torn Atteridee, Luke Forest; R. Dobbins. John lluhn. James Russell, I’m-mold; (Bordon Ray, Robert Rouse, Diamond like. SWIMMING STARTS MLHN ON SATURDAY The regular swimming clams-s I: m.ertieht-shieltls high school tank for smut test passing and instruction will lu- wmtinued this Saturday. Nov. 15 allc-r a two weeks halt due to re- pain- in the tank. These classes aye ttee to all scouts and all thre welcome and urged to come to pass their test. Mr. Carl MeCanus, American Red Coecs vxaminer, [lick Wiehman, sen- Curve right time. 9 to 10 a. m Unit. 10 to 10: hum test. 10: SECOND CUB PACK REGISTERS The second Cuh park to register on the North Shore Area council was awarded their charter this week as cut; Puck No. 6 "at the North Shore Methodist church of (Fiancee. Rev. Harold Cttae is the cub muster with Messrs. M. P. Below. W. L. Wheeler and June: R. Preston " committee- men. The new Cubs are Dan Pres- ton. Ethan Weld, Geo. Hihrendorf, Roderick Preston. Erwin Moeller, Philip Cunningham. Richard Cowan, Ih-lmit Boxnik, Howard Keefe, Char- le nem- aver, .RCoUTs ENJOY A LL-DAY "IX E â€Five ieouiot Troop 48. Lake For, as! took an Mt day hike Smithy. Nov. ir. m left nboui 9:30 ttttd hiked out to the Desptaitte's river he" Liber- tyville where we stopped to cook our mun hedule "At ist scowi AMERICA , abut senior Km cross me am- the instructors in the Ctieck this following time ' su that you will come at the the next Ruhr swimming chant-s n .S'hields high school tank for F passing and instruction will med this Saturday. Nov. 15 yards C°U~¢Il 'tCa.4trJAA' I. I..III.I.A- CS "--aa"u."" . i..---".- -Life merit badge to-Swimming merit It) to lr-First class to be held Dec. 1 save r, and Calvin ed Cross life THE P3338 AtiThlEitys Plans to help the unemployed were discussed last Thursday night by Troop M of Highland Park. Mr. Hill has proposed that each scout ~sell Iird houses obtained from a local manufacturer who is an expert at building them. The proceeds of the selling of these will co to our unem- ployment fund.--Louis Schultz. Troop M, reporter, Elm Place school. dinner. Some of the fellows ex- plored the surrounding country after dinner but decided that it was too civilized for real exploring. We re- turned home elong the Rockland road and reached Lake Forest about 5 and re o'clock. TROOI’ 31 PLANS TO HELP NEEDY SHOW CAMP MOVIES AT ARDEN SHORE Synduy evening Nov. 9 the scouts of Arden Shore Troop 44 had the en- joyment of seeing the movies of Camp Maknjawan the North Shore Area council Boy Scout camp. Every- rm- of the three reels brought thrills and happy thoughts at the joys of camping. Sam Rose the scout who was chosen to represent Arden Shore at camp was there to see the movies. The whore troop gave same a good cheer as they saw him in the movies eating watermelon on watermelon slays at camp. This troop has regis- tered many new scouts this fall. The IN. is as follows: Jack Beckovsky, Venn-slams Borkowski, Nathan Born, Miekey Bozzi, Andrew Buraczuiski, Mike Burica, Miles Foch. Tom Con- propat. Edward Douglass, Mike Dvort, Robert Goode, Hans Gruber, Vernon Hayes. Casmer Jansen. Joseph Justy, James Materki, George Meyers, Char. les Nordgren. Joe Podwiki, John Pol- icheri. Max Rosenthal, Robert Siege]. Wm. Sipler. Joseph Szpieeh, Edward Trelka, James Tynan, Walter Zawo- iski. Alex Zemaneek, The North Shore Area council wel, rumos the new scouts whiehyrre con- tinually registering in the various troops. Among the latest group we find an Eagle smut, Arthur Poinier, who is transferring from Indianap- olis to Troop 24, Highland Park. The complete list is as follows: NEW SCOUTS ARF, ENROLLED Bill Shearer. Troop l, Wilmette; John Adams, Troop 2, Wilmette; Ar- thur Flood, Troop 2, Wilmette; Jerry Born, Stuart Edmonds, Theo. Field. Biglow Haley. Elmer Stone, Troop 4, Wilmette: Wm. Murray, James Light- hudy, Larry Fisher. Francis Gross, Troop 22, Glenenet Robert Maxwell. transferred from Troop 15 to Troop 23, Glencoe: Bobby Hon. Troop 24, Hubbard Woods; Arthur Poinier, Eagle scout. transferred from Indi- anapolis. Ind., to Troop M, Highland Park: J. P. Peabody, Troop M, High- land Park; Edward Markowitz, Troop 37. Highwood: Hugh Peterson, trans- ferred from Troop 270, Detroit, Mich- inn to Troop 37. Highwood: Daniel Teberg, Troop M, Highland Park; dt; 'ic".- NOJu GLENVIEW MUNDELEIN GOLF _ LBEi2.TYVILLE Nommsnoork DIAMOND LAKE NOFUHFIELD . HALF DAY DEERFIELD RONDOUT BANNOCKBUDN NANHOE Edgar Engle, Troop 45, Lake Forest; Teddy Monahan, Troop M, Lake For- est; Frank Barngrover, Troop 54, Half Day. Men of high character are contin- ually choosing scouting as their avo- cation and giving of their time and effort for their betterment of boy- hnod by serving as active leaders in the movement. The North Shore Area council welcomes and congrat- ulates these men -listed below who have recently registered in these posi- tions: NEW LEADERS ARE ENLISTEI) Alan Hoagland. Mate Sea Scout Ship, Nu. 29, Kenilworth, Robert F. Walker, scoutmaster Troop 35, Re- vinia; Gordon M. Jones. skipper Sea Scout Ship No. 39. Highland Park; Robert Enos and Thomas A. Connors, Merit Badge counselors. Lake For- est; Ralph W. Pratt, A.S.M., Troop M, Highland Park.'5 year veteran; Harold G. Boltz, field executive North Shore Area council, 5 year veteran; Frank A. Wilson, registered as S. M. of Troop 2, Wilmette, was troop com- mittee chairman; Luther H. Barber, member of troop committee of Troop N. William, Erwin P, Snyderl;.-see 16, Winnetka; Herebert Meek, Troop 19, Winnetka; Lewis N. William, Troop 20, Winnetka; Erwin P. Sny- der, Troop 20, Winnetka. . News of Troop 35 Last Friday night at Troop M, Ra. vinia, Mr. Walker, the new scoutmas- ter said that to the first patrol that has every hay in uniform for two scout meetings in succession he would give a supper. The camp was divided into three patrols. After the patrols were all together Mr. Walker had two sides and We played a game for n few minutes. Mr, Walker and Mr. l'npp are two of the men that help the [mop along. They are liked by the boys of the troop very much, and we are progressing rapidly - Char- les Zahn, Troop 35, reporter, Ravinia school. The last regular meeting of Troop M was held at St. James parish hall on Monday. Nov. 3. Regular busi- ness was taken care of. Later in the meeting a first aid contest was held. Scoutmaster O'Flaherty asked a ques- tion on what would you do to stop the Bow of blood-from a deep cut. frnving badly on the left lower cheek. One of the boys humorously demon- strated by tying it trounique around the patient's neck. The Highwood Court of Honor will be here soon. says the information for the scout- master.--Seout Ambrose Canttutallo, Troop M, St. James parish, H. W. New Scouts in Troim 61 The new boys have joined Troop 61, Northbrook: William Nelson, for- mer scout in White Cloud, Michigan tvrtdHrtlly Scott 3 new underfoot. Come on fellows do your best; We're ttll with you. Troop 86 News Thursday, Nov. 13, 1930